View Full Version : Eye twitching don't want to fall into Google trap again!

03-10-18, 17:19
I've recently started to get over my last panic which was heart and sleep issues...now a new issues had come around. A constant twitching in my left mainly upper lid and sometimes the bottom lid. While sometimes it's all over. I do go through phases where I get pain behind this eye, which can be bad... But I never thought much of it but today after a few days I've been really set off. (I haven't had the pain behind my eyes since last week because I had been flying and I think the stress added to it)

I can visably see the lid twitching, it can go constantly for hours and stop for a few moments and go again. It's a horrible feeling. So times it feels like my eye is pulsing. Like I said I don't want to fall down the Google trap again!

I recently got my eyes tested and she said everything was fine. I don't know which tests she did but this is upsetting me and I don't want to slip badly again. I haven't been to my gp since March and was signed off by the hospital for other issues and don't want to fall down again.

I've gone been coming around from a bad cold and still have a touch of it. I am still taking some day and night tablets.

I don't want to start to worry about tumors or all that again, :(. I tried to go the whole day without googling or posting but this has been going on a few days on and I feel a bit off putted.

03-10-18, 17:21
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


03-10-18, 17:31
It is a normal anxiety symptom. Have you read the website symptom page?

03-10-18, 20:33
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


I'm sorry Ellen! I'll be more mindful in the future!

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------

It is a normal anxiety symptom. Have you read the website symptom page?

I haven't actually! Thank you, I'll go read it now. I guess it when I never something like it before I got a little more then on edge. Thank you! I guess I didn't think of it as being a anixety issues as I wasn't in a anixety place when it started!

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Sorry to update this again... I've been stuck on a bus for 4 hours then meant to be because of a road closer and my mind is running wild. The twitching is there and it feels serious to me. Like I do get the pain behind that eye like I said, the pulsing feels so strange and the fact I can see it. When I got my eyes checked she did some tested but she didn't use that machine that puffs air into your eye.

Sorry for rambling so much, guess just being left along with my thoughts for so long is getting to me. I try not to push these thoughts on anyone in my life anymore and it's a bit much right now.

03-10-18, 20:43
Have a read of my story - look at the symptoms bit:


03-10-18, 21:50
Have a read of my story - look at the symptoms bit:


Thank you so much for sharing this with me, it meant a lot reading it! I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of this. I propbaly over reacting!!! It's just a twitch I'm over thinking it!! Sorry for being so dramaict

04-10-18, 23:18
Well, the twitching wasn't as bad today. It came and went in waves but not as intense.

Yet it seems like one issues passes and another takes it place. Had some toilet and stomach issues today. Also still trying to push off that cold while being exhausted but in good news my work place told me they are giving me raise? Without asking? Which was a nice surprise and I know I'm lucky to be given that!

05-10-18, 21:59
The cold seemed to be even worst today!! I think I've used enough tissues to fill a never ending pit!! Some other issues also But in good news. The eye twitching has mainly calmed down!! A few bits every now and again but of course was a over reaction... Just like to the cold.

I've taken up painting in the last few days, I try to take about a hour listening to calming music and just painting to try and focus my mind or relax a bit! It's actually a bit calming and enjoyable!!

06-10-18, 18:45
The twitch is back rather badly today :( The cold also seems to be getting a lot worse and won't shift. My hearing feels funny and my head is so stuffed up with pain. Nothing seems to be getting better. It's annoying it's been over a week and I've done all I can do yet nothing seems to shift. I felt better one day this week but it's gone way down hill again.

I'm not going to go rushing to the doctors as I know it's a cold and stuff I'm being dramaict and just having a moan. I just wish it would shift on, sorry for ranting so much about it.

06-10-18, 20:20
Me eye twitch lasted 3 months before it went away(still comes back from time to time). Every day for 3 months.

07-10-18, 08:26
Um.... one year eye twitch for me!!! Went to Drs, eye Drs, neurologists - all came back with stress and anxiety. I still get it even now too!
So trust me - it’s nothing. If you get vomiting and dizziness then go get a through check up otherwise enjoy the twitch!

07-10-18, 21:20
@Kingdawson- Three months?? I'm sorry that you had to deal with it for so long!! I mean thank you for replying and sharing your experience. I'm sorry you had tho!

@Tan235 a year!!! Oh beans. Here's me complaint about a week or so. I try not to worry to much. Like I went to the eye doctor a month and half ago (2 year check up as I wear glasses.) she didn't noitce anything wrong. So I hope I don't suddenly get those things since reading about them and the mind can trick you easily lol. I hope you're doing okay now and thank you for relying!

The twitch was bad today, like the worst I think it's been. Its been pulsing almost. Like no pain and as far as I can tell my vision isn't change. It's annoying and a strange feeling if anything. Also being able to visable see it upsets me.

Today I also freaked myself by accident I was in work and I was blowing my nose and my ear on the same side as the twitch I don't know pop so badly I got the worst feeling of dizziness and off balance for a moment. Yet a few hours later and I'm still here!! I'm trying to be calm and not freak to much. As that's pjrp9balt feeling into it. As I find it strange I wasn't worried or stressed when I got it.

I jusy wish it would go away. My roommate brought me like a eye spray to try and help it? I don't know how it will but since she was being thoughtful ill give it ago!

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:35 ----------

I'm really having a rough night, the twitching/more like pulsing in the outer corner of my eye keeps getting worse and worse. There's no where I can go to get this checked out and also don't want to give into this. I keep having that health anxiety mindset of this is it. This is the issue that's going to get me. I know it's dramatic but I don't know what to do. I just about keeping myself off google and like I'm trying to remind of tests I've had done but I've never had something like this before. On top of all the other stuff happening, I'm just overwhelmed.

07-10-18, 22:13
I'm seeing your anxiety shining through - you've had wonderful reassurance - and even from me - with a year twitch, my twitch was so bad, if i coughed it twitched, if the wind blew in my eye it twitched, if I sneezed it twitched, when I put on mascara it twitched, when I woke up it twitched, it seriously drove me nuts and then when I thought it couldn't get any worse the other eye started twitching as well!
So I suddenly had TWO eyes twitching!
This seriously lasted a year - at LEAST!
I suffer from really bad anxiety- for me it's emotionally debilitating. The force is strong in this one ;)
It was all anxiety based and the more I worried about it the worse it became.
A week is childs play - NOTHING and worrying about it keep it there... You have to distract yourself when you get it. Just smile and say it's ok ... this too shall pass. I took magnesium pills and that seemed to help, I also drank Tonic Water and that helped as well but mine was anxiety and my body was seriously in shock from all the years of anxiety so I had to let it pass. I still get twitching now but I don't worry about it. I thought I had ALS, (please don't, don't don't look that up if you dont know what it is ) - I thought I had MS, Parkinson, Acoustic Neuroma is my new one . I thought I had so many things and the neurologist told me I had ANXIETY and to get over it - he prescribed anti depressants but I didn't take them. ;)
Also without added symptoms - red flag type symptoms it can't be anything else.
You mention the dizzy feeling, this is vestibular and I'm thinking i might have a vestibular disorder which can cause this type of dizziness - again this is probably my anxiety but I wouldn't worry about the dizziness, everyone with anxiety gets this ..everyone .... and you're anxious already .. so ... go drink a coffee, have a coca cola, eat sugar and just enjoy the CRAZY!!!! :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::welcome::welc ome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:

ps: don't take my advice on dietary matters, go eat healthy!

08-10-18, 00:55
I'm seeing your anxiety shining through - you've had wonderful reassurance - and even from me - with a year twitch, my twitch was so bad, if i coughed it twitched, if the wind blew in my eye it twitched, if I sneezed it twitched, when I put on mascara it twitched, when I woke up it twitched, it seriously drove me nuts and then when I thought it couldn't get any worse the other eye started twitching as well!
So I suddenly had TWO eyes twitching!
This seriously lasted a year - at LEAST!
I suffer from really bad anxiety- for me it's emotionally debilitating. The force is strong in this one ;)
It was all anxiety based and the more I worried about it the worse it became.
A week is childs play - NOTHING and worrying about it keep it there... You have to distract yourself when you get it. Just smile and say it's ok ... this too shall pass. I took magnesium pills and that seemed to help, I also drank Tonic Water and that helped as well but mine was anxiety and my body was seriously in shock from all the years of anxiety so I had to let it pass. I still get twitching now but I don't worry about it. I thought I had ALS, (please don't, don't don't look that up if you dont know what it is ) - I thought I had MS, Parkinson, Acoustic Neuroma is my new one . I thought I had so many things and the neurologist told me I had ANXIETY and to get over it - he prescribed anti depressants but I didn't take them. ;)
Also without added symptoms - red flag type symptoms it can't be anything else.
You mention the dizzy feeling, this is vestibular and I'm thinking i might have a vestibular disorder which can cause this type of dizziness - again this is probably my anxiety but I wouldn't worry about the dizziness, everyone with anxiety gets this ..everyone .... and you're anxious already .. so ... go drink a coffee, have a coca cola, eat sugar and just enjoy the CRAZY!!!! :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::welcome::welc ome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:

ps: don't take my advice on dietary matters, go eat healthy!

Thank you for this reply! I know I'm being over board about this. I guess I can go through periods of being okay and when I grab onto something. I can't let it go! I know I shouldn't worry so much, but I do! I have therapy tomorrow so hopefully I can work it out a bit more! Thank you again for the reply and taking the time to write such detail here. It's just frustrating to have but I'll try to distract myself like you said.!

09-10-18, 20:29
The twitching is still there but I push along!!! Yet when there's one issues gone, another one's comes. I've been having some pain and pain chest pains today. Lots areas in my breast/left side of chest hurts to touch. Lots of pains and scary things. It's been happening the last few hours!!! So propbaly nothing big but my mind loves saying otherwise.

It loves thinking about some type of blood clot or heart attack. I'm doing my best to be postive as I had some tests back in March but I can't help be on edge.

17-10-18, 13:49
Well I was okay actually for a few days. The twitching stopped for a few days now for the last two days and today I've had the worse pain behind my left eye. That's spreads to all other areas, my neck also been really stiff.

I'm trying to jusy truck along again. Say to myself there more reasonable things going on than something sister like some tumor or something!

17-10-18, 23:04
I'm really struggling, everything just feels off and wrong. Like my head feels so stuffed and my nose/Bridge and nostril is painful. My ears and jaw are playing up again. The light is really bothering my eyes...sorry for complaining. I just feel so alone and overwhelmed.

---------- Post added at 23:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

My eye/nose area (T zone) is just throbbing?? Like a pulse?? I'm doing my best to carry on with my evening but this is all very over whelming. I can't take pain killers due to other tablets I'm on... Just feel at a lost. I was mainly over my brain/sinus tumor/ Brain sister that area happenings but it all seems to be back now :(.

Like I've said a few times im in uni and I really can't afford to go to the doctor. I litteraly have 5 euro in my account and I don't want to ask my family for money because I know they would be sick of me. It's just overwhelming

17-10-18, 23:14
You could try steaming over hot water if you know how to do that.

19-10-18, 20:46
@nomorepanic Thank you for the suggestion! I actually tried the steaming like you suggested. It helped clearing the nose for a little bit!! So it can't be anything to serious after all!

The pain behind my eyes isn't so bad now, the neck stiffens is still there though.it seems to spread about my body but it's propbaly nothing! Just stress, tension etc. I tried rubbing my neck earlier thought it felt something lumpy and gave up right away because I don't need a lump on the list ��!

20-10-18, 06:34
Mine have been twitching on and off for a month now, often for fifteen minutes non stop but I've been sleeping even more like crap than usual which is astonishing for me lol, eyes still seem to work fine despite how strained they've been over my life, always think I have a brain tumour burrowing away but still here! Go for a check at an opticians if you're really worried.

21-10-18, 21:59
@Confetti I actually just went to a opticians about a month and a half ago! (I wear glasses and my optician does a two year gap test!). She didn't notice anything so really..I shouldn't doubt it that much I guess! Yet sometimes things go crazy and out of order.

I hope you fins peace soon! Thank you for the reply

24-10-18, 23:23
I haven't been doing to bad the last few three days! Today wasn't doing so good I had some off moments with the left side/eye area /temple again mainly. Trying to remind calm and just truck along. I think the biggest thing at the moment was I had achy really bad in my mid-teens....yet if you could SEE the moon sized spots on my face at the moment :blush:

---------- Post added at 23:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ----------

Like what I strange is my nostrils keep getting stuffed up and suddenly not then suddenly again. I know I'm probably over reacting. I'm using some spray and not googling any lol. It's like I have a lump before my left ear as long as I can remember, sometimes it tends to ache in that area or I have a lot of these issues on the left side and I freak out. Even question if that's new or not....funny what overthinking and anxiety can do to the mind.