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22-08-07, 00:51
Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rare

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thought I was heading down the road to agoraphobia, but thankfully didn't

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 42

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 45.


Improvement with music, esp. music I grew up with, as well as visiting the beach & listening to the ocean waves. Made worse by caffeine, googling (!!).

22-08-07, 07:52
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: whats that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):
apparently acid reflux and indigestion.. burping

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): nope

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: nope


Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: nope

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: def

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): oh yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: often

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): only with solitare, magpies and ladders!

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 26

How old do you feel?: 60!


Improvement with music, esp. music I grew up with, as well as visiting the beach & listening to the ocean waves. Made worse by caffeine, googling (!!).

22-08-07, 08:39
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes, esp round chin and top lip, all left hand side

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): hands suffer weakness
Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - discoloured

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little on bad days

Irritable / impatient: I would say occasionally, but i sure my hubby and children would say something else

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: some days i dont want to be alone, others i need to.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: luckily no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: sometimes, I get off to sleep ok, only to be woke 20 mins later with a sharp jolt and the sweats, this happens in groups, happen a few nights running then not again for weeks on end.

Finally, how old are you? 33

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 40


Still reallying trying to get used to it, my body doesn't seem to want to recover at te moment, as I get over one symptom and then the following week I have another.

Judging from some of the questions, I seem to get away with it quite lightly, of course to me it doesn't feel that way.

22-08-07, 11:02
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Sometimes (but going blind is a huge fear so I probably notice normal things more than I should)

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Pressure sometimes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, both


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: ALL the time!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes - aches and pains and pressure; breathlessness when it's bad

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Occasionally

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): You name it - writhing aches, empty feeling, full feeling, bloating, burping, nausea....!

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, occasional sharp pains

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Constipation, but rarely

Frequent urination: Yes and a nervous-feeling bladder

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Rarely

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: When things are bad

Feeling like you're about to faint: Most of the time

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes!

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Absolutely!

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: When things are particularly bad. I cry quite a lot

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, quite often

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not so much

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, I'm still 21. Physically, 61!


I'm getting there...the longer I have lived with the anxiety the better I know it and so the less power it seems to have. But the symptoms are harder to shake, and I'm sure some are due to actual illness.

Great questionnaire - I can't wait to read others' replies :)


22-08-07, 11:17
Physical Symptoms

Headaches - yes migraines

Vision disturbances: yes with migraines

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes tendency to sinus blockage whn i have a cold etc

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes frequently.

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - ringing

TMJ: Dont know what this is?!

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes trapped nerve type feeling in fingers

Hands trembling: Yes during panic

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yno

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes pain and sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes IBS

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes all of the above!

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

sorry deleted something here not sure what it was!

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 45. Physically, 30.

22-08-07, 13:21
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: No don't know what that is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes most of the time for months

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes daily

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): I have eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No maybe a bit at the beginning

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes spent weeks burning up

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: At the beginning yes

Irritable / impatient: At the beginning

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes at the beginning

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes had that all my life

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 30 ish :blush:

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 55


I'm better than I was 3 months ago I thought I was going to die every day then. I used aspirin for my impending heart attack every day/night have stopped that. I'm on beta blockers and the heart worry has gone mostly but has been replaced by breathing, headaches and stomach pain worries! Currently going through a hernia/appendicitis phase.

22-08-07, 13:29
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Not really

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: A bit
Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes, when im very afraid

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - but mainly cos i bite them etc when im most anxious

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes dull ache, and slight tightness

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes racing when im very afraid

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Slight stomach pains

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - sometimes weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No rarely

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No not really (i do still want to do things, just afraid to sometimes)

Irritable / impatient: Sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Rarely

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No
Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 18. Physically, 20.

22-08-07, 15:25
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, verging to migraines when sinus severe.

Vision disturbances: Sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes. [med related]

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure, unable to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, sensitivity.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, sometimes nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation, occassional diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - both

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Agoraphobia. I get out, but only as much as I 'have' to

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: Varies - I have a dissociative disorder and complex PTSD


Therapy really helps. Therapy breaks are hard. My therapist, dr, and managers are all very supportive.

22-08-07, 15:45
[quote=rosepetal;249819]Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches all the time

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Bunged up at night

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: ?????

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, now and again

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): NO

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pains on and off

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes but thats osteoarthritis

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): NO

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation always down to meds

Frequent urination: Sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - Hurt when walking

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - both

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: only when panicking

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: NO

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Always

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes always

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: N/A

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 48

How old do you feel?: My age !!


Therapy hasn't been available to me yet

22-08-07, 15:47
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, normally tension related
Vision disturbances: Sometimes, floaters, blurry

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes and tingling/pins and bneedles

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No, just a lot of nail biting!!

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper and middle mostly
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): does checking pulse count? if so....yes

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: 54

22-08-07, 17:21
Headaches/migraines: Yes, worse when time of month is due, hormonal.
Vision disturbances: Cloudy, floaters, things moving and when turn - nothing is there.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes and pins and needles down one side, and in my lips one side

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes, sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, a lot!!

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, all the time

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes sometimes and feelings that i cannot control my arms properly
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Hands and mostly little finger

Hands trembling: Yes, a lot

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Splitting and breaking, feel very brittle

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, and can be positional
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, a lot, every day

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes, mainly upper and lower
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Only wind related

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Sometimes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea/constipation

Frequent urination: sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, feel as though they can't take my weight, shaking, weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes all the time

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Crawling feeling, even on the scalp

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes, a lot

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes a lot

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes especially when walking

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes and cold sensations

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: not usually

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Dental phobia and anxiety/depression/panic/PTSD

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): checking bp and pulse and how i look in the mirror, re reading things, going over them again and again

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: 77

22-08-07, 18:02
Headaches/migraines: Occasional pressure headaches

Vision disturbances: Occasional floating glints

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Tingling/pins and needles during severe panic attacks

Adult acne: Yes - Grrr....

Difficulty swallowing: During 'pre-panic attack' stage, makes the panic worse

Ringing in ears/pain: Not constant but sometimes I turn my head or something & there it is, for a few minutes

TMJ: (Don't know what this is - ?)

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - Especially when I wake up

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - But in my thumbs, not so much fingers

Hands trembling: No (Unless whole body is during panic attack)

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Just ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): All except sharp pains

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - Sometimes so hard I can see my chest moving in the mirror

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Lower & middle mostly

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Only before periods

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): If I've eaten badly but I think thats normal

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Same as above

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): As above

Frequent urination: Yes but I drink about 3 litres of water a day

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Some knee/elbow issues

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Occasional

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No, unless part of panic attack symptoms

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes & no -I still have the desire for those things I just feel unable to summon the strength as I find it very difficult

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No - I impose restrictions so as not to bother anyone with my issues

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Agoraphobia & social anxiety

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not checking logical things, just doing things repeatedly / symetrically (Blinking, teeth clicking/clenching, finger tapping, short breaths in/out, toe curling)

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 25

How old do you feel?: Mentally: 8-80 (Sliding scale on good + bad days/hours/moments)Physically: 30ish (But working on it!)

Comments: Are some of these things shown to have a link to depression/anxiety then? I hadn't made the connection with a lot of them.

22-08-07, 21:39
Comments: Are some of these things shown to have a link to depression/anxiety then? I hadn't made the connection with a lot of them.

Yes, or at least 99% percent of them. In fact, oddly enough, I went to my dentist complaining of tooth sensitivity/nerve pain and he could not find anything wrong. I told him I had health anxiety and asked if that could possibly have something to do with it? He said, "Absolutely!" Then he proceeded to tell me that he was going to cure most of my anxiety right there - nothing's wrong. You know what? 90% of it went away immediately. :shrug:

23-08-07, 03:45
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, ALL THE TIME, it's grating on my nerves.

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: A little

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Ringing sometimes

TMJ: Jaw popping a little

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, all the time

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): A little

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: YEP, that's always a major yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes to all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Sometimes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): IBSish a lot of the time

Frequent urination: Depends

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, when I feel panicky

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Itching sometimes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: More like I AM clumsy--I fell down the stairs a few days ago, twisted my foot. Not fun.

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Sometimes, especially during PMT

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not exactly, I'm kinda afraid of elevators but I will ride them.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: Somedays, 16. Other days, much older


No more caffinee for me, and it helped a lot. Mostly reading the books on how to cope and learning about PAs and Anxiety helps too, even though I get blips of the latter here and there. Mostly trudging along and knowing that everything's going to be alright in the end help. :D

23-08-07, 19:33
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: yes - pains in the side of my head and tension headaches frequently

Vision disturbances: sometimes i feel one eye is blurry but think it's my sinuses

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): definitely - all the time!

Toothaches: when my sinuses are really bad

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: sometimes when lying in bed

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: occasionally

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes both sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes, mostly my right hand on the palm underneath my little finger

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): not really

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): definite pressure, sometimes pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: don't get the racing heart anymore, but still get palpitations and everything else - often feel my heart isn't beating at all!

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes just about - often feels like i've hit it really hard on the bone

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): yes - at the moment this is really bad under my right arm - feels like a dull ache in the muscle and it's worrying me.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): when i'm really anxious i always have digestive problems

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): not really

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yes when i'm really anxious

Frequent urination: again when i'm really anxious

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": definitely! had restless leg syndrome for weeks and still get twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: when i'm really anxious i get numbness in my toes and pins and needles in my heels

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: not really

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): often feel like "bugs crawling under skin" thing, especially on my head

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes - all the time!

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: all the time

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes, usually in my chest

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): often get a chill down my spine and it freaks me out

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: most definitely

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: all the time at the moment :(

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": definitely have a sense of doom frequently

Chronic fatigue: not really - i think my insomnia gets rid of that

Overall feeling of being "off": definitely

Feeling clumsy: sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: i'm fine leaving the house because it helps me get away, but i've definitely put other things off. i didn't get a leeds festival ticket when i had the chance because i was going through such an anxious stage and was terrified something awful would happen to me and i wouldn't be able to cope.

Irritable / impatient: definitely - have been nasty to my boyfriend more recently

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: if anything i push people away

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no - i'm lucky in that sense

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): yes

Insomnia: yes - for the first time in my life during the past few months

Finally, how old are you? almost 22

How old do you feel?: about my age, but a bit lost


nhs direct website is definitely not helpful for me!

23-08-07, 21:04
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes, sharp pains

Vision disturbances: Yes, blurry

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes, a lot. Almost constant

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: :shrug:

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Dunno, i bite them

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, Short of breath constantly

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): N/a

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):no, not really

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, indeterminate rashes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Frequently

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, often

Afraid to be alone / clingy: whenever i don't want to be alone lol

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Possibly heading that way

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 39

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 30. Physically, 50.


Had this for thirteen years and steadily feeling worse.

23-08-07, 23:36
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: Yes, caused by grating my teeth in my sleep....painful!!

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them big time!!

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Only before I'm going into a situation which I know is going to make me anxious

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, all the time

Agoraphobia or other phobias: agoraphobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 42

How old do you feel?: Older alot of the time

10-09-07, 20:05
Hi There,

Here's my list..

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches - tension

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - Bleeding
Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: Yes on occasions

Ringing in ears/pain: Internittent


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - sometimes
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure same

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper middle and lower
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally both sides

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, nausea , acid reflux, sharp pains

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

Frequent urination: No
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No feels cold
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes painful

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: No
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Used to
Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 45.


There we are then..



10-09-07, 21:51
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - but not too much

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - mostly left side

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - mostly fingers numb and tingling.

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above, then weeks without any, then back again!

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally both sides under ribs.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - especially nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea, blood on paper sometimes

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - tingling, numbness, stabbing pains in sides of feet

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - very achy arms

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, burning skin

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes, moving around!

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - tops of feet, soles of feet, back and chest.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not depressed, but worried!

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, at times.

agoraphobia,: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No, but wakening in the night sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 42

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 42.


The things that bother me most, are Aching arms, Sore tongue, bad taste in mouth, pins and needles in feet, and sides of feet, and at the moment - nausea!!

08-03-08, 18:28
Headaches/migraines: sometimes headaaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain:sometimes am half deaf in my left ear

TMJ: whats that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: when iam freaking out

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): i do get the odd shooting pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes left side

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): sometimes i do get a burning feeling

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): pain sometimes under arms

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):
horrible burny feeling

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): nope

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: nope


Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: sometimes joint stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes my scalp

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: def

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): oh yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: often

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): i check all the plug sockets are off but i guess every mum dus tht rgt??

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: 60!

08-03-08, 19:07
Headaches/migraines: not headaches as such-occasional "head zaps"

ion, runny nose, etc.): no

othaches: occasionally

nerve pain, bleeding): no

cial numbness: no

Adult acne: some occasional spots

Difficulty swallowing: yes most days

Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both occasionally

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - very tender in breast area-also pain emanating in nipple area frequently

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): not lumps as such-more nodules outside skin

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): some tummy aches

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - period pain when not due

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea and constipation all colours of the rainbow!

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and tenderness in calves and thighs-alleviated with deep massage

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness sometimes(pins and needles)

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - hips stiff in morning also right shoulder regardless of how i sleep

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching especially hands and feet

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: sometimes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally to often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes nearly every day

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: dependant on the day i'm having-on a good day i am able to go to town alone-bad day stay in bed all day

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 32
How old do you feel?: Mentally, ?. Physically, 70


tayside lassie
08-03-08, 19:25
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: yes

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: earache sometimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: joint pain in both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - carpal tunnel syndrome

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes -

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes -random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood) no

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - creeping feeling -sometimes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness:

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: nearly fell into the agoraphobia trap

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 47

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20-25. Physically, a lot older than my years

Comment - the anwsers i gave are how i will feel on my off days , my back/joint pain is every day .

09-03-08, 04:23
Headaches/migraines: sometimes

Vision disturbances: no

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: no


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes -

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - pain right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood) no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: sometimes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: nearly fell into the agoraphobia trap: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 35

09-03-08, 05:35
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - russy nose a lot, I think mostly due to crying though

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): N

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, all of the above really! lol

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Just the racing and hard thumps. Lucky enough to not suffer from palpitations

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Lots of nausea, aches, and pains. Almost constantly when I'm having anxious days/weeks.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, occasional diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes "jelly legs" mostly

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, really badly when I'm anxious and panicky. I wear layers and layers, especially when I can't sleep and am in bed, and never feel warm.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes, sadly I suffer from depression.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes a lot

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Slightly

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes, horribly so

Finally, how old are you? 15

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 15-20.

09-03-08, 09:11
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - migraines

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: somtimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes, but whole body as well

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - but i have asthma

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - palpitations

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes both

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Y

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -indigestion,acid reflux and gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea and constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - every day

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes sometimes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes quite often

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes sometimes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: most of the time

Finally, how old are you? 39

How old do you feel?: not sure


Improvement when I'm driving or walking my dog

09-03-08, 15:41
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: sometimes

Adult acne: no
Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, sometimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension:No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Only palps and racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes on both different times- Lower rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - shooting pains
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left lower

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): sometimes - runny

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: no
Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes - waves of.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes - sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, backs of hand

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes - hands

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No - opposite need to be with others all time.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: YES
Agoraphobia or other phobias: No
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not yet

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 40

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 60


Fine when with family and friends, need to talk about it. Worse when at home or isolated.(!!).


09-03-08, 17:41
Headaches/migraines: Yes both !!

Vision disturbances: yes (headaches and visual stuff going on as we speak)
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes
Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no - dont think so
Facial numbness: only prior to migraine

Adult acne: yes - how annoying never had it as a kid !!

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes
Ringing in ears/pain: yes all the dam time - although think this is side effect from my meds

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes - left mainly
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes
Hands trembling: no but i get jelly legs

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yep i get this alot right now

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: have had yes
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yip

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):er yeah but think this is due to my ibs and colon !!
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): not really

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): god yeah - thought it was jsut me ha ha

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yeyes i have IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): see above

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): see above
Frequent urination: hell yeah

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yip - but also think this is due to meds
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: sometimes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes - crawling feeling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes
Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes - my worst nightmare
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes have had that once or twice

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold):no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: no

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no
Chronic fatigue:yes

Overall feeling of being "off": yes sometimes

Feeling clumsy: yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: only when really bad

Irritable / impatient: no

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world):no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: have been

Agoraphobia or other phobias: only a little
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no
Insomnia: yes - can fall asleep but cant stay asleep

Finally, how old are you? 30 next month

How old do you feel?: dont really feel any age to be honest - old lol

10-03-08, 10:31
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Occassionally

TMJ: Probably :o)

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No, but then I don't look...

Frequent urination: \No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Very rarely

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Most of the time

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes!

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Very occassionally. I fight this though, I don't want to go down this path.

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No. Prefer being alone with my doom thoughts.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Never

Finally, how old are you? 25

How old do you feel?: 25


I WILL beat this.

10-03-08, 11:21
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, blocked ears every day since xmas

Toothaches: No, only when wisdom teeth are coming through

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: A little

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: I grind my teeth quite a lot

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Slightly

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea when very anxious

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Weakness when anxious

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: When anxious

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: When anxious

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Sometimes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Around the time of my period

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Occasionally. Usually around period

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, phobia of trains, doctors, dentists and coaches

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Occasionally

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: 18 (the age I was before all this started!)

Comments: I seem to be getting better with help from friends and family :)

10-03-08, 12:48
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - Sinus Pain (never thought it was connected to my anxiety though)

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - Nerve pain

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, Yes Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - Left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - Sometimes all over sometimes just fingers

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, soreness

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - Upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes, mostly left rib, occasionally right

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above (didn't think this was connected to anxiety either

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - Occassionaly ache

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - loads, all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Constipation

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Stiffness and pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - Restless legs

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes but never my own close family (husband and children)

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Sometimes wonder if that is what is ahead of me

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes but mostly concerned about germs

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 18 Physically, Older than I am.


10-03-08, 13:26
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes sore gums

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes - it comnes from nowhere, a nightmare when I am sat having dinner

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes all the time

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes alot

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes middle, lower, upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes which is agony real bad tender points

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes heart burn

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes especially when anxious

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitch all over

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes -

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Can get out the house, but anxiety always ther
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Alot older, feel like I am looking for reasons I may not be on this planet for a long time yet


10-03-08, 20:03
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yeah blurred vision, slight flashes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - in my throat

Toothaches: Yes, sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): none

Facial numbness: Yes and tingling

Adult acne: every month

Difficulty swallowing: yeah

Ringing in ears/pain: ive had tinnitus since i was 16

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - mostly left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): slightly

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, ache, mostly all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): lower mostly

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): left side mostly

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yeah

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): indigestion, acid, sharp pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): left side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yeah weakness, aching, jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness and pain

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain, stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, eczema very severe

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yeah

Overall weakness: Yeah

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yeah

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yeah very dizzy

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes my hands

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yeah

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yeah

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yeah

Irritable / impatient: alot

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: in the past, and slightly sometimes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): slightly

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 21 Physically, 40


gets worse from time to time, mostly pain and depression, music helps me calm down sometimes, i dont think ill ever get over it

12-03-08, 11:22
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers):

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes -dull pain,

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower and middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib,

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations):

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - irritable bowel, acid

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left hand side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - discoloured, constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion in left leg

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: cold feet

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - all down my left hand side

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching,

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: occasionally

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes left hand side

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: all the time!!

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: death

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 33

How old do you feel?: teenager, scared little boy

15-03-08, 22:59
Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Sometimes headaches

Vision disturbances: Yep, sometimes can't read words on tely with right eye
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No


Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes , Mouth ulcers!! Alot of them sometimes!!

Facial numbness: Yes, tingling sensations

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain:Another of my main anxiety symptoms, but not ringing, I have pulsating tinnitus which is the sound of my heartbeat in my head! Get this nearly every day and gets worse and louder with anxiety.

TMJ: whats that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No but get aches

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Only when having a panic attack

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - mainly upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): under right rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Have done in the past but not recently

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - terrible indigestion at times

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes diarrhea and constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes suffering an achey leg at the moment

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - like a crawing sensation

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - Face

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes, I don't look forward to things as much as I think i'm not going to be around to enjoy it anyway.

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: use to suffer agoraphobia, but pleased to say I don't now!

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, on occasion

Insomnia: Yes, sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20 Physically, 52


17-03-08, 02:24
Headaches/migraines: Yes, both

Vision disturbances: Yes, vision randomly blurring for a few seconds.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Yes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Both, but mostly left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes, ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all of the above at some point :wacko:

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally both sides

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): sometimes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - irritable bowel, acid

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: cold feet, numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Force myself to do things, but find myself not caring so much.

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: Teenager mentally, OLD physically

17-03-08, 15:24
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.):No
Toothaches: more gum problems and frequent ulcers

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes
TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rare when learning to do abdominal breathing

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of the above
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - lower left and right. Wind IBS.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools, rabbit droping all of the above

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: knees

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes -all of the above

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes and sweats

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off":not always

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: not always
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: getting used to it

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thought I was heading down the road to agoraphobia, I have arrived there. Trying to something about it.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 51

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 28. Physically, my age


I live by the ocean it does not help me. Made worse by caffeine, in tea coffe coke and asparatine. When my eczema flairs up nerves are bad.

17-03-08, 15:40
Headaches/migraines: Tension headaches
Vision disturbances: blurry

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes
Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Upper
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Both sides

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Sensitive

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Sometimes

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: 54

17-03-08, 20:13
thought iwould hlp with ypu questionaire

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: sometimes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): both sides

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints shoulders

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.

Irritable / impatient: all of the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: scared about dying

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: a little

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: 67

17-03-08, 20:38
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: ????

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower):no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobia yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove)

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 44

How old do you feel?: ?

Comments : Symptoms vary so much some of these may have only happened once or for a very short time, others are more long term.

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24-03-08, 12:28
Headaches/migraines: Yes seem to have stopped for a few weeks

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - my gums have just spent the last 5 days really bleeding a new gum every day

Facial numbness: Yes especially around the cheeks

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: not had this for a while but had it a few months ago I was really hurting my head just above my ears

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure changed from an underwired bra to a non underwired bra seems to have helped a bit

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: not sure about this one

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): no but I have had really bad bloated feeling in the past with bad tummy rumbles

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): unsure but they do vary in colour no blood though

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes think this might be cos i'm sat down sometimes does feel worse if I sit for a while

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 28. Physically, 50.


24-03-08, 13:03
#1 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showpost.php?p=249602&postcount=1)
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 22-08-07, 01:51
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 21 Country: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/flags/United%20States.gif


Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)
Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes migraines

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rare

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination:

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - crawling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?:16 lol


24-03-08, 16:21
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes sometimes only visual migranes, sometimes migrane hradaches but no visual disturbances prior to migrane

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes very slight

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Slight

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes frequently

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - alt diarrhea/constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching and occasional jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - random places on body

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes very occasionally, usually feet feel like blocks of ice, despite feeling warm to the touch

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Occasionally

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Occasionally

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia:Yes more of a wont go to bed till really falling asleep

Finally, how old are you? 53

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20's. Physically, 43


All symptons better when distracted, and when with other people and work, worse much worse when by self and only concentrating on symptons

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http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 22-08-07, 07:52

24-03-08, 16:42
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - chronic daily headaches. The odd migraine.

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - sinus pain, often.

Toothaches: Only if teeth need treatment.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding.

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes. V. Bad.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes. Daily.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Only if shoulder tension is really bad.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all of the above.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper/middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Mainly left

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Only around PMS time

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - wind/nausea/aches

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - all of the above

Frequent urination: Only when nervous

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Housebound

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Only the odd random thing.

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: Much older

24-03-08, 16:58
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Not alot

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: yup

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes alot

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: not really

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination:

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes -twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, awaiting results of this one

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Defo

Irritable / impatient: yup

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes on occasion

Afraid to be alone / clingy: A recent one for me

Agoraphobia or other phobias: hell yeah

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: 100 at the moment


just shows how much we are in unity.

25-03-08, 03:20
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes ringing

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes all over

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes both

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: sometimes 60 sometimes 20, depends on what kind of day i'm having

22-07-08, 17:58
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Yes, floaters and flashes
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Sometimes
Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No
Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes
Difficulty swallowing: Yes - this was one of my first anxiety symptoms. Felt like I couldn't swallow, like my swallows get "stuck" in my throat, thats the best way to describe it. Weird I know.

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - inability to take deep breath, short of breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes -right side
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes
Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes numbness
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes kind-of

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 26

How old do you feel?: Sometimes I physically feel a lot older than I am because of all these dumb anxiety symptoms

22-07-08, 21:59
Headaches/migraines: Not really, sometimes tension.

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No.

Facial numbness: If panicky.

Adult acne: Yes, recently.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, alot!

TMJ: Occasionally.

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Only if had panic attack.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes,very bad recently.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): If stressed it feels heavy.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Palpatations about 10 times a day.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - alot of gas.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): When I am windy.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Occasional soft stools.

Frequent urination:If I am anxious.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Only if I feel panicky.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Occasionally.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching legs.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No.

Feeling like you're about to faint: Occasionally.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Occasionally.

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes now & again.

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Not really.

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, if I am anxious I feel shivery.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: I am crazy;-) lol!

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Urm not really.

Chronic fatigue: Not that bad.

Overall feeling of being "off": Some days yes.

Feeling clumsy: Very!

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No but sometimes if im anxious I don't want to go out.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Urmm not really.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No.

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 21. Physically,50.

22-07-08, 23:54
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Occassionally

Ringing in ears/pain: Occassionally


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes- Mostly pinky and finger next to it.

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes- Left pinky

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - various

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes- I constantly drink water all day

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, Agrophobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 36. Physically, 65.


Firstly had panic attacks which still persist then agrophobia then GAD and finally social anxiety.

27-07-08, 13:13
Headaches/migraines: yes- both
Vision disturbances: yes-blurred vision
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes -

Toothaches: no
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, alot lately

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes -
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain,

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes -
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas,cramps so on

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diarrhea
Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - jelly legs
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes -

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching,

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints,
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: all the time these days

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes,

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes for about a year or so
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 23
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 18. Physically, 45.


27-07-08, 13:31
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: YES
Vision disturbances: YES

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: YES CONSTANTLY

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: NO
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): NO

Hands trembling: Yes have done

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): have done

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - upset tummy

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes -

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes -

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: yes
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thought I was heading down the road to agoraphobia, but thankfully didn't

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes have done at worst

Finally, how old are you? 25

How old do you feel?: my age

27-07-08, 14:59
Headaches/migraines: Only when I get stressed - stress/tension headaches.

Vision disturbances: Sometimes everything seems 'shimmery' like seeing through a 'heat haze'.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): My hay-fever is kicking in.

Toothaches: Yes - I had a tooth pulled.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding when brushing teeth too hard.

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Pins & needles in arm/hands

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Pins & needles feeeling

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): acid reflux/indigestion (stopped since taking meds)

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - blood.

Frequent urination: No - actually the opposite.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - restless leg syndrome

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis):
Rash (shingles?) along inside forearm wrist and along thumb/forefinger.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Chronic worrying: Yes - mostly about finances.

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Def YES

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: YES

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: Yes - often can't get to sleep, then when I do sleep, I wake later, feel sluggish/tired all day.

Finally, how old are you? 48

How old do you feel?: very old

Rachey poos
27-07-08, 17:22
Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": sometimes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: want to just cant at times

Irritable / impatient: maybe irritable at times

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no never

Afraid to be alone / clingy: HATE BEING ALONE

Agoraphobia or other phobias: YES
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: get off to sleep and often wake with panic and heart irregular with severe ectopics

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: Mentally 18. Physically, 56

My main symptom is heart issues ..if they went my life would be rosy!:shrug:

27-07-08, 17:28
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Occassional tension headache

Vision disturbances: Yes problems with left eye in particular

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - cracking and ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all at different times

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above at different times

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all over

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes right and left ribs at top of breast

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - indigestion, reflux, gas, occasional nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes lower right

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - all

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - pain in big toe!

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - joint pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - wrists

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes don't want to go out with people other than close family

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes afraid to be alone

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Slightly agraphobic when at worst

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Not at moment, yes in past

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 24. Physically, 75.


Improvement with when distracted or with people I trust

27-07-08, 23:47
Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: occasionally

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - sneezing in mornings bit like hayfever/allergy

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes sensitive gums

Facial numbness: Yes - over last 2 or 3 days strangely enough - stress

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes shoulder

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - right

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes right hand

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - occassional dull pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - ibs

Frequent urination: not really

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": not really

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: occassonal

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes shakiness

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints shoulder arm
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes lol put it down to my age

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: no

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: odd time

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

milly jones
28-07-08, 16:11
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: sometimes sharp head pains

Vision disturbances: yes blurred focus and dizzyness

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes runny nose first sign of anx

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): sometimes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes food and drink

Ringing in ears/pain: tinitus

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes missed beats, racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes very loose stools

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness and cold

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints in hands, legs

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes, except extremities

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): only hands and feet

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: hates feathers and hugs

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): improving

Insomnia: yes until meds

Finally, how old are you? 43

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 43. Physically, 50+.


Improvement with peace and quiet and talking to others with anx. Made worse by caffeine, work, general family anx.

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/multiquote_off.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/quickreply.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602)

28-07-08, 18:41
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - also suffering from baratrauma ears

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: well ive got a few spots

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: ringing sometimes- pain yes

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no numbess just tingling

Hands trembling: i feel like they do but from the inside no on the outside if you get me

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Comes and goes like a pressure/crawling senstation

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): a weird pressure/tingling pain which comes and goes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): bottom right

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes -diarrhea and consistently discoloured

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - tingling

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - tingling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes all the time

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes- it makes me feel sick and is there all the time more or less

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - my head and face

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yess- suffer from post-natal

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: afraid to be alone sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: only of dying

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: about 40

I just wish that i would wake up one day and feel like i used to before all this started, im only 20 and its no way to live its really making me feel down!!!

28-07-08, 20:54
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes, both

Vision disturbances: Yep, majoryl

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yep

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes, and tingling

Adult acne: Nope, bit more spots than usual but nothing serious

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Ringing sometimes

TMJ: what is this?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yep

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Nope

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Not really

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, whole range

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Stretches around from back

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yeah

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Nope

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Acid reflux, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Nope

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Not so much

Frequent urination: Not really

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yeah, twitching and jittrering

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yeah, spikey pins and needles

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Not really

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yeah

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yeah

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yep

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Nope

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Hands and feet

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes, yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Nope

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes, so often now

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Getting more obvious

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yeah

Insomnia: Yeah

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: Older...


Better with internet role playing, watching mindless comedy, reading light hearted books, being with family and friends.

29-07-08, 16:18
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes sometimes

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Sometimes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes

TMJ: Not sure what that is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: In the past yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Not numbness no

Hands trembling: Yes sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): During panic attacks yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Again yes during attacks

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): I do sometimes get sharp pains and feelings of nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": During panic attacks

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Pins and needles yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Sometimes i get itching feelings on my arms

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Sometimes

Overall feeling of being "off": Sometimes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: bout 70 sometimes

29-07-08, 18:29
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes, migraines

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, all

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes, Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, Ringing

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, both

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes, Ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, Racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes, Upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, Gas/Nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, all

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, IBS

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes, all

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Sometimes, impending doom if I watch the news

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": No

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.:

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, dental and flying (but do it)

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, cleaning house

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 50

How old do you feel?: mentally 20, physically 50

Comments: I try to stay off of caffiene and eat a healthy diet.

29-07-08, 21:37
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, tightness (chest and back)

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - mainly racing and fluttering

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes, Yes, Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of the above!!! Awful.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - very loose bowel movements

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, crawling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes :(

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - my hands can feel as tho they are on fire and my forehead

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Thats starting

Irritable / impatient: Getting worse

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, quite bad at mo

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Hate the thought of being sick, trying to keep getting out and about even tho feeling rough.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No so much - used to real bad but my panic is so high i have no energy to check anything

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 25

How old do you feel?: At this present moment :Mentally, 30. Physically, 40.

29-07-08, 22:00
Headaches/migraines: Occasionally

Vision disturbances: Floaters

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Occasionally

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes occasionally

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes -missed heart beats

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper particularly on waking

Rib pain (left/right/both sides) no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): occasionally

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, pain on right side, ibs,

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - intermittent

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yes, twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - occasional cramps

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis) no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: not depression as such, just "off" days!

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: occasionally

Agoraphobia or other phobias: phobia of getting serious illness

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 60 Physically: 45

30-07-08, 17:14
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: no

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes, pain in mouth and sore feeling

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: no

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - pain right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood) no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: no

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: nearly fell into the agoraphobia trap: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 45

30-07-08, 17:52
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches (tension, some small migraines, perhaps)

Vision disturbances: Occasional sparkles/flashes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - off an on

Toothaches: Sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Bleeding w/ flossing sometimes

Facial numbness: Just a little, very intermittent

Adult acne: Not much, but from time to time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yep, intermittently

TMJ: Yep--right side of my jaw clicks, and I clench my teeth

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Heck yeah. All the time.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes-sometimes whole hand, sometimes just pinkie

Hands trembling: Only a little

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yep--mostly dull pains, some sharp, some pressure, some breathing issues, but I have asthma, too.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Infrequently

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Infrequently

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): N/A

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Occasional gas, reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Infrequently

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Off and on

Frequent urination: Only when I've had a lot of liquid to drink

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - occasional weakness, twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness and pain at times

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Occasionally

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, tingling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Rarely

Feeling like you're about to faint: Not really

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Rarely

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes, at times - toes, ankles, legs, head

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Rarely, but yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Rarely, but yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": SLightly, but yes

Chronic fatigue: Not usually

Overall feeling of being "off": At times, yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not really...very slight at times.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really, but this was a problem when I was younger

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Only slightly

Insomnia: Not since childhood

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: 30, I guess..

30-07-08, 18:14
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: No not really

Adult acne: A little bit on my face

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No not really

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No not really

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes some pressure and stabbing pains

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes quite a bit

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes all of the above

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): I have ibs

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: A bit

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes quite a bit

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I did get scared of leaving my house alone.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 18

How old do you feel?: Older than i am. I should be out celebrating and haiving fun not worrying about things all the time.

05-08-08, 02:03
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Incredibly painful, almost constant headaches

Vision disturbances: sometimes blurry, or things seem to be in really sharp focus

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes a dry throat when i'm in full panic flight

Ringing in ears/pain: No pain, but buzzing somtimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: YES!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: occasionally

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): sometimes nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Jelly legs sometimes when i'm really panicked

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": every second

Chronic fatigue: Yes (but could be due to meds)

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: no

Irritable / impatient: sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: some days i dont want to be alone, others i need to.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: after ten years, the last year i have been finding it harder and harder to travel any distance from home in my car (I work 60kms from home, so that's not ideal :)

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 25

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 125 (unless that's maturity, in which case 16). Physically, ranges from 20-80


This is a fabulous post, it really helps to read about others experiences in such a concise and clear format! Well done

05-08-08, 02:18
I noticed a lot of people don't know what TMJ actually is - here is a quick explaination.
Temporomandibular joint disfunction - Symptoms of TMJ include: pain in the jaw, sometimes spreading to the ear, stiffness and swelling in the jaw, and even headaches. The muscles of the jaw may also become stiff and tender, especially in the morning and opening the mouth may be difficult. Factors that cause TMJ disease include grinding the teeth during sleep and clenching teeth.

05-08-08, 16:39
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yeah, had one yesterday, had them before anxiety

Vision disturbances: rarely

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): rarely

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: Is 19 an adult? I guess so.

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: yeah buzzing and sometimes random sharp pains

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): rarely, sometimes inabolity to take deep breath.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: skipped beats and hard thumps, fluttering....

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): sometimes upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yeah, soreness.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): soreness

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): gas, acid, random sharp shooting pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): rarely

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): rarely

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": lots of twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: nope

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: not really

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): those cherry looking spots, hemangioma or something?

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: rarely

Feeling like you're about to faint: rarely
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: nope

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Recently

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes.

Chronic fatigue: not really

Overall feeling of being "off": yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: it was horrible in the beginning but now it has lessened.

Irritable / impatient: impatient

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: clingy to mom sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: hmmm, no not really.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 19

How old do you feel?: Mentally I feel 19 and physically i feel about 50


Anxiety is recent, never had most of my heart symptoms before it, or anything else.....horrible.

13-08-08, 16:09
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no
Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: no
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - Slight tightness or bloating, lots of stomach gurgling and gas movements

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Muscle spasms just under sternum on right side
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under back left rib, but somewhat rare

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No, I'm male, would be realy worried if I did ..lol
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - lots of stomach gurgling, gassy feelings until passed, slight feeling of tightness or bloating.. Feel like my stomach muscles are always tense / tight maily only feel this when standing, not sitting

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - as above

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - a little constipation, have bowel movemts at irregular intervals

Frequent urination: no
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no
Feeling like you're about to faint: no
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Occasionally

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Not really

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": no

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes - checking for symptoms of cancer every day...BM's, weight, skin and eye colour to name a few

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 38
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 33.


Improvement with music, esp. music I grew up with, as well as visiting the beach & listening to the ocean waves. Made worse by caffeine, googling (!!).

13-08-08, 16:39
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes badly

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - dull pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes Tightness

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - Very dry

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - My back

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Most of time

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Most of time

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: 32

18-08-08, 00:11
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes-all the time

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - middle,upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching,

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not as bad get my off days

Irritable / impatient: rare

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 33

How old do you feel ? 70s

18-08-08, 04:51
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Huh?

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - acid reflux, gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes! Especially at night before going to sleep

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, bugs crawling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: VERY

Agoraphobia or other phobias: At one time in my life

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 33

How old do you feel?: 33


GOOGLING is BAD for me!

18-08-08, 07:37
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, especially sinus pressure

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes (though I have just had sinus and ear infections)

TMJ: Yes (see above)

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, especially left arm

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, mostly little fingers

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes to all

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, stabs of pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, occasional nausea and indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes in flanks

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, discoloration and looseness

Frequent urination: Yes, especially at night before going to sleep or on waking in the night

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes weakness, occasional twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": No

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: In the past

Irritable / impatient: Rarely

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): When depressed (not now)

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 35

How old do you feel?: 35

18-08-08, 16:05
#1 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showpost.php?p=249602&postcount=1) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/reputation.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/reputation.php?p=249602) vbrep_register("249602") http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/report.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/report.php?p=249602)
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 21-08-07, 23:51
Itzomi (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=6384) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_249602", true);

Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 21 Country: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/flags/United%20States.gif


Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ??

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes

Hands trembling: NO

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Y

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib,

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, bugs crawling under the skin

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints,

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): iron and staightners

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 18. Physically, 60:)

19-08-08, 04:56

19-08-08, 14:55
Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :smile:

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Not often - but when I get them I worry about them!
Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.):Sometimes congestion

Toothaches: No
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes
Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes, whenever I think about it I become obssessed that I have an obstruction of some sort. When I don't think about it it's fine.
Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - pain

TMJ: Yes
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - occasionally

Hands trembling: NO

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, I get all sorts of weird sensations in my chest. All of the above and more!

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, but only sometimes
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes, all three.
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes! Is this anxiety too??
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Sometimes
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - sensitivity and aches....... also anxiety??
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, sharp pain, dull ache, nausea and burping.
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - weird pains all over the place, that come and go quite quickly.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea
Frequent urination: No
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No
Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes, giddiness

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: usually not

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes, yes, yes!

Chronic fatigue: No - if anything I have more energy..... a strange nervous energy.
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes - I just feel other-worldly and weird..... sort of disconnected and bubble-like.

Feeling clumsy: No
Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Yes, very.
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, often
Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove):No

Insomnia: No, thank god!

Finally, how old are you? 33
How old do you feel?: mentally, old, old. At the end of my life. Physically...... I'm not sure. On the one hand I feel like I'm dying (severe severe health anxiety), but on the other I feel like I could run a marathon.........

19-08-08, 18:17
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: YES ringing drives me mad !!!

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes left side

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes sensitive

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas,nausea,sharp pains

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes diarrhea and then constipation

frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes rash

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): YES!!! Is this anxiety !!?? I thought I was going to self combust !!

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy:Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: i do have sleeping difficulties

Finally, how old are you? 29
How old do you feel?: 60 !!

19-08-08, 21:11
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes mainly sensitive /pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas and nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - consitpation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - to all

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness occasionally

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching feeling something is crawling on me

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes occasionally

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: most of the time

Irritable / impatient: most of the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: most of the time

Agoraphobia or other phobias: confused want to go out alone but the put it off cant answer why

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): usually check with partner that things are locked, switched off

Insomnia: yes most nights

Finally, how old are you? 43

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 60. Physically, 45 late 50.


seem to be getting worse not better

19-08-08, 22:32
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes all over
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes sensitivity
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas nausea indegestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constant diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes pain
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): sometimes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes
Agoraphobia or other phobias: no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 22

How old do you feel?: i dont know i just feel like my body and mind are a lot older than they should be

19-08-08, 23:01
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches and migraine

Vision disturbances: Sometimes with dizziness

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, pain under eyes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain and bleeding gums

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, tinnitus especially in left ear

TMJ: Locking jaw

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Left sided weakness

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: NO

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - dull ache and air hunger (breathing too deeply)

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower mostly, especially at night

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas and indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): IBS symptoms

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, especially left side

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness in toes pins and needles

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation and pain in knees and fingers

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, bugs crawling under the skin

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints,

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes, all the time

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): yes, oven and hob plus windows are locked

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: A lot older physically!!

19-08-08, 23:10
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes - most of the time

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): congestion

Toothaches: Sometimes from grinding teeth at night

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes - Left Side

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Only during PA

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - Left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes - Mostly left

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - Upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, bugs crawling under skin

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 38

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 38. Physically, 58.


Improvement with this site. Made worse by Dr Google (!!).

19-08-08, 23:14

This info is not used for anything - the original poster has not been on for a year so unless you feel better by completing it then I would not waste your time as it is not used for any research etc.

20-08-08, 02:39
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: yes
Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, unable to breathe

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower - recently shoulder blade area after i have a bout of anxiety/panic

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no
Frequent urination: no
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion - pains in my left calf

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: not totally - but its getting there
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: i think i am getting there and its scaring me
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): slight
Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 33
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 60. Physically, 60.


just starting off and feeling tired of this - i am hoping to find help to help me move on -

20-08-08, 23:10
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Occasionally

Vision disturbances: very occasionally - blurriness

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - runny nose

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No - did have this though when panic was at its height

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes feels like I'm wearing gloves, thumb and next finger along feel very stiff, fingertips don't feel as sensitive as they should be

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): only occasionally dull ache

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Sometimes palps if particularly panicky

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - mostly lower, sometimes further up

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness but only when really panicky

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain and stiffness esp in right leg

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): sometimes eczema on tummy

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Not really

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes, like a tremor, when panic was very bad

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes, had this when panic was bad

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - both feet, both hands

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, esp foot

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes, always!

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? Early 30s

How old do you feel?: Ancient - I ache.

Didn't think this thing would last so long or be so persistent - don't really think the docs understand.

20-08-08, 23:24
Headaches/migraines: Yes - both, but usually around "that time" although I can get them at other times

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes, left side only

Adult acne: Yes, sometimes

Difficulty swallowing: Rarely

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes- pain rarely in left ear, ringing often


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes!! Always, seem to be where I carry my stress. Especially on the left side.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: I used to, but not so much anymore

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Again, used to, but rarely anymore

Hands trembling: Yes, especially right hand

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - I have some ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, shortness of breath...but don't happen *near* as often as they used to. Used to be daily, now, every blue moon.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above, and almost daily...sometimes for days at a time

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No. I used to, but then saw a chiro who fixed it.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Rarely, only when pregnant usually

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - have had all those at one point. Used to have chronic problems with it, but changing my diet fixed it. Now it is rare.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Not really

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Not anymore, but used to have diarrhea a ton. Again, the diet fixed that as well.

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - used to twitch, but now just get the jelly legs sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Used to

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Used to have eczema, cured it.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Used to.

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes, mostly upon waking

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes -feet used to do this

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Rarely

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes!!

Chronic fatigue: Not anymore, but used to, diet changed that too

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes but I've always been that way lol

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: A long time ago

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, when my heart acts up I can get that way

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I have a phobia of hospitals or anything to do with illness in general

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: Mentally, just right. Physically, older, maybe 40..my mom and mother in law are more energetic and active than I am.


21-08-08, 12:03
Headaches/migraines: Yes - sometimes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.):Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ?????

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): NO

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes ,lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): NO

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - Burning,tingling r.thigh

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Not really

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: NO

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yesimpatient: Sometimes

Irritable /
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes always

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: N/A

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 45

How old do you feel?:Range between 25-45 depending how i feel

29-09-08, 16:36
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: yes latley, used to just be PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes (very first symptom i had years ago)

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes -
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - nausea, acid reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation, diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: not usually

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - left foot from time to time...(usually bed time)

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: its getting there now

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: some days

Agoraphobia or other phobias: i wont let it get there! i refuse!
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): with cleaning

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 23

How old do you feel?: physically 30 mentally 30

25-10-08, 17:57
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches
Vision disturbances: No
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no
Toothaches: no
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: slight
Adult acne: No
Difficulty swallowing: rarely
Ringing in ears/pain: yes
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle
Hands trembling: Yes
Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Mostly left sharp, both sides duller
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - Nausea, constipation, dull and sharp pains, feels like a lump in centre, gurgling, acid reflux
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes constipation
Frequent urination: Yes - when anxious
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes all of the above
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes stiffness
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes sometimes
Overall weakness: Oh Yes
Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes
Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes
Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes
Chronic fatigue: Yes
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes
Feeling clumsy: Yes
Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Fighting it!
Irritable / impatient: Rarely
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes
Afraid to be alone / clingy: Absolutely the worst kind
Agoraphobia or other phobias: Fighting this too!
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no
Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 42
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 80


Trying anything and everything to remain positive, tai chi, yoga, music, going out, jigsaws, sewing, talking, this website, planning a future without anxiety and panic!

25-10-08, 19:17
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes (was first ever symptom)

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, had that phase

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes, both

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Yes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes for a long time last year

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Aaaalll the time

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes, upper and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Had left rib pain for ages - wow, now that you mention it I haven't had it for a while! :)

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, acid reflux, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, right side pain

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, used to have diarrhoea

Frequent urination: Yes, used to especially when obsessing with it

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, itching and rash

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes, the area I worry about

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes in bad times

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, but I'm never alone, not for one minute, don't even know what it feels like

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Fear of flying and driving on motorways

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, when I was a kid

Insomnia: Yes but thankfully it's gone

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: somewhere between 35-43


Improvement with exercise and talking it out, worsening the day after consuming alcohol, worsening with stress, worse in the evenings


25-10-08, 19:47
Physcial symptoms

Headaches-yes in temples and above from tension
Visual distrubances-not much, but when im dizzy i get them on occasion
Sinus issues-yes runny nose and sinus pain
Toothaches-yes but from my wisdom tooth
Gum issues-bleeding gums most def
Facial numbness-Yes on left side of jaw
Acne-No lucky enough nevr suffered when i was younger
Difficulty Swallowing-yes this was big problem for me for 7wks
Ringing in ears/pain- yes but always had ear problems
Tmj-not sure wot this is?
Neck and shoulder stiffness-Yes too much tension all time
Numness in arms-Just mainly left
Numbness in fingers-yes all fingers
Hands trembling-yes
Fingernail issues-No
Chest discomfort-Yes main symptom i also got costochondritis
Heart racing-yes and fluttering
Back pain-upper and lower
Breast /rib problems-no breast probs but breastbone pain
Underarm problems-no
Stomach Issues-Acid reflux, constpation, and feel sick
Frequenet urination-no
Legs issues-Weakness,burning sensations,jelly legs
Joint pain/stiffness/inflamation-all yes in chest,back and neck
Skin issues-Crwling under skin,itching at night
Felling like your gonna faint-Sometimes when i panic
Inner feelings of shakiness/giddiness-Yes my legs mainly
Feeling hot when im cold-yes most def
Feeling cold when im hot-yes my hands are always cold and clammy in panic

Physicalogical Symptoms
Chronic worrying-always
Feeling like you going crazy-no
Sense of impending doom-Yes always
Chronic fatigue-on my bad days
Feeling clumsy-yes
Affraid to b alone clingy-Sometimes like to be near people
Agrophobia-No like being around people
Ocd-always checkin my body and children

How old are u?-Im 23
Feel phsicaly older cnt put and age but i ache like mad all the time
physcialy 40 mentally 23 although i do have trouble with memory lately

25-10-08, 21:23
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes both

Vision disturbances: Yes, blurred vision

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion and sinus pain

Toothaches: No
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, felt blocked too, lasted months!!

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -lower aching and burning middle and upper feeling

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of them

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - all over

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea, constipation

Frequent urination: Yes, and burning, and frequent urination

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes all

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness and pain

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Probably at some point but can't remember at the moment.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes at the peak of my anxiety

Irritable / impatient: ALL THE TIME!!

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No just HA

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 30. Started when I was 28 after death of a close family member

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 24. Physically, 50.


Improves when i'm really busy although it has to be VERY distracting to make me stop worrying.

So reassuring to know its not just me!!


25-10-08, 21:56
Headaches/migraines: headache

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: yes
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: yes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes,

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): sometimes Diarrhea, constipation

Frequent urination: Yes,

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes all

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: varies, much older today


Purple Fish
09-01-09, 16:33
:yesyes: Here goes!!

Headaches/migraines: Migraine

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: A bit

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Sometimes

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: The odd palpitation

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Itchy legs sometimes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: giddiness occasionally

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Right side of head sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Occasionally

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": In the past

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Sometimes

Feeling clumsy: Sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: 36

Comments: :shades:

Deepest Blue
09-01-09, 16:43
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes / headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes sometimes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, aches and pains

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea or constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No but motivation can be hard

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes I don't like being alone at all

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 30. Physically, 40.


Trying to keep busy as much as possible to keep my mind off things but my inner thoughts just always seem to get the better of me.

09-01-09, 16:44
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No
Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure, muscular aches

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - pain low left side, sharp sometimes, general discomfort much of the time

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Restless legs sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, definitely

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, sometimes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 42

How old do you feel?: 35


I saw a leopard in Berlin Zoo in a cage. No space. No life. It was pacing up and down, quite fast, automatically, obviously in distress, fizzing with energy, nowhere to go. I feel like that.

09-01-09, 19:09
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper, lower & middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, all

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, all

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, all

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, crawling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, shying away from outside world

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Heading down that road

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: depends on who i'm comparing myself to, i used to think i felt 75 until i met a lady that is wonderful and healthy at 75. I JUST FEEL OLD AND BATTERED


09-01-09, 19:43
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - back of the throat

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: YES

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes occasionaly

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - before a period

underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - acid reflux - controlled by diet

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea during panic attack

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching!

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No - take aloe tonic - gives me heaps of energy

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: YES!

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: border line agoraphobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes - doors and windows

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 42

How old do you feel?: Couldn't really answer with an age.......I know that I am totally dependant on my husband......

10-01-09, 00:19
Please Dont Think Im Thick But How Do I Fill In

Thick Shaka Then Lol

10-01-09, 19:27
Headaches/migraines: Yes Pressure Heads and Pains

Vision disturbances: Yes - things appearing too far away or too near and firework flashes etc

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Sometimes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Occasionally

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes ringing in ears every day


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Very Rarely

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Rarely

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes more in middle

Hands trembling: Yes when panicking

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Occasionally

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

ssues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion and pain

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes - all the time - worse symptom along with derealisation for me

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - left foot mainly

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes - unbearable where cant even make a drink

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes - sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.:
Getting there!!! - no interest in socialising

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes only feel safe when partner there

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes I go out if I have to

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No - I sleep really well!!!

Finally, how old are you? 39

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 39. Physically, 80


Improvement with talking to others and reading and going to bed - made worse by googling and getting stressed about things

10-01-09, 20:00
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Sometimes (some blurring)

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Congestion

Toothaches: No- just grinding teeth

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Occasional

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, ringing


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Sometimes

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes - inability to take deep breaths

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Racing heart

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Dull ache, gas, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Runny!

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching and lots of 'jelly legs'

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Itching and bugs crawling under skin
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Regually

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes!

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: I like staying in and gave up on hobbies a few years ago

Irritable / impatient: All the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes cant walk out the house

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: Mentally, I'm about 35. Physically, 35!

I feel like i carry an awful lot on my shoulders, most people are saying they feel younger mentally but i seem to feel older! does that make me wierd?!?!

10-01-09, 20:44
Headaches/migraines: Headaches

Vision disturbances: Occassional blurring/dots

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Runny nose

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: yes

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: no

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): difficulty sometimes to take deep breaths

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: only when trying to sleep

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): acid reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): ibs

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": restless legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes

Chronic fatigue: yes

Overall feeling of being "off": yes

Feeling clumsy: yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house not in warm weather but yes in cold weather

Irritable / impatient: no

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): like being in my comfort zone but not all time

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no but used to be

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): occassionally

Insomnia: yes in last 2 weeks

Finally, how old are you? 50

How old do you feel?: Mentally ermm 45. Physically 99 lol

10-01-09, 21:45
[quote=lesleya;443669]Headaches/migraines: somtimes

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): somtimes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: yes

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): somtimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: somtimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): acid reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": restless legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes

Chronic fatigue: yes

Overall feeling of being "off": yes

Feeling clumsy: yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house somtimes

Irritable / impatient: no

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): somtimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: somtimes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: not for a few months

Finally, how old are you? 52

How old do you feel?: somtimes very old

10-01-09, 22:22
Physical Symptoms
Headaches/migraines: Yes
Vision disturbances: Yes
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - every morning
Toothaches: Yes
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain
Facial numbness: Yes
Adult acne: No
Difficulty swallowing: No
Ringing in ears/pain: Yes
TMJ: ?
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Sometimes
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - Left
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - down the side of the hand
Hands trembling: Yes
Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - when high anxiety
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under ribs, when i feel sick
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - sharp pains, dull ache
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - sometimes
Frequent urination: Yes - if having a panic attack
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Sometimes
Overall weakness: Sometimes
Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Sometimes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms
Chronic worrying: Yes
Feeling like you're going to go crazy: If having Panic Attack
Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes
Chronic fatigue: Yes
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes
Feeling clumsy: Yes
Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes
Irritable / impatient: Sometimes
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes have been single for 5 years
Afraid to be alone / clingy: Depends how im feeling
Agoraphobia or other phobias: Sometimes i need people to motivate me
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Tidyness
Insomnia: No
Finally, how old are you? 32
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25

10-01-09, 23:12
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: yes headaches- sometimes can go into a migraine

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes i have had this

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, innability to breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - racing heart sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, sharp pain, dull ache, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - my cheeks at 1 point

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: at 1 point yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes definatly

Agoraphobia or other phobias: scared to go on a bus

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes i check the coker making sure the gas is off

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 17

How old do you feel?: Mentally-17 physically-25


i cut alot of caffeine out and i try not to google ..

10-01-09, 23:33
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes- ocassionally

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes but i get a bit anyway

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Not that i noticed

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - moderate pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes- pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - dull ache

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea (not a direct cause of anxiety- when i lost my appetite)

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes- occassional weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes -joint pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold):

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: I do when i'm well too, lol

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): A bit

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, for a while

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Finally, how old are you? 22

How old do you feel?: 21 :-D

11-01-09, 18:58
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes - black floaters and seeing things out of the corner of my eye

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes -usually last three fingers only, but sometimes all

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Left side

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea & constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation and pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Constantly

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Too many to mention - latest one if fear of tigers escaping from zoos!

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: About 60.

11-01-09, 19:51
Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum, thought I would take part in this also. :-)

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Lots - zig zag lines in front of vision, spots in front of eyes.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Only when I've had a hot meal.

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Sometimes, also have bleeding gums but that could be hormones causing that.

Facial numbness: Sometimes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Pain in left arm sometimes.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes the colour is different since I got ill, two tone (pale at the top and purple at bottom)

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the time (my heart rate is elevated all the time and I'm on beta blockers for it)

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper sometimes, and shoulders

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Burning sensation sometimes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, reflux, indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No pain, just rumbling all the time, bloating after every meal.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - IBS

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness in toes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes - I had that when all this started but not anymore.

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - back of neck, tops of legs

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes, hot flushes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, when I've had a meal or just after a hot flush

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: A little, I avoid the house though

Irritable / impatient: Often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes - I push people away who want to be close to me, I tend to isolate myself when I'm out even though I make myself go out

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Always

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, I am afraid of walking into town on my own, I'll get taxis everywhere and stay where there's people I know. I have put myself in financial pain doing this and end up borrowing taxi money all the time because I don't drive.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 18. Physically, 60.

11-01-09, 21:22
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Sometimes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Sometimes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - sore lips and coldsores

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: 50


When is this ever going to end, and am I now stuck with this for life

11-01-09, 22:53
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - chronic thanks to the family genes!!

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Occasionally, but mild

Difficulty swallowing: Occasionally

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes - I'm wound like a rubberband!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - all over

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp & dull pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all over

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes - it hurts right now on my left side

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, nausea, dull ache, sometimes indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Occasionally diarrhea or constipation

Frequent urination: Depends on what kind of day I'm having - more anxiety = more urine!!

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - all

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Not usually, but has happened

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - usually hands or feet

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Used to be really bad, but has gotten better recently

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Fear of doctors/hospitals

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 30. Physically, 50, although on a good day I can feel like I'm 25 again!

13-01-09, 08:46
Headaches/migraines: occasionally..but not everyday (knock on wood), im more prone to sinus headaches

Vision disturbances: occasionally..but not everyday (knock on wood)

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes mainly sinus congestion, and stuffy nose at times ( due to allergies)

Toothaches: yes because of gum issues

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: suffered from one breakout every month, but eversince my anxitey got really bad it actually lessened lol

Difficulty swallowing: Occasionally

Ringing in ears/pain: Occasionally

TMJ: not sure what this is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Occasionally

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Occasionally

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Occasionally - sharp pain, yes inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes!!! mainly middle and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): sensititivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - dull ache, gas, stifness

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): stifness

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): all of the oabove accept for the blood

Frequent urination: YES!!!
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": YES!! lots of cramps

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: occasional

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes knees

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): itching occasional, psoriasis under my scalp

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: occasionaly

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: at times

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: at times
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: at times

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): YES!!!

Afraid to be alone / clingy: at times

Agoraphobia or other phobias: not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): yes

Insomnia: not too bad

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: 30-40

13-01-09, 13:37
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Only a feeling of pressure in my head.

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No.

Facial numbness: No.

Adult acne: No.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes.


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No.

Hands trembling: No.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Palpitations sometimes.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes discomfort in the right ribs, had it for about 4 yrs, had 2 chest x-rays, nothing wrong.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):No.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No.

Frequent urination: No.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes -Jelly legs.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, Yes I get crawling under the skin, had it for a few years on and off.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I don't like standing in queues or sitting in a busy restaurant/bar.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 37.

How old do you feel?: Mentally I feel like I'm a little kid, scared and insecure..phsically about 50.

(!!). http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602)

13-01-09, 16:20
Headaches/migraines: Yes - Headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Both

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): A little

Facial numbness: No.

Adult acne: No.

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes - very dry throat

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes.


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: not really

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No.

Hands trembling: No.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Middle and Lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes, the left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):No.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes Dull Ache and Gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes Both sides but mainly the left

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes IBS

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, No.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes - only with certain people though

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I don't like standing in the middle of big crowds e.g. at a concert feel very panicky

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes a little

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 30.

How old do you feel?: Mentally 21 physically 50's

20-01-09, 10:46
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no
Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes - very bad

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: a bit

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - racing - especially at night

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - middle and sometimes lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): no

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness in right thigh

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - due to injury years ago

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - ankles, hands

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): get excema now and again

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): occasional flushes - menopausal

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): definitely - hands always cold

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): a bit

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? just 50

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 60


when I'm working (teaching) I can forget about the symptoms. I'm preoccupied with the past and bad things that happened. I feel better socialising and talking to friends and getting it all out. Usually I'm a good laugh. Caffeine, sugar and red meat are all on the off list now.
The feeling of impending doom is the worst - that my life is all over.

20-01-09, 11:18
Headaches/migraines: both

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes keep thinking i cant swallow!

Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

TMJ: what?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: soemtimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yeah like all the time now =[

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yeah all

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes mainly at top now

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): left mainly

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes to all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): aye all over

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): most of em

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": aye!

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: aye got the weird numb feet thing had it for like 3 days..

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): ye

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: most of the time

Irritable / impatient: depends how im feeling

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): i HAVE to be alone when im having an off day which seems to be every day. but when im really bad i wana be alone

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no but always checking my self

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 19

How old do you feel?: duno exactly but older cuz of all this

Comments:mmm also think my legs are swelling up and my hands and round my eyes

(!!). http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602)

agent orange
20-01-09, 19:29
Headaches/migraines: yes.

Vision disturbances: floaters and some odd lines at times, occasional blue sparks

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: only with the sinus

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes on occasions

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): slight ridging and pock mocks in nails in some of them.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): lower back pain

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , acid, nauseaum and belching.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - ibs

Frequent urination: yes, but a few years back.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching,

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: tingling sometimes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes joint pain in some

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis) dry skin sometimes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: yes most of the time

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes-shakiness-had it 8 years, comes and goes depending on anxiety.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes, sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes a lot.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: not really depression-just anxiety and cannot be bothered.

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: don't like being alone when ill.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: health anxiety.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): pulse, body checking,weighing myself on scales, asking too many health related questions.

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 40

How old do you feel?: not really sure- but not 40, but I don't know how old one feels at 40?

Some of these symptoms I have had for years, some don't bother me one minute and then the next time it's a different.
I have been diagnosed with undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder/with hypochondriasis. I am not always sure what I should be worried about or not-but I am still here. Remember to always laugh once a day.

21-01-09, 03:18
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sometimes
Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: No
Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes
Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): hands suffer weakness
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yes
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: heart racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes both

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes sometimes
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes sharp pain sometimes dull ache
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random):yes
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diarrhea and constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes behind head
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes breaking in night sweat but when I feel myself it is a cold sweat

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes hard to keep balance

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes but getting better

Irritable / impatient: yes very impatient and anxious

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: very clingy and cannot stand to be alone
Agoraphobia or other phobias: luckily no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 26
How old do you feel?: 40

21-01-09, 03:40
Headaches/migraines: Sometimes- Headaches

Vision disturbances: Sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No
Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes due to using inhalers sometimes get oral thrush.
Facial numbness: No.

Adult acne: No.

Difficulty swallowing: No
Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No.

Hands trembling: No.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes splitting

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Sometimes
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Upper & Lower
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Sometimes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):Yes.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes indigestion and cramp

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Sometimes lower left
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes IBS

Frequent urination: Sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes restless legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes bad spasms, worst than cramp.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, No.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes, shaky

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes
Irritable / impatient: Yes
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes 1st two.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes - normally it starts in evening.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Taking meds
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No
Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 53.

How old do you feel?: Mentally 35 physically 65

21-01-09, 11:21
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Pressure sometimes

Toothaches: yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: yes

Adult acne: yes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, both

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: ALL the time!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes - aches and pains and pressure; breathlessness when it's bad

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, occasional sharp pains

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diarrhea and consipation

Frequent urination: Yes and a nervous-feeling bladder

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes!

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes sometimes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, quite often

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not so much

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): yes all the time

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: very old

21-01-09, 14:19
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Headaches.

Vision disturbances: Yeah if this includes dizzyness.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Runny nose EVERYDAY:S

Toothaches: Not really.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Nerve pain sometimes.

Facial numbness: No.

Adult acne: Im still a teenager..i hate spots:(

Difficulty swallowing: Yeah!

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes.

TMJ: huh?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yep.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: When having panic attacks, which leads me to think its a stroke:S

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, same as above.

Hands trembling: When panicing.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yeah

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes at night i get sharp pains.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Lower. Middle atm too.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):Yes.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): YES!!

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Sometimes.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Pains.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, random.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Probably all, not sure about blood, the idea terrifies me.

Frequent urination: Yeah, but i drink loads.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yeah, achyness.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Not really.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: All i think.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): YES! Itching.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yep.

Overall weakness: Yep.

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yep.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yep

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: YEAH!

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Occasionally.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yeah.

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Ha, yes.

Oh dear god:P I NEEEEED help:S xxxx

22-01-09, 20:30
Headaches/migraines: Yes -
Vision disturbances: things a bit fuzzy
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.):no
Toothaches: no
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: yes
Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes- one arm/hand, then other, then both
Hands trembling: Yes,very bad

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): prickling, heavy feeling
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes, either side just under bra
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): prickiling, bit stabby pain
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, all of these
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random):sometimes
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): not really
Frequent urination: no
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes fells like im leaning backwards when walking
Feet/toes - numbness, pain:one big toe on right (!?)

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yesssss

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes!!

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes, at the moment yes.
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes for the last few weeks
Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes
Agoraphobia or other phobias: not really
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove):no

Insomnia: not when i take nytol (heaven), though i wonder if i will wake up some mornings

Finally, how old are you? 36
How old do you feel?: i'll tell you when i get there

22-01-09, 21:45
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no


Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: no

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above except racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: on occasion
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 41

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 21. Physically, 41.


22-01-09, 22:04
Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no


Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding):occasionally especially if I've been over doing the sweets
Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain on left hand side

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas and bloating

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes - just before a pa

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: on occasion
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: comes and goes

Finally, how old are you? 38

How old do you feel?: varies


22-01-09, 23:28
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - dull ach, some days inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - palpitations

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib,

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - dull ache, acid reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - left leg

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 39

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 27. Physically, 42.

23-01-09, 01:49
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, with sharp pains to random areas and tingle sensations
Vision disturbances: Sometimes blurry

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No
Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Rarely
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Slight Shaking at times
Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, palpaitations
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper and middle mostly
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): At times
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): slight tenderness

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes to dull aches and nausea
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Not often - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Strange bowel movements

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes only in my knees

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: At times

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No
Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: 60 odd

23-01-09, 01:57
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No
Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Yes
Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, numbness

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes -pain and sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - nausea, sever heartburn

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - depends on medication

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - Dry
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - Chest

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No - Problem is I am too alone at times

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Fear of Dying

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 51

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 35. Physically, 60.

23-01-09, 13:46
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding gums

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left side lower

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - blood, occasionally

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes, especially PMT

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, always

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 44

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 50.

Very, very tired of it all!!

23-01-09, 14:12
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull ache No - pressure, inability to take deep breaths

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - Upper & mid

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes - Left

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Tingling

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - All

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left side lower

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - "Jelly Legs"

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 43

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 40

Fustrated that my mind can make me feel so bad and has taken so much enjoyment out of life.

04-02-09, 20:10
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: only tension headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes usually feel congested

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - but only noticable since I convinced myself I had oral cancer :P

Facial numbness: Tingling - intermittently

Adult acne: No, but not clear either

Difficulty swallowing: No, just a tingling and discomfort sometimes when i swallow

Ringing in ears/pain: No pain but constant ringing

TMJ: Dont know what that is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No, just pins and needles

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes, especially right hand

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Occasional sharp pains

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes, probably due to poor posture

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Aching

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No lumps but sore after constricting clothing

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Pricking sensation on right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Frequent changing stools, similar to ibs

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness and pins and needles

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: stiff knees

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching when Im thinking about it

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes mostly hands and feet

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No, i just feel held back by my impending illnesses

Irritable / impatient: Patient but irritable

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): The opposite since I developed health anxiety

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, but not clingy

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Social phobia/anxiety

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: About 60.


Not so bad with sound of traffic of tv when im trying to sleep. Better when Im receiving regular counselling.

07-02-09, 20:50
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Not numbness weird feeling in chin and jaw

Adult acne: Nope

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Only from bad posture

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: not numbness acheyness

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Only when it's cold

Hands trembling: a little

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Nope

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Not much anymore

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Palpitations - but not anxiety related just inherited
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Bad posture

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Some

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Sometimes - used to be constant and main anxiety but has lessened.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Nope

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Sometimes stomach ache

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Nope

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Nope

Frequent urination: Only cos I drink constantly

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yep a little weakness and jellyness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Only when cold

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yep

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes = mild eczema and psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: sometimes

Overall weakness: Sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Nope I'm always cold

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): I have bad circulation so I'm always cold

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes <- this is the worst I'm 20 I shouldn't feel like this

Chronic fatigue: Sometimes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yeh I was holding up on but it's getting worse

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): I don't want to go out

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yeah - but only to my mum

Agoraphobia or other phobias: not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yep :(

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 4. Physically, 90.


For 2 years I had no problems and in the past month I have just gone down hill majorly! I'm hoping I don't keep going down this route my depression is getting worse and I really just can't cope anymore.

10-02-09, 07:28
Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes - and tingling

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: YES!!!

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: ??

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - right

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, inability to take deepbreath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Almost constant under right ribs - front and back

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - face

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, often

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Heading that way

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes - especially early waking

Finally, how old are you? 42

How old do you feel?: About 90 most days


Symptoms almost always improve with (rare) relaxation. Worse when I'm in a hurry or panicking to get something done.

10-02-09, 11:09
Headaches/migraines: Yes - migraines and tension
Vision disturbances: yes - blurry right eye
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day
Toothaches: Yes
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: Yes
Adult acne: No
difficulty swallowing: No
Ringing in ears/pain: No
TMJ: yes
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both but mainly right arm
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes
Hands trembling: Yes
Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): occasional dull ache
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: yes but only slight
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under right rib
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): pain in left breast only
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): swollen nodes left side
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): acid indigestion
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): right side onlu
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): not really
Frequent urination: Yes day and night
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": constantly aching and weak and twitching
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness and pain
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness especially knees and elbows
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema on shins
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes
Overall weakness: Yes
Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes occasionally
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: occasionally
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): not really
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes
Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes
Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes
Chronic fatigue: Yes, not as bad as it was
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes
Feeling clumsy: Yes
Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite
Irritable / impatient: Occasionally in evening
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes
Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really
Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thought I was heading down the road to agoraphobia, but thankfully didn't
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes
Insomnia: Now and then
Finally, how old are you? 31
How old do you feel?: varies - physically older

10-02-09, 19:33
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes bleeding

Facial numbness: Sometimes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes Ringing in ears


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes both

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes sometimes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes dull ache, pressure, and inability to take a deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper and lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - sometimes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes I have lumps under my armpits, I have one pea sized lump and thought it was cancer but i had it felt via a medical lady at a hospital and she said no reason for a scan, but still scared about it!

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - sharp pains, dull ache, gas and nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): MIxture of both upset and sometimes cant go

Frequent urination: Yes sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness ans jelly legs!

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness sometimes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching and feeling like bugs under my skin also

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes everyday!

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes everyday!

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes my face, and the whole of my body sometimes i get really bad heat rash

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes everyday

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes dont want to do anything at all im so scared

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I do get this occasionly

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No but i also check my pulse a lot!

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: Somedays i feel like an old lady, but other times i dont think about age

13-02-09, 17:38
Do an internet search on "Chronic Sore Throat / Mood Virus"

13-02-09, 21:17
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes -both

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes - left

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): sensitivity and pain

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all!!

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - all

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - arms and legs

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: dark - heights - claustrophobia -death
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): yes - checking pulse

Insomnia: ooooohhh yeeeeees

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 50

Improvement when i see others on NMP with the exact same problems & i can talk myself into believing I'm not dying.
/ets worse with googling (i made myself stop!!) And during pms when i usually get my palpitations

22-02-09, 07:44
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: no

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: ringing/no pain


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes -constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes -face

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you?47

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 58


27-02-09, 21:02
Headaches/migraines: Yes mild headaches but not migraines

Vision disturbances: A little bit.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: ringing/no pain


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: A little bit

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Tiny bit

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Dull pain, rarely

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes a little

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all apart from sharp pain and nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching and shaking a bit

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Itching and crawling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: A little bit

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Not really

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes although when I'm anxious, always feel that I need to be on the move and like being out of the house.

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 26

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 60

This is a s**t life at times huh? :huh:

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09-03-09, 13:05
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Sometimes, more like sharp stabbing pains that come and go quickly.
Vision disturbances: Yes.. sometimes things sway or I see things in the corners of my eye.
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No
Toothaches: Yes
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - but my teeth are dodgy from a fear of the dentist!
Facial numbness: No
Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time
Difficulty swallowing: Yes, sometimes it feels like there a huge lump there.
Ringing in ears/pain: ..have started to notice ringing in the ears.. another new lovely symptom!
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No
Hands trembling: Yes
Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - dull pain, pressure
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all over now!
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Usually under right side.. like something is twisted/stuck!?
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all of them and daily pretty much.
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes -middle mostly.
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - fatty stools, mostly dark coloured and a bit runny.. sorry if TMI!:blush:
Frequent urination: Yes when Im anxious.. most mostly I dont seem to pee as much as I should!
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and jelly legs daily. Twitching sometimes.
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No.
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness - daily.
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes
Overall weakness: Yes - daily
Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Sometimes
Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - in my belly
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes sometimes, hot flushes.
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes
Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes
Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes
Chronic fatigue: Yes
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes
Feeling clumsy: Yes
Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes
Irritable / impatient: yes
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes
Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes
Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes
Insomnia: sometimes, was waking frequently not so long back, getting about 3 or 4 hours broken sleep.

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: 50 odd health wise!


waiting for CBT.. am wondering how on earth I'll do it or what the hell I'll do if it doesnt work!
Am on no medication.
Totally fed up with feeling so fatigued/drained/exhausted/ill.. and now with the joint pains/stiffness.. what with the next symptom be!? :weep:

09-03-09, 13:27
Headaches/migraines: SometimesVision disturbances: NoSinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): NoToothaches: NoGum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): NoFacial numbness: YesAdult acne: NoDifficulty swallowing: NoRinging in ears/pain: NoTMJ: NoNeck & shoulder stiffness/tension: YesNumbness in left arm/right arm/both: NoNumbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): NoHands trembling: YesFingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slightChest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressureHeart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the aboveBack pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lupper, owerRib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rareBreast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the aboveUnderarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): NoStomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): sometimesAbdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): NoIntestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea, other times constipatedFrequent urination: YesLegs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": on occasionFeet/toes - numbness, pain: NoJoint pain/stiffness/inflammation: NoSkin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): NoOverall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: YesOverall weakness: NoFeeling like you're about to faint: YesInner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: YesFeeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: NoRandom body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): YesFeeling chilled (when it isn't cold): NoPsychological SymptomsChronic worrying: YesFeeling like you're going to go crazy: YesSense of impending doom / "days are numbered": YesChronic fatigue: NoOverall feeling of being "off": YesFeeling clumsy: YesDepression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: A bitIrritable / impatient: OccasionallySelf-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimesAfraid to be alone / clingy: YesAgoraphobia or other phobias: NoOCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): YesInsomnia: NoFinally, how old are you? 29How old do you feel?: Mentally, 29. Physically, 45.Comments:only feel better when I sleep, then have no worries

09-03-09, 19:52
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - head pain

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): NO

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Constipation and Diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numb toes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - le

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thought I was heading down the road to agoraphobia, but thankfully didn't

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 47

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 30. Physically, 57


Made worse by readng up on symptoms i dont have. Every pain i have i think its a ?????? . Made worse by caffiene and you thinking the worst.

09-03-09, 20:28
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Sometimes
Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no
Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no
Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

TMJ: sometimes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): not really

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes to all

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes I get IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes IBS symptoms
Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes on occasion

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no, only health phobia!

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, checking doors

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 33 years

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 33. Physically, 60

I think this test confirms i am falling apart at the seems!!!!:weep:

09-03-09, 20:39
hello have found this really helpful so thanks for asking, have been convinced that i had something terrible wrong with me for some time, even when as far as having millions of blood tests and having an MRI!! obviously nothing physically causing all my symptoms, so good to no that other people experience physical sympotms of anxiety.

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Yes, loosing sight in one eye on occassions, blurred and altered vision nearly every day

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - repeated sinus infection

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: no
Adult acne: No,
Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
Hands trembling: Yes, sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): not really

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random and sharp even been rushed to hospital with suspected burst appendix:blush:

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): constipation

Frequent urination: Yes all the time

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion and jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain:no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes all the time

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes at night

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes all the time cant stop

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: on and off

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes very

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: mild

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes very badly
Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no
Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 24. Physically, 40.

11-03-09, 02:25
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - burning head sensation

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - Left Arm numbness
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Tingling in left hand
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sharp Pains Followed by Dull Aches & Tightness Of Left Chest area

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes I get alot of acid

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No
Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness "jelly legs"

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Definatley Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes , Head

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes Definately

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Still have hobbies but rarely go outdoors

Irritable / impatient: On occasions irritable

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Slight

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: I never sleep before 5am, sometimes 9am although i have broken sleep in daytime

Finally, how old are you? 38

How old do you feel?: Mentally,depends, sometimes 38 others 58 ! . Physically, same as mentally..


Seems neverending, just when i think i am getting better it starts all over again. Can be a lonely & depressing lifestyle. This sites a great help tho, makes you realise your not the only one..

11-03-09, 14:46
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes, think it's caused by blocked sinus (since Nov last year!)

Vision disturbances: About two three times a year I get that wirly light thing also known as ocular migraine

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yup, constant tinnitus, sometimes very loud

TMJ: Dunno

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes a bit

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes, slightly

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes got some big ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): bit of wind now and then

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, mostly due to caffeine

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): under rib left from time to time

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): nope, ain't got any

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes to all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes all over

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): not really

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes all of the above

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes numbness in different places

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes stiff knee joints and bad knee pain in night

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Some

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Only slightly

Irritable / impatient: Oh you bet!

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yup sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 56

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 40 Physically, 102


When I'm asleep or just woken up I'm just fine. About ten minutes after waking the anxiety kicks in. Only time I'm not anxious is then or when I'm absorbed in my hobby.

17-03-09, 10:09
[quote=jessica546;249649]Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: whats that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes

Hands trembling: yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes pms

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): IBS

Frequent urination: only when i have panic attack

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: def

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): oh yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: not often

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: a lot

Finally, how old are you? 44

How old do you feel?: 64


17-03-09, 11:02
Headaches/migraines: yes

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes

Toothaches: yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes

Hands trembling: yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):
yes, yes, yes and yes!! Got IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): IBS

Frequent urination: yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: occassionally

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: 50

Comments: If I'm out with friends being busy then I feel a lot better, but sat at home on my own and bored it is much much worse.

17-03-09, 12:02
Headaches/migraines: Yes -- I get all sorts that include the tension, sharp pains here and there, dull aches.

Vision disturbances: Occasionally -- blurry mostly.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Not so much.
Toothaches: Not normally, but right now I have one! I think my teeth are tired of being clenched!

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Not usually, but lately yes.

Facial numbness: Yes! I also get the tingling.

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No, but I have had the tight throat and the lump in my throat sensation.

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes!

TMJ: I do have TMJ.

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes -- often.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes!

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Occasionally.

Hands trembling: Occasionally.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Oh, yes!

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes!

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -- primarily lower.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Oh, yes -- everything here!

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Not too often, but yes.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes.

Frequent urination: Only when I am very anxious.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes -- I've had it all, even severe numbness.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Numbness.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Itching, and sometimes my skin just feels sensitive when touched (not painfully).

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Occasionally

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Not sure.

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes!

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes! I have had heated/burning sensations and also cold, water trickling sensations, too.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes -- all the time!

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes -- all the time!

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not so much.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I am not completely agoraphobic but I don't like traveling too far from home.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes -- I actually am OCD.

Insomnia: Yes!

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: 67

17-03-09, 22:21
What a good idea :)

Headaches/migraines: Not alot.

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes often

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes,my lower gum gets real sore sometimes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing:Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain:Sometimes the ringing

TMJ: What is that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes!!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes-just recently

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sharp pain,dull ache,pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - racing,hard thumps

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes-left side

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - sensitive and pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): sometimes yes.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): All

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Mostly lower

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diaorreak,constipation,varied colours

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - Pain sometimes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation and bones creaking

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Sometimes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - my left hip and left elbow,warm and burning, leg muscles also

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yup

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yES

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes yes

Irritable / impatient: Often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Often

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Fear of cancer or being struck down with a criplling illness

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes yes

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 22

How old do you feel?: Mentally and phsyically-about 50.

Comments: I wish I was healthy. :(

18-03-09, 00:08
Headaches/migraines: sometimes
Vision disturbances: floaters, blurry

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Congestion

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: sometimes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: no

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Left arm constant
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper mostly
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): left

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yes diarrhea

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): does checking pulse count? if so....yes

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 42

feel 55

28-03-09, 14:35
Headaches/migraines: Nope

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yeah congestion quite a bit, not nice.

Toothaches: Nope

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Nope

Facial numbness: Not normally but it has happened before.

Adult acne: Yes, really bad :(

Difficulty swallowing: Yes, I used to have big problems taking tablets becasue of it and I still do sometimes.

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes ringing quite often.

TMJ: ? , I dont know what it is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes sometimes.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Rarely

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes, sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes sometimes. I've had it before where its lasted constantly for about a week.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes, but never really thought about it before.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yes sometimes.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Definitley

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes lower backpain sometimes.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Nope

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Indigestion quite a bit.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Not really and if i do its probably due to tablets.

Frequent urination: Yes.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: joint pain quite often but doesnt usually last that long.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: rarely

Overall weakness: sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes when having a panic attack

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Shakiness

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: I dont think so

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: dont think so

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): somtimes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Yes somtimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes in shying away from outside world but not dont want to be alone and dont have problem feeling affection for others.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, but i try really hard not to be

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I'm not agoraphobic but i dont like travelling etc on my own.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No dont think so

Insomnia: no, but sometimes dont want to go to sleep due to fear

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: Like a scared kid

28-03-09, 17:11
Headaches/migraines: Yeah headaches.

Vision disturbances: Nah

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Not really

Toothaches: No, never.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Nah

Facial numbness: Sometimes

Adult acne: Not very often

Difficulty swallowing: YES!! ALL THE TIME

Ringing in ears/pain: Yeah, sometimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Sometimes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - numbness in left arm atm!!

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - mainly in my fingers

Hands trembling: When im very anxious

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Nope

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): YES!!

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above!!

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Have had before

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes alot of the time

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Not really

Frequent urination: On a day im very very anxious, or having/had a panic attack

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Nah

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Nah

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Very often

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Very rarely

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Kinda

Afraid to be alone / clingy: YES

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No, Thank god

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 19

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 19, physically to old!!.



28-03-09, 17:47
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes sometimes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes sometimes in the left arm

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No but i get tingling

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes have sharp pains sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes all of them

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes i often feel sick

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes i get jelly legs and shakes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes tingling sometimes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes all the time

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes constantly

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes lots

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Feel like i have already gone crazy

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes constantly with this

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes quite alot but i do do some hobbies still, although i cant go outside

Irritable / impatient: All the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes want to be alone alot

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: 30

15-04-09, 11:17
[quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - both

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes aches

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes -racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes -

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes -weakness/jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - pain

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - feet/legs

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 55. Physically, 55.

h/a made worse from googleing have stopped books and relaxation cds help

15-04-09, 11:29
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Headaches when I was younger. Less so now.

Vision disturbances: Sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Sometimes (more prone to sinus problems when I have a cold)

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes. Also bought on by eating sugar to try to calm myself down!

Difficulty swallowing: Only recently; possibly due to Citalopram?

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes

TMJ: (Er, what's TMJ?)

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Constantly, severe.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Sometimes. More muscle ache.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes, only recently (Citalopram again?)

Hands trembling: Yes!!!

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No. Calcium dents though.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes to all during PA's

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes to all.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): My rib clicks out of place but not pain as such.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, pain and sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes to both.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes to sharp pain and dull ache, rarely indigestion, gas. Naseau only during PA's and recently (Citalopram)

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, seems to shift from area to area.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Not really.

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Bad circulation - numbness and very cold feet constantly!

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, itching and bug crawling feeling, particularly in my feet.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes, but they have specific areas they prefer. Mainly my shoulders, back and neck, tops of arms.

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes!!!

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Sometimes.

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes. Shiver and feel a lot colder when having a PA.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not all the time but frequently, yes.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Only mildly, seems to have died down.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 22

How old do you feel?: Fluctuates between 122 and 12!

NB: I have been on Citalopram for three weeks, some of the recent symptoms, where stated, have come on since then. Can't decide if this is due to heightened anxiety or the meds. Most of those symptoms are dying down now.

15-04-09, 12:29
Physical Symptoms
Headaches/migraines: sometimes

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: occasionally

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No
Difficulty swallowing: yes, very tight throat

Ringing in ears/pain: no


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes , ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes ,all

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes -all
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): often

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - reflux and right side under rib
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - but no blood

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes -weakness/jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes -
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: not quite
Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: often

Finally, how old are you? 49

How old do you feel?: Mentally, my age, Physically, 65.

writing and speaking to peoplealso in chat room helps. I hate doctors, they are not interested in the cause, they just want to suppress the symptoms!

15-04-09, 12:33
Hi again, has any of you tried any of the natural remedies listed on this site? i.e. bach flowers, vit b complex, omega 3, homeopathy, aminoacids, minerals, massage etc, etc ................. please let me know. I always refused to take omeprazole .... and I'm also allergic to most conventional meds, as well as most types of foods. Has any of you tried a particular diet?
Love to all xxxxx

15-04-09, 18:56
Headaches/migraines: Not anymore

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No - I just had all my wisdom teeth removed!

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes sometimes I choke on my own spit

Ringing in ears/pain: yes - horrible!

TMJ: Don't know what this is - and I'm not going to google it because I will probably end up with it!

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No but I do have a cough

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Only when I get really anxious

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower, it's really painful

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Not really

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - sometimes they feel weak

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Not really

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema but I've had this since I was little

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptom

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No - unless body checking counts

Insomnia: Trouble sleeping

Finally, how old are you? 23

How old do you feel?: About 100

15-04-09, 18:58
Luigi you're comment about the doctors only being interested in medication, not the cause, is so true. My doc tried to persuade me to go on medication yesterday, I refused. I then asked if she could refer me for CBT - she said the NHS in my area didn't have the resources. So helpful.

15-04-09, 19:16
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes - Image retention

Adult acne: Yes - Comes and go's.

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - White Noise sensation.

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Hands trembling: Yes - Occaisionaly.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - Tightened chest sensation.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - Butterflies in the stomach !

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - mild diarrhea.

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes - Very mild and as I have never actually fainted I dont actually know what it would feel like !!

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - Core of torso feels like it is overheating.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes - See above.

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Not chronic but more of a nagging sensation about issues.

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes - Lose interest in almost everything.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Insomnia: Very mild

Finally, how old are you? 46

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 46. Physically, 46.


Improvement with music, esp. music I grew up with. Generally occupying myself with physical tasks i.e. gardening, tidying up etc etc. Made worse by over thinking my issues !!!

15-04-09, 21:32
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Not really but i do get twinges in my head

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes and cold sores too

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness often

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Sometimes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: 70

15-04-09, 21:38
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Ringing in my ear

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): YES

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, all of those

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Sometimes

Frequent urination: yes, when I'm very anxious

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: YES

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Sometimes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, check my pulse

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: 65

15-04-09, 21:55
[quote=nanny;249840][quote=rosepetal;249819]Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: no

TMJ: ?????

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, now and again

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): NO

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pains on and off

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): upper and middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: Sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: sometimes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching on and off

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: sometimes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: NO

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: no

Irritable / impatient: no

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: N/A

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 47

How old do you feel?: My age !!


I wish for everyone's sake that suffers from this terrible air hunger and anxiety that someone could find some miracle cure xx

15-04-09, 22:07
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches every day

Vision disturbances: not really, but I have sore and twitchy eyes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Occasional pain

TMJ: What's this?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, dull pain although not for a while

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes - right side, better recently

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): A little, no more than anyone else

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - some eczema but goes with hydrocortizone

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": No

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: 29


Have had phases of this before but with different symptoms, now it's mainly headaches and dizzyness that trouble me.

25-04-09, 07:05
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sometimes
Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No
Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: rarely

TMJ: what is it???
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): at period time sensitive and pain
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): bloating

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):yes runny
Frequent urination: weak bladder
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion and twitchin

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes
Irritable / impatient: yes
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: whats this

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia:not really

Finally, how old are you?26

How old do you feel?: 18

25-04-09, 13:18
Headaches/migraines: Yes Both

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, quite often


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, currently in two fingers on my left hand

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pains, dull pains, pressure, tightness, difficulty breathing

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Under Both Sides

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Sensitivity
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - IBS
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left side quite often

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation, blood

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema, itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - mainly chest

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No
Irritable / impatient: Often

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, often

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: 44


Improvement with running and playing with pet rats. Made worse by googling and the unexpected, surprises.

26-04-09, 02:15
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches sometimes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - sinusitis was very bad at one point

Toothaches: sometimes but I clench/grind teeth

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes -bleeding occaisionally

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: Yes-sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes -ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower very bad can`t walk/stand too long before it becomes very painful

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas,sometimes dull ache

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - "jelly legs" sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain stiffness in knees

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: sometimes

Overall weakness: occaisionally

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes especially about health

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes very much

Chronic fatigue: Yes but getting bit better

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes,

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 39

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 18. Physically, 47.

26-04-09, 02:31
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Headaches, dull, pressure

Vision disturbances: When my anxiety is bad, blurred

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): I am a snot ball

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Bleeding

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes.. loss of cuticle b/c of eczema

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes, upper, lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under right rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - swollen and achey

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - dull aches

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, nausea, indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea and constipation

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and twitching all the time

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema, sometimes horribly

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Sort of

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": No

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Much more than usual

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, it's awful

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Fluctuates

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Pure O

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 22

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 89, in the tired and overly-serious sense. Physically, 69.

27-04-09, 04:02
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Some headaches - maybe its "normal" cuz i see a lot of people with headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes i see the lights flicker sometimes (then i realize a cloud or plane passed in front of the sun or the drier was on and causing the lights to flicker) also sometimes I see a spot flick in my eye (like the burn mark on a movie reel telling the need to change a reel) - maybe its imaginary? also other times i just get spacey while looking at my monitor.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - some congestion, nose runs while im eating sometimes.

Toothaches: Sometimes teeth hurt

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): only bleeding when i brush too hard

Facial numbness: feel like the right side of my face is slightly number than the right

Adult acne: not really

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes I get the feeling i can't swallow - this was back when i was afraid i was having seizures.

Ringing in ears/pain: every once in a while i hear a slight ringing

TMJ: not sure what this is not gonna even look it up

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: front right of my neck always hurts, hurts more when i sing especially if i sing falsetto.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both moreso in right arm

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - both moreso in right arm

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): got some messed up index fingernails

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Not really anymore although i had this last year

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps:I feel like my heart is always beating too fast - it is usually high 70s - mid 80s/min

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all over sometimes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): pain right below both ribs while sitting - feels more like muscle pain

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, gurgling, nausea, indigestion, feel like i cant eat sometimes even though i know im hungry.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random but a lot in top left.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - you name it, its in there. flat, round, pebbles, soft, hard, lots, little, constipation, diarrhea, blood everything you name it. I was dx'ed with a fissure a few years back.

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness also the feeling of my legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness, pain same pain that is in my hands

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: dont feel it so much in the joints

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): not really

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): always - i used to tremble and have to leave work to go get warm.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sort of, i quit playing video games because i thought i was wasting my life. driving my car doesnt make me happy anymore because im always afraid im going to have a seizure or something.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: dont remember what this means but not gonna look it up

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not things around the house but other things, like checking car, checking zippers, clicking things a certain number of times

Insomnia: Sort-of. i was having trouble getting to sleep and was waking up after an hour thinking ... crap why am i awake. then i would basically pass out while looking at my laptop in bed then wake up in another hour thinking "crap." then i would get up in the AM with my alarm go take a shower then get back in bed, relax and oversleep work for 2 hours.

Finally, how old are you? 26

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 16. Physically, 70.

i hate google

well at least it feels good to get it out.

11-05-09, 14:17
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes - transluscent brown floaters

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - I have allergic rhinitis

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - Sensitive gums, bleeding, infections, swelling, mouth ulcers.

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, a few spots here and there expecially around menstruation.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, not very often.

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - aches during and after panic attacks

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: All

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower, I slipped a disc 3 years ago

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both. Sore glands.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Upset stomach, aches, sharp pains and indigestion.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, when I was at school and suffering health anxiety.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching and tiredenss, muscular aches and cramps

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching toes and fingers, possible eczema. Skin rashes and pink patches.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, especially after my first panic attack

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Disease phobias, fear of flying

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 28. Physically, 70!


I was diagnosed with 'obsessional neurosis' 6 years ago and also have depression which comes and goes. I take 100mg Sertraline daily. I have had health anxieties since I was 12. Recently developed light headedness and unreality feelings.

11-05-09, 19:08
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): occasionally in fingertips

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes-all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations):No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No, not unless I poke and prod at them!

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):Yes-back and forth between diarrhea and constipation
Frequent urination: Not usually

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes,bugs crawling once in a while

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Off and on

Feeling like you're about to faint: Only occasionally

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes, in the throes of a bad panic attack

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: its not agoraphobia, i just dont want to leave when i get depressed

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: 29


11-05-09, 20:21
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, sometimes migraines but very rarily anymore..medication change fixed that

Vision disturbances: Eyes are dry a lot now

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes depends on the weather

Toothaches: Sometimes...I think I am clenching my teeth at night

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: I did...on and off for about 2 weeks...it was awful

Adult acne: Yes, way more than I have probably had in about 6-8 years.

Difficulty swallowing: Only when I have an anxious moment.

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - probably from the labyrinthitis. Sometimes it sounds like electrical zaps

TMJ: Not sure...but I think I clench my teeth. Going to see a dentist about this later this week.

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - only when I am panicky

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes in ring fingers...I wear carpal tunnel braces

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Not always...dull ache sometimes...not frequently

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - when I am nervous or anxious

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes, especially upper...lower only occasionally

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations):No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): My underarms feel sore but there is nothing there.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - acid reflux...gas...sometimes nausea if my stomach is too empty.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes pain after eating a few hours...usually on lower right side.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):Yes-I have IBS A...but I don't have blood.
Frequent urination: Not always

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching in legs, feel like I have rubber legs.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Not really

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: stiffness in my elbows and shoulders

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: If I walk too long and I get dizzy...yes I do have some leg and groin pain

Overall weakness: Yes comes and goes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Very rarely when I get tired and lightheaded.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes especially at night

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes back of head often

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes...I get sudden chills even when I am all wrapped up in blankets.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Sometimes

Chronic fatigue: Yes, side effect of labyrinthitis as well

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes, I am off...balance!

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes, if the weather is nice I make a big effort to get out of the house

Irritable / impatient: Not very often, usually work related

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Rarily, only if I feel bad and dizzy

Afraid to be alone / clingy: I was for awhile...mostly at night when I sleep.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: I am sort of claustrophobic, and I am afraid of childbirth/being pregnant, and of dying in my sleep

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: like an elderly person on my bad days


11-05-09, 21:04
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, normally tension related
Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes and tingling/pins and bneedles

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes (and they used to be beautiful)

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Sometimes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): mild, but yes

Insomnia: Wake up very early (4.30ish) and can't get back to sleep

Finally, how old are you? 48

How old do you feel?: Mentally 21, physically ... worn out

12-05-09, 19:43
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No
Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness:Have had in the past

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, varying fingers

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower and sciatica

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Sometimes a sharp pain under ribs that takes my breath away

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random, dull and sharp

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - appearance of blood

Frequent urination: Yes and pain on urination

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - cramping pain

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes - this was awful

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Occasionally

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Occasionally

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Frequently

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Frequently

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: Mentally, in my 20s, physically, in my forties


12-05-09, 20:51
Headaches/migraines: Sometimes

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes
Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness:No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes to all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Mainly left side

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): All

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea and constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Occasionally

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": No

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Frequently

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 63

How old do you feel?: Mentally, in my 20s, physically, sometimes really, really old


12-05-09, 21:16
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes, this can be random pains or "brain fog" - brain fog hasn't occured in a few weeks.

Vision disturbances: Yes - out of focus occasionally.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion all the time at the moment.

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Nope.

Facial numbness: Nope.

Adult acne: Nothing more than usual.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, recenty - but i got rininging before, the pain is new.


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Slightly.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Nope.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Nope.

Hands trembling: Nope.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Don't think so.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, dull ache and pressure occasionally - aswell as deep breath, but I am also slightly asthmatic.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Hard thumps when I'm nervous, heart almost constantly racing.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Very occasionally.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Don't think so.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Have had trapped wind.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Only from trapped wind (I believe)

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Vague diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes - only because I drink a lot more.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": "jelly legs" with panic attacks.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Feet numbness very occasionally, don't think it's anxiety think it's normal.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No.

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Only on the scalp.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes!!

Overall weakness: No, not really.

Feeling like you're about to faint: Occasioanlly.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Occasionally.

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes!

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Scalp / Skull.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: About 50-85% of the day spent doing this.

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes, occasionally.

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Not really.

Chronic fatigue: Had for a week or so after a week of panic attacks, and now feel tired after panic attacks.

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes.

Feeling clumsy: Yes, occasionally.

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No.

Irritable / impatient: Always have been :blush:

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Not really.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Always have enjoyed company a lot.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No new phobias, only the 2 I had before.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No more than before, have some need to check these things - not OCD though.

Insomnia: Did for a few weeks.

Finally, how old are you? 17

How old do you feel?: Can't decide between 17 with too much stress or just 40 with two horrible children and a stressful nasty job :wacko:


My symptoms tend to last for a week or two at a time, then I get a new set of symptoms, generally at the moment they're getting less and less dehabilitating - from chronic fatigue to dizzy spells today. I tend to ignore it and get on with my life, but with college work it can just really get me down. Tend to feel better after I've slept a lot - symptoms also tend to dissapear when I don't think about it, which isn't as often as I'd like!

12-05-09, 21:34
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes- left ribs all the time

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: YES

Agoraphobia or other phobias: death

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 19

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 50. Physically, 20.

12-05-09, 22:14
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: sometimes
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No
Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes
Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: a bit
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): abit magpies
Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 25
How old do you feel?: too old

want to be better

15-05-09, 19:59
Headaches/migraines: Sometimes
Vision disturbances: Yes in left eye mainly
Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes
Toothaches: No
Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): when brushing teeth
Facial numbness:No
Adult acne: spots
Difficulty swallowing: No
Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes
TMJ: if u mean teeth grinding yes
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes
Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers):fingertips and various fingers
Hands trembling: Yes
Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): nails all bitten off mostly
Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes to all
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Mainly right side
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): all except nausea and acid reflux
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes
Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea and
Frequent urination: Yes
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and jelly legs
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: sometimes
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes sore joints
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes crawling
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes
Overall weakness: Sometimes i get that really nervous feeling
Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No
Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes
burning sensations that can last days

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes
Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes
Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes
Chronic fatigue: Yes
Overall feeling of being "off": Yes
Feeling clumsy: Yes
Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes
Irritable / impatient: Frequently
Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world):
Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes
Agoraphobia or other phobias: No
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No
Insomnia: No
Finally, how old are you? 34
How old do you feel?: Mentally, in my 18, physically, 70's

21-05-09, 20:05
Headaches/migraines: Yes with light sensitivity

Vision disturbances: Yes all the time, sometimes worse than other times

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Sometimes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Occasionaly

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: Yes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes, mainly in the mornings and after meals

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - annoying

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, very painful

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes but only in 3 fingers

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No,

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes but only recently

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes but only in lower back

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionaly

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Occasinaly

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes they change all the time

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Sometimes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes - this is the worst

Afraid to be alone / clingy: All the time

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Only when I have to go somewhere alone

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No - only my body

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: Depends on what sort of day Im having :)

21-05-09, 20:22
Headaches/migraines: Yes, sometimes

Vision disturbances: Yes, sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Sometimes

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Occasionaly

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Maybe sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ:Not sure

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): not

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No,

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower):No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): NO

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): no

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Sometimes

Frequent urination: Occasionally

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes, very much

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Maybe

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No, attach my problems to others

Afraid to be alone / clingy: All the time

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: Older than that

22-05-09, 21:28
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - just ringing

TMJ: Yes - once in a blue moon

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both but mostly the left side

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain

Heart (racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps): Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all of the above

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - acid reflux, gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes - but I drink alot of water

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, bug feeling once in a while

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - finger tips sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes - like a blood rush

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes - sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not to much

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes - periodically

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes - most of the time but not always

Agoraphobia or other phobias: My health and going out in public but I still make myself go

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes - 50/50

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 55. Physically, 40.

I hate having anxiety....it drains the life out of me :(

26-05-09, 20:07
Headaches/migraines: Very ocassionally

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ??

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - in morning

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain

Heart (racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps): Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all of the above

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Once or twice

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - shooting from armpit

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes -shooting pains

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - acid reflux, gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes all over

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes in the morning

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes - sometimes fell over a few times

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: A little

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes - periodically

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: NO

Finally, how old are you? 39

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 75.

Can't believe sometimes that all the aches and pains I have are caused by anxiety...there must be something else wrong...although blood test didnt show anything!

27-05-09, 09:32
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes - floaters

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes- sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally pain in both ribs

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, indigestion, acid reflux,

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: Yes- occassionally

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - teitching muscles

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: most of the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really, sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: not really

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no
Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: about 66

28-05-09, 13:09
Headaches/migraines: Yes but have always suffered with headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes - pain around my eye, blurred vision

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): NO

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes Bleeding

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes - lump in throat

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: All health related

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes - but more checking myself

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 25

How old do you feel?: 25 - but worn out!

28-05-09, 14:06
Headaches/migraines: Yes - random sharp head pains which freak me out

Vision disturbances: Blurred vision sometimes - mainly when Im tired

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Everyday

Toothaches: now and again (usually means i need a visit to the dentist)

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Occassionally

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: NO

TMJ: Whats this?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Occassionally in left arm

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): see above

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes -

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): occassionallu

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: All health related

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 34

How old do you feel?: 45

29-05-09, 01:05
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rare

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - only HA people look at poop guys!!!

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, and dry skin

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy:yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no, not sure what this is?????????

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No, but I love sleeping pills!!!!

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically??.

29-05-09, 01:17
Headaches/migraines: heaaches

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: yes lower cheeks and chin

Adult acne: no
Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: ringing


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): hands feel a little weak

Hands trembling: yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): nausea, sharp pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random):random sharp pain

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: off and on

Irritable / impatient:very much

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): occasionally

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: diseases
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): slight

Insomnia: waking up from jerk, then can't get back to sleep

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: 40

Comments: i
its taking its toll on me for sure. i need to feel better soon.

29-05-09, 01:29
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches & migraines

Vision disturbances: yes - floaters

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes sinus pressure

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes - bleeding & ulcers

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - left

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes splitting and cracking

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes to all.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes all.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Sometimes left

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): sometimes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - ache, nausea sometimes sharp pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: Sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No
Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: about 31

31-05-09, 03:11
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - Throbbing ones.

Vision disturbances: Sometimes things get blurry or hazy

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - constantly

Toothaches: Jaw pains

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes=Both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes-but I have had it since I was a kid

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes- Everything

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - All of it

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes everything

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes -Diarrhea, Constipation, Green stool

Frequent urination: Yes, but that is normal for me

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes both

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes -

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Sometimes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Sometimes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Was in the beginging

Irritable / impatient: Not really

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Umm Lost what ever sex drive I had (Which was not much to start with..lol)

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Strong fear of flying, death

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, BIG time. I'm obsessed with pulling plugs. I can NOT leave plus in before leaving the house. I also have to check the door that houses our birds (and keeps the cat out). My husband put a sliding lock on it, and I will still check it a million times.

Insomnia: On occasion

Finally, how old are you? Just about 35

How old do you feel?: Mentally maybe 21-25. Physically depends on the day.. Usually older then I actually am.


I don't smoke, gave up alcohol and cut back caffiene. Music and reading helps out a little. For the most part the only thing that helps my anxiety is the medicine.

I'm gaining weight like mad because I'm just to tired and scared to do any exercise. I'm so dam scared that I will collapse..

01-06-09, 23:54
Headaches/migraines: Sometimes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ??

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes to all.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes lower back.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, pain and sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Sometimes, heartburn, indegestion.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Sometimes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Sometimes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Not very often

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: good days 21, bad days 61


I have cut right down on caffeine and the palpitations are now a lot better. If I feel any anxiety symptoms coming on, I make myself busy that helps me a lot.

02-06-09, 00:09
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes-blurred vision

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion

Toothaches: Sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - mainly left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure and inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes both

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - indigestion, reflux, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Sometimes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Sometimes-diarrhea

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching
Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - bug feeling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Sometimes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: A little

Irritable / impatient: A little irritable

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Mainly health anxiety

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 20
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 60

08-06-09, 08:52
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes both

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, sneezing and congestion

Toothaches: Sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes, nerve pain and occasional bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes and pins and needles

Adult acne: Not really

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes nearly all of the time

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Have had it in both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes both

Hands trembling: Yes and sometimes my whole body feels like ot's trembling on the inside

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes and I bite them too

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of them

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes all of them

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes mainly lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes and sometimes lack of sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes I get alot of weeakness in legs and arms

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes all

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes my eczema cleared up for 2 years when my anxiety was under control now it's all started again

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes quite a bit

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Not sure

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not really, I try to push myself because I know it'll make me feel better in the long run

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes occassionally

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, especially when I have anxiety and it goes into a panic attack. I'm scared there will be no one around who understands what I'm going through and I'll look like an idiot

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Phobia of travelling alone. Although I manage 1 of my buses to work alone by speaking to my partner on the phone if I need to

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Rarely

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20. Physically, 65.


I've cut out caffine and it has made a difference.

08-06-09, 09:46
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: fore head but getting less

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: sometims

TMJ: not sure what that is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes neck

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes but getting less

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): ridges but not sure that nothing ne

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): deep breath thingy

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Palpitations

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): tummy ache

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): loose

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": tapping but not really twicthin

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: getting less

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: getting less

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: some times

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: not sure

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: not really depressed trying to stay positive

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: a bit

Agoraphobia or other phobias: slight agoraphobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Car doors and house door mainly

Insomnia: yep

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: my age, always felt zapped due to ibs.

that made me feel a bit better about myself, as i reminded me im on the road to recovery :)

Miss Alissa
08-06-09, 20:14
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - sharp shooting pains in temples, generally fogginess and pressure around eyes, pain behind the eye.

Vision disturbances: Yes - floaters, dancing dots, colours. Worse when tired.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Sometimes, although more tingling or odd sharp pain.

Adult acne: Yep! Big time...

Difficulty swallowing: Not now but used to, my mum used to mock me so much for it when I was younger. That and not being able to yawn. They thought I was nuts!

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - both. Fuzzy helicopter type sounds, sharp pain when tense.


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Sometimes.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No.

Hands trembling: Yes but only when really bad.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Not really.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Not any more but when I was in panic attack territory, all the time. Terrifying.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them! Ectopics are the scariest, especially when they come from nowhere even when completely relaxed.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Terrible middle back pain.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - hot, burning sensations, just horrible.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes. Sharp pains, nausea.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, but only when really, really bad.

Frequent urination: Yes.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No,

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - but more tingling skin, just extra sensitive.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No.

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No, not really.

Irritable / impatient: Only really when hormonal!

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes. Shying away mainly, never have difficulty feeling affection though.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Only heights.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not anymore but in the past, absolutely. Badly.

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 28

How old do you feel?: Pretty much 28 I think - maybe mentally a little younger.

Comments: Lack of sleep, lack of food, hangover, caffeine, hormones all make me ten times worse. Trying to be kind to yourself in whatever way you can really can make a difference.

08-06-09, 20:27
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Sometimes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: During panic attack

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rare

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): indegestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Sometime

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thunderstorm phobia, health anxiety

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 44

How old do you feel?: About 60

08-06-09, 20:41
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes mainly headaches

Vision disturbances: yes- blurry vision a lot

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion all the time

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - both

Facial numbness: sometimes mainly in my cheeks

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - every single symtom you can get

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above a lot of the time

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - whole back

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - all the above

feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes all of them

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - all apart from psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes my main issue!!

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - my face always feels like its on fire when i get into one

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: a lot

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy:yes

agrophobia and other phobia: agrophobic and other phobias

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: dead and numb

08-06-09, 20:47
You made me laugh fed up on how your feeling. :-) i knew that feeling

10-06-09, 07:39
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - migraines

Vision disturbances: sensitive to light

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes

Toothaches: sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: mostly at time of month

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes
Hands trembling: twitches

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no but i bite them

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes sharp pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): a little

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes nausea and ache

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): constipation

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes,eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: yes a little

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little on bad days

Irritable / impatient: all the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: some days i dont want to be alone, others i need to.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: sometimes, i fall asleep but i awake a few hours later with panic attacks

Finally, how old are you? 17

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 60. Physically, 60


I feel so horrible!

01-08-09, 21:19
Headaches/migraines: sometimes

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): not lately

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): yes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: no

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): NO

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea

Frequent urination: not often

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching all over bodyy

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: sometimes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - bugs crawling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: NO

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 18

How old do you feel?: 18

15-08-09, 16:54
Headaches/migraines: Yes - both at least once a week

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: not really

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - sensetive gums that bleed when brushed

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: im 16 and get a few spots

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes - pain


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - in tips of fingers

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yes - all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - skipped beats

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): no

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: very rarely

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): sometimes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: a little

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): not really

Insomnia: yes - if im worrying about something

Finally, how old are you? 16

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 16. Physically, 40.

15-08-09, 17:41
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: no not really

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Yes i have rather to many spots

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower and middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib,

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes always

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes i have Agoraphobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 27. Physically, 60.

15-08-09, 18:05
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances:yes-see spots and light bothers me sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - sinus pressure

Toothaches: no not really

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Yes sometimes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): i chew them

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): sometimes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Diarrhea

Frequent urination: sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - pain, twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): occasionally

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": sometimes
Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: not really

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: sometimes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 30. Physically, 70.

15-08-09, 21:51
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches occasionally.

Vision disturbances: No not really but I do get dizzy sometimes which makes my eyes feel wierd.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day.

Toothaches: Occasionally but my teeth are fine.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No.

Facial numbness: Only if im having a panic attack, rarely.

Adult acne: I can do yes at times, GP gives me something for it.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes ringing and fullness.

TMJ: yes.

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Only if had panic attack so again very rarely.
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - but rarely.

Hands trembling: no.

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Splitting.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps I have had palps in the past.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): I have IBS so yes at times.

Frequent urination: Yes if anxious, so not often really.

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasions where ive been anxious.

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness if had panic attack.

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - once or twice in past had crawling feeling, odd.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes often, esp down arms and legs.

Overall weakness: Yes but only if had panic attack.

Feeling like you're about to faint: once or twice in past.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes if anxious.

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes when very stressed, esp at back.

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes when panicky.

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, again when im panicky.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes but its comes and goes really.

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No.

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": No.

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes most days.

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: In past yes, it does hit me now and again though.

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: I dont really like being alone.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No.

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 29.

16-08-09, 00:15
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches (could be the Omeprazole though)

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - bleeding but only when flossing, but it's unrelated ongoing dental issue

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No, though have a "thing stuck in the throat feeling"

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, sometimes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, more tingling really on the tips of all fingers

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - sometimes racing. Thumping/pounding mostly though.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower right.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Occasional ache

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - brief sharp pains, some dull aches, nausea & gas (though being treated with Omeprazole which helps the nausea and getting checked for H.Pylori).

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random, probably related to stomach issues

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes, only when especially anxious

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness sometimes, often heaviness like struggling to move the legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Twinges of pain in left arm joint and sometimes finger joints

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes, or more of a dull foggy head. Like a hangover.

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - arms

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: No (at least not chronic)

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes if it's a serious attack

Chronic fatigue: Not chronic, but heavy fatigue sometimes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not depression. More just lethargy and unenthusiastic, but purely because I feel off rather than depressed. Force myself to get out though.

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No. Rather the opposite, feel I sometimes need to be near people.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes, sometimes (normally quite fine with my own company).

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes. Not that bad, but often recheck all of the above a few times.

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 50. Physically, 50.

Music helps a lot (Spotify at work is a godsend!). Getting out also. Almost dependent on going for a walk now and fear a rainy day and the nights getting shorter.

17-08-09, 10:26
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: yes
Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, congestion

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes++

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, Acid reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Rarely

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes++

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes++

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes++

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 26

How old do you feel?: 70 both mentally and physically

06-10-09, 15:16
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes both

Vision disturbances: Yes snow like vision, floaters

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: Yes

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - mostly left side

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes in fingers

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes tingling in toes and feet

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes neck stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Pins and needles

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No
Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes mainly left of back.

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No
agoraphobia,: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 23

How old do you feel?: 45


I have experienced the above at some point during my anxiety, my worst symptom is the feeling of impending doom. :) xx

06-10-09, 22:23
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Sometimes

Vision disturbances: had blurred vision - got eye test - been find since

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - racing

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - indigestion n gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness sometimes in left foot

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, crawling
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - mainly forehead

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No, but go to bed late to make sure I will sleep

Finally, how old are you? 33

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 40. Physically, 30

Comments: Main symptoms, racing mind and brain fog most physical have gone since I managed to convince myself its was just anxiety

07-10-09, 00:16
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - Both

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - runny and also a feeling of blocked nose even though nose is clear

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No.

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes tension.

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left mainly.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - one side mostly

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, difficulty to breath.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - but rare

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes all of above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Left side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes to all

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching and jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes, quite a lot.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes, legs and arms mostly

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Only on bad days...

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes.

Afraid to be alone / clingy:Yes!

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes, but not severe

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: Ancient, I don't feel like I'm living like a 21 year old. It's like I'm in my 80's waiting for death to come knocking.


Improvement with Reassurance but not for long, and also keeping busy makes me forget about my HA. Being alone is tough at the moment getting better. Constant positive thinking is making things easier.

08-10-09, 03:31
wow this is great 2 see how many pepole r dealing with what iam iam not alone i feel way better

08-10-09, 03:46
[QUOTE=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): sometimes

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: yes sometimes cos iam preg

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: sore jaw so i think so

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): not numbness but feels like they dont want 2 wk sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): not any more but use 2

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): i think only cos iam preg

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): sometimes sensitivy

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes i think IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes i think IBS

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yes mucis

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - top of head

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes always feel cold

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: yes & moody & snapy

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 40. Physically, 30.


this is a great idea thanks i know i have 2 take time out 4 me i have 3 kids with one more one the way and its just me and my husband no help think its getting the better of me sometimes but i love my family very much this is what keeps me strong

08-10-09, 11:34
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - both migraines and tension headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes with migraines and watery cloudy eyes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - sinus problems for years

Toothaches: Yes due to grinding teeth

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes - feeling of lump in throat all the time

Ringing in ears/pain: Fuzzy noise in ears as if I have been to a nightclub.


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - sometimes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - dull ache when taking deep breath and sometimes can't catch breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - racing and palpitations

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - really bad lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - pain occassionally

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - bad acid reflux, gas, nausea, indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea, constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - pain in right foot

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, red blotchy skin on face

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes - shakiness

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - right hand side of face

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes claustraphobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes to a degree

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 38

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 55.


Suffered with HA all my life. Major problem being Cancer phobia. Currently really bad and going to try hypnosis.

11-10-09, 22:23
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes, esp round chin and top lip, all left hand side

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): hands suffer weakness
Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - discoloured

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little on bad days

Irritable / impatient: I would say occasionally, but i sure my hubby and children would say something else

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: some days i dont want to be alone, others i need to.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: luckily no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: sometimes, I get off to sleep ok, only to be woke 20 mins later with a sharp jolt and the sweats, this happens in groups, happen a few nights running then not again for weeks on end.

Finally, how old are you? 33

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 40


Still reallying trying to get used to it, my body doesn't seem to want to recover at te moment, as I get over one symptom and then the following week I have another.

Judging from some of the questions, I seem to get away with it quite lightly, of course to me it doesn't feel that way.
Last edited by breeze25; 22-08-07 at 18:35.

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Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Always both
Vision disturbances: Always

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Pressure sometimes

Toothaches: Yes at times

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, both


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes - reckon its indigestion tho : )
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps:

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Occasionally lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes at times

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes to all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes mostly the left or right side

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea and constipation
Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes
Feeling like you're about to faint: Most of the time

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: This is my main symptom
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": No

Chronic fatigue: Yes (I have chronic fatigue syndrome though : ) )

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Not much

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Claustraphobia

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 19

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 19 Physically, 50


11-10-09, 22:24
Oops appears I have stolen someone elses answers as well : S Sorry lol. : )

12-10-09, 11:34
Headaches/migraines: No

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - every day

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No but have that lump feeling

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: ?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes occasional twinges on left side near arm

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Occasionally

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - Jelly legs today walking to work my mind and legs for a while didnt feel in synch and I thought I was going to just fall over

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes Stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Oh Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes very much so

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No.

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Occasionally

Overall feeling of being "off": Pretty much every day

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: From time to time

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: I dont really like being alone.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes our doors for some reason

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 34.

How old do you feel?: Mentally 34, Physically, 50.

I find it very hard to occupy muself all the time and as soon as I feel a twinge I begin to panic

12-10-09, 13:50
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - tension headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - post nasal drip

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Rare, but yes

Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: When having the lump in the throat feeling, yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, definitely!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Happened before but only at one period

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure, inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower mostly

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under right rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - lots of gas, indigestion

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, sometimes constipation, rarely diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion, jelly legs, at one period tingling, cold and crawling feelings all over

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes, a lot! And feeling dizzy and lightheaded for prolonged periods of time.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes, occasionally, burning feeling on my scalp mostly

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, after feeling hot

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not really, more depressed cause i am too scared to do those things i enjoy doing because of the symptoms

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, self-absorbed and symptoms-absorbed, and shying away from the outside world and contact with most people, but not wanting to be left alone by people that make me feel safe

Afraid to be alone / clingy:Yes , a lot

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Somedays i am scared to go out, but mostly if it is by myself

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not really

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 30 in a week or so :)

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 20s. Physically, depends on days, sometime 30s, sometime i could be somebody's grandmother.

Comments: I usually feel a symptom at a time, but it almost always takes forever to exchange it for another one cause i find it hard to forget about it even if i am doing other things, it's always there, i am always checking to see if it's still there if it isn't something that would be sort of in my face all the time anyway even if i check or not, like when i feel lightheaded and faint.

12-10-09, 17:50
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes -migraines and tension headaches. Sudden pressure in head

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): a bit

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: yes but more down to bad diet I think!

Difficulty swallowing: When having the lump in the throat feeling, yes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: someties

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes in a few fingers

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: yes fast and missed beats
Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - mid back

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): nausea and bowel problems

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): not often

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yes odd mixture of all
Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - feel like may fall over

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes numbness and pain

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes in hands

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes feel like may just drop.

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yep hands

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes, like im absolubtly doomed to an awful life and uncurable illness, like i deserve it and it was always hgoing to be me. Like Ive lost the lottery!

Chronic fatigue:Not really

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes, just not quite myself

Feeling clumsy: No, Im naturally clumsy cant blame HA for that

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes as Im afraid I will collapse in public

Irritable / impatient: yes terribly moody. Im ashamed of how moody Ive become. used to be laid back

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes, cant deal with folk, especially when they ask how I am and I have no IDEA fow to respond!!

Afraid to be alone / clingy:Yes , terrified. Again not used to that at all, used to being independent and stand on my own two feet.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: A bit, if I have an off day i cant ebar going out

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not at al

Insomnia: sometimes, not often

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: Hmmm - dont know sometimes like a stupid teenager, other times like a bitter old woman. Not my age thats for sure.

Comments: Thanlks for this posy its just so re-assuring. I dont know what Id do without this forum. Good luck to everyone.xx

12-10-09, 18:19
Hey, I'm new here.....just chatting to introduce myself and let you all know that I am a serious hypochondriac who really needs support!! My daughter just received a kidney transplant so needless to say I am really on edge which does not help my disorder!! Any nice words and reassurance would be much appreciated and helpful!!


Headaches/migraines: seldom, mostly during hot weather if al all

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): ocassionally

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: yes at PMS time

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes ringing

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: sometimes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: only when my blood sugar is low

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain in a specific spot for just a second or two

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper to mid

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, sharp pain now and then, lump in throat, fullness

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left to middle upper

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": occasionally

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: only when they fall asleep (pins and needles) rare

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: sometimes

Overall weakness: sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: sometimes goes along with a migraine

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - cheeks

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: at times

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: at times

Agoraphobia or other phobias: want to go to the dr all the time to be reassured but phobic about actually going and waiting for results of something

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes--but it ties with my hypochondria and surfing the web.....now it's "cyberchondria"

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 31

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 17. Physically, 38.

12-10-09, 19:00
Headaches/migraines: Tension headaches on occasion

Vision disturbances: rarely

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: occasionally

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: mild

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): occasionally

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, shallow breathing

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): not really

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no lumps, but sensitivity

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - IBS stuff

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - IBS alternative diarrhea/constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion, twitching too

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - all of the above

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - mild itching occasionally

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes - mild lightheadedness

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): occasionally

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes, more frequently than feeling too hot.

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: UGH! YES

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes.

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): YES

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No, taking walks helps distract me

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Occasionally

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 15. Physically, 40.

Symptoms improve with exercise, good company, fun, getting out of my routine, eating healthy, etc. Symptoms made worse by inactivity, getting stuck in a rut, drinking alcohol, googling symptoms, watching too much TV, general passivity.

12-10-09, 20:51
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - head zaps

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

Toothaches: Sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes ringing and pain


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under both ribs
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): occasionally sore
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes-indeestion and gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): sometimes constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffiness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - crawling under skin and psoriasis in head

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes -Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): swometimes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias:no agraphobia but claustrophobic

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Nyes

Finally, how old are you? 46

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 30. Physically, 55.


Googling all the time, every day I have another/different symptom to worry about-fed up now

13-10-09, 02:48
Headaches/migraines: Yes - Head Aches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - Congestion

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - Middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Occasionally

Frequent urination: Yes - Occassionaly

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - Toe Numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes - Occasionaly

Irritable / impatient: Yes -Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes - Check Pulse

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 43.

How old do you feel?: 60 some days, Then I see a fit 60 year old and think maybe 70:whistles:

13-10-09, 17:26
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: YES! every day. My worst symptom.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Some, but from grinding my teeth at night.

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes! All the time, mostly around eye, right temple

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, constantly

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Rarely

Numbness in left leg/right leg/both: Some, mostly calves

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no pain, just short of breath once in a while

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: YES

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - Lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Rarely, no blood though

Frequent urination: Yes - Occassionaly

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Occasionally

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - Right foot pain

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Mild

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": YES!

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Sexual desire over or under active: YES, back and forth

Afraid to be alone / clingy: A little. Clingy to my small children.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Afraid of Heights

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 42, male

How old do you feel?: I guess I feel 42, since I don't know what it feels like to be 43 yet. But I definitely don't think that I feel right, and wish I felt "normal" again. Even when I am not experiencing anxiety, I am anxious as to when I will again. Bad cycle to be in.:shrug:
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=562145)

13-10-09, 17:27
Fab...really reassuring but how long it'll last is another story!

Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes but prone to both anyway (genetic...thanks Mum!)

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: Yes - although maybe wisdom teeth

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes, over index finger, thumb mainly

Hands trembling: No

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No but I can be prone to listening to it and wondering whether it's normal

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes but IBS diagnosed previously so...

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Frequent twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Some toes and patches on my feet

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Sometimes, crawling feeling in legs

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No

Feeling like you're about to faint: No

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: No (have been using Paul McKenna's 'I Can Make You Sleep' which seems to be working)

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Struggle to get motivated so yes, i guess

Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes but not with family or boyfriend

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: Seems to be improving - I suffer from early waking rather than difficulty falling asleep.

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: Unsure


Distraction can work well - am still working part time which is good.

13-10-09, 19:12
Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Just about totally over tight throat

Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

TMJ: a little clicking in jaw

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: no
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint:sometimes
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: At the beginning yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): dont know
Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 26
How old do you feel?: Mentally, 75. Physically, 55

14-10-09, 00:16
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: just floaters?

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sometimes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): sometimes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes ringing


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas , spasms?

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: nop

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain ./ stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - random

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sorta, dont get out the house much

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 19

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 19. Physically, iduno? 40+


I find that having something to do keeps my mind of the symptoms. fizzy drinks, stuff like that makes it worse.

14-10-09, 00:39
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Blurred

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sometimes

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): sometimes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: yes ringing


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, left arm mostly

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Mostly middle fingers

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, burning sensation

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas , spasms?

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - muscle weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, bugs crawling under skin feeling

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - random

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Definitely

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 44

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 50ish. Physically, 60 - 70ish


14-10-09, 00:39
Headaches/migraines: Yes - both

Vision disturbances: yes blurred/spots

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - both

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes due to surgery!

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: what is this?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes splitting very weak

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain,

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - nausea, dull ache

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - feet and hands

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: all the time!

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes most of the time!

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: old 60! lol

02-11-09, 09:36
Headaches/migraines: yes

Vision disturbances: yes sometimes takes me extra couple of sec to focus

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes

Toothaches: yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: rarly but sometimes yes

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: yes palpitations/hard thumps

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): sometimes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: nope


Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: sometimes
Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: def

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): oh yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: often

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no
Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 22

How old do you feel?: 60!

16-11-09, 19:08
Headaches/migraines: Yes - not headaches but sharp shooting pains
Vision disturbances: Yes, mostly blurred vision

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes and had to have teeth out due to the pain

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes and tingling/pins and bneedles

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: no
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , all of the above

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes and restless leg syndrome

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues making things worse than what they really are

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes. doors, keys and checking my handb

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 46

How old do you feel?: 66

I have tried medication and CBT.
The CBT is good if you get the right person you can let things out to, otherwise its a waste of time

16-11-09, 20:20
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes, vision "vibrates" when nervous

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sometimes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes ringing


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: YES

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes -lower and upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): sometimes

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness, twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes -tingling

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 24

How old do you feel?: 24. I don't feel older, just like a 24 year old with issues


16-11-09, 20:46
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: not really

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sometimes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes ringing all the time the now

TMJ: Not sure of exactly what this is

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: not that Im aware off

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: very occassionaly

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): not often

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yep

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - had for many years

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): sometimes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): not often

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): not often

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yep

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: occassionaly

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): definitly

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: mo

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yep

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: occassionaly

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: occassionaly

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": ?? sometimes

Chronic fatigue: occassionaly

Overall feeling of being "off": yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: occassionaly

Irritable / impatient: sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: phobia when cant escape from the situation

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): not often

Insomnia: sometimes

Finally, how old are you? early 40s

How old do you feel?: mentally young however feeling physically old at the moment

Comments: waiting to see a neurologist - appt in three weeks

16-11-09, 20:49
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches most of day

Vision disturbances: some times

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - always blocked

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: the odd ones but due to different meds i on

Difficulty swallowing: No but feels like throat swollen all time

Ringing in ears/pain: not a ringing like a high pitched sound


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes
Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - mainly in two fingers

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - but used to work in concrete

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure all the time never ends

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - middle but i suffer with lower back anyway

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib,

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): i don`t have breasts
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - reflux , constipation

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): none

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constant constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - jelly legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation in knees

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - top of leg

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes profusely sweating all time

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: i run my own business and really can`t be bothered with it

Irritable / impatient: impatient

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, all time

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no i like to sit with grandson

Agoraphobia or other phobias: i have many phoebias my main one is bees and wasps ( swallowing them )

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): nope

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 44

How old do you feel?: mentally 30 physically 64

17-11-09, 14:02
Headaches/migraines: Yes but i've always suffered with these

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: don't know what this is
Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: when it was bad in the beginning

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes, when it's bad

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper middle, which started me worrying in the first place
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):NO

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): NO

Frequent urination: no
Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching all over but especially legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes in legs and recently face
Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint:no
Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no
Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Hands get cold when i'm bad

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: sometimes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": sometimes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": no

Feeling clumsy: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No
Irritable / impatient: No

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No
Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 37
How old do you feel?: my age

18-11-09, 17:11
Headaches/migraines: Headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Congestion

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, cannot take a deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, nausea, acid, dull ache

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Constipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes my throat

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes cold hands and hot face.

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

19-11-09, 19:53
Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: No, the occasional flash of bright light just as i am about to fall asleep.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Huge sinus issues

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: No

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, both


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: THE WORST EVER!

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Mostly in three last fingers - middle, ring, little

Hands trembling: Sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): My most worrying symptom. I have constant pressure, breathing issues and sporadic sharp pains that seem to bother me for a week or two at a time and then be absent for a month or two

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Absolutely all the time

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes, All over the ribcage. They feel like little knots that develop on the edge of the ribs

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes, especially under my left arm. When I am really anxious I have a knot under my left armpit that hurts like hell

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Indigestion and acid reflux for sure

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

Frequent urination: Yes, when I am going through an anxious spell

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Definitely, suffer from gout

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Very seldom and only for a very brief time

Feeling like you're about to faint: Only very occasionally

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No, rather the feeling of a tight band around my head

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": I am at the point where I challenge myself to see how many of my doomsday predictions come true - I am yet to break the ice, but writing this makes me think that something bad will happen because I said so

Chronic fatigue: No

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Very bad a couple of years ago, but on anti depressants which seems to keep it under control. I do still have days that I feel that nothing is worth while

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, quite often

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: For sure.

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: Mentally, I'm still 21. Physically, 40!


Information about anxiety has helped me to accept it and generally I am living with it. There are tough days, though. Today was particularly such a day.

19-11-09, 20:00
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no
Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: ringing

TMJ: ???

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas and acid

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): dont look

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no
Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: slight

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: Oh yes

Finally, how old are you? 46

How old do you feel?: Mentally 25 physicly 46


After CBT and a lot of self help now in control of all of the above

20-11-09, 04:20
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: sometimes

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes- bleeding

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: somtimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: no

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): both sides

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diarrhea, constipation

Frequent urination: somtimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: not yet

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 21. Physically, 60.

I have really enjoyed taking this, and that we can beat this together, one day at a time.

20-11-09, 05:03
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: Yes Sometimes Especially during bright sunlight and watching tv

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes Sometimes

Toothaches: Yes Sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - Occassionally

Facial numbness: Yes occasionally

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: Yes at times especially when its dusty outside or allergies

Ringing in ears/pain: Constantly

TMJ: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - when I sleep on them and sporadic sometimes

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - only in the hands

Hands trembling: When using muscles I haven't used for awhile other than that no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No not really .

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes . mostly when Im tired not so much heart racing only when working hard or exercise

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - all over occasionally

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally , but somewhat rare

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): N/A

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No not really

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, pain , constantly , pressure upper abdomen most of the time

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): occasional stomach discomfort from overeating or eating something with lots of fiber.. pretty normal stomach though

Frequent urination: Not really pretty regular but not unusual

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness sometimes not much but don't like it also pain in my feet and legs constantly and hip. I have no arches so my feet have been hurting since i was a child without stopping so its hard to know what is anxiety

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation occasionally

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis somewhat not a lot ..

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: No not much sometimes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes occasionally but not sure its not my eyes playing tricks on me

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes sometimes for no reason

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes sometimes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes sometimes rarely but sometimes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):Yes but the weather here causes you to be too hot in heavy clothes or blankets but freeze if you don't have enough clothes on or covered.. so its too hot or too cold

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): YES constantly

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes sometimes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no ,but do wonder about mental state sometimes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Nope don't really much care, don't want to die but don't think about it much ..or try not to. I would say not really here.

Chronic fatigue: Somedays more than other ,

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes if you mean something just doesn't feel right. I have
had a few days like that recently .

Feeling clumsy: Yes oh God.. all my life especially when nervous.

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: I would have to say some,but not like before. I have things im interested in and we get out of the house all the time going to town or working in the yard or on the land or driving around . I would have to say not really

Irritable / impatient: Occasionally sometimes more than others

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Not self absorbed just disgusted with others not trusting others and being hurt by others.. so for the most part probably avoiding others , most of my life and my wife and I are the same not real sociable but can be if need be.

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No Agoraphobia but phobias toward going to the doctors , or don't like my BP taken , or phobia about being sick or having something
wrong with me at times other times don't really care

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Used to but for some reason I really have forgotten to do this much lately . I find I leave the house unlocked at night and forget to check things I used to. I suppose that is a good thing. I can't really think of anything else that im ocd about..

Insomnia: Not really but sometimes I don't rest well.. I have weird dreams about things I don't understand and also still have nightmares about my first wife treating me badly emotionally after 10 years of being away from her.. Talk about weird.. But other times I sleep longer making up for the times I didn't rest well..

Finally, how old are you? 55

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 16. Physically, at times 75 other times my age.


Not sure what comments you want here but I improve anxious wise most of the time
and then I get anxious again and worry about my health. I have good days and bad
days .The good days are mostly when im busy the bad days when Im not doing much.

I have been listening to music lately more and it helps also I bought a graphics pad and have started drawing again. Started getting outside in the yard and forcing myself to do things that I needed to do but didn't do this summer .Now that its winter
I can't believe im getting out in the cold and doing them . Hope all this helps you in someway .. thanks for asking the survey it was fun. Michael

20-11-09, 09:33
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches and possible migraines

Vision disturbances: Yes - floaters and blured vision. Also noisy right eye (????)

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: Yes and grinding

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes - something 'caught in my throat'
Ringing in ears/pain: Sometimes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes - consistantly

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: rarely

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath):everything and anything
Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes
Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib sharp short lived stabbing pains
Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - IBS

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no
Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain ans stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, eczema (since I was a child tho)

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes
Agoraphobia or other phobias: no
OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: No

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 19. Physically, 127!!.

20-11-09, 10:43
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: sometimes

Vision disturbances: Yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: No


Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No
Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes- inability to take deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Have had lower before. but rarely.

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes, mainly nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diarrhea, constipation

Frequent urination: sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes (DEREALIZATION :weep:)

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": YES

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Often

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Used to have bad OCD few years back

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 16

How old do you feel?: Mentally ---, Physically --, . MAy i say that i gues i feel both mentally and physically older, i feel as if noone else my age goes through this. Although i know there is teenagers with anxiety.

20-11-09, 18:33
Headaches/migraines: Yep - Headaches and Migraines

Vision disturbances: Yep Sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No
Toothaches: Yep Sometimes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yep

Facial numbness: Yep occasionally

Adult acne: Never had acne

Difficulty swallowing: Yep - especially with having acid reflux

Ringing in ears/pain: Yep

TMJ: What is that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yep

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yep - only in the hands

Hands trembling: Now and then

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Nope

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): All of them

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yep - more so if im overly anxious

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yep - all over

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yep

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yep

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yep regularily due to acid reflux and gasteritis - epigastric pain regularily

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yep

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): I don't know - I never look!

Frequent urination: One question I wish I could say Yep too - but I cant!

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yep

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yep

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yep - Everyday of my life

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yep - but I know what causes this and its not an acutal skin condition

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yep

Overall weakness: Yep

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yep

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yep frequently

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes!! God I thought I was the only one who felt like that

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yep - sometimes feel like im being microwaved inside

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yep

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yep constantly

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yep

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Occassionaly

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Unfortunatly this is one I can't properly reply too

Chronic fatigue: Yep

Overall feeling of being "off": Yep

Feeling clumsy: Yep

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: We all feel depression of different degrees - I try not to let it rule my life get ontop of it - not vice versa

Irritable / impatient: All the time

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No Agoraphobia but phobia regarding Blood

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 50

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 80. Physically, 80

This has been very interesting - Unreal how many Question's I have replied Yes too. At least it's reassuring to know I am not the only one in the world feeling as I do. Not that I welcome anyone else suffering this way

20-11-09, 20:14
Headaches/migraines: both - migraines are new

Vision disturbances: not yet!

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes
Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: sometimes

Adult acne: yes

Difficulty swallowing: Yes - especially with having acid reflux

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: What is that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, normally left - its always related to the left for me

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): sometimes

Hands trembling: Now and then

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): All of them

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - rarely though

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes - tension

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): occasionally

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): n/a!

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): without a doubt

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): acid reflux, which is ongoing and very annoying

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): can vary, been better since taking amitriptyline

Frequent urination: sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": twitching especially

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: neck, back

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, know its anxiety though

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: often

Feeling like you're about to faint: very occasionally, at my lowest points

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Indeed!

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: when stressed

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yeah, it variates between this and the above

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: of course

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Occassionaly

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": when I am at the low points, yes

Chronic fatigue: yes/sometimes

Overall feeling of being "off": no

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: when i am going through a bad health anxiety stage i feel this

Irritable / impatient: depends on when

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes (even though it opposes the above)

Agoraphobia or other phobias: felt agrophobic for the first time recently

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 30

Very interesting thread. A lot of what I feel depends on what stage I am in and whether the health anxiety is really bad at the time.

20-11-09, 20:32
Headaches/migraines: migraines visual

Vision disturbances: with the migraine

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no
Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: sometmes

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes - with the acid reflux

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

TMJ: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: when i get stressed or scared

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes All of them

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - palpitation frequently

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes underarm pain and tenderness

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes acid and nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): frequently made worse with worry

Frequent urination: constant

Legs - weak and twitching and cramping

Feet/toes - no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: back

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes,

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: often

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: sometimes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: quite often

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: when stressed

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: all the time

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: all the time

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes always think something bad is about to happen

Chronic fatigue: yes

Overall feeling of being "off": yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes the HA causes this

Irritable / impatient: depends

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes when im really worried need reassurance

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): yes checking all the time

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 38

How old do you feel?: not young about 100 some days

Comments:Its interesting to see how we all have common symptoms and feelings depending on the condition that we suffer from.

21-11-09, 10:58
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion, blocked ears

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes for several months then goes away

Ringing in ears/pain: yes - ringing /noises in ears

TMJ: yes - recently diagnosed

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - right

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes -mostly middle, mostly at night

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - feeling like i need to breathe deeply but cant

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - tightness, pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes -tight, lumpy feeling

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -all except sharp pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - but no blood

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - eczema

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes - really bad, current number one symptom

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: not agoraphobia but emetophobia and general phobia about illness

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 52

How old do you feel?: Mentally 20 physically 70


Only thing that improves me is getting away ie on holidays that take me completely away from where i am and make me feel like a different person. made worse when i have actual symptoms to worry about but even when i dont i ma obsessed with what will be next. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602)

21-11-09, 11:03
Sorry if I'm being thick but but I'm new here - I would like to fill in your questionnaire but don't know how to do it........?

many thanks,

agent orange
21-11-09, 11:43
barry you just copy the format by typing it out yourself, a bit long winded, but that's how you do it.

01-01-10, 16:17
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion, blocked ears

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes

Facial numbness: yes....mainly around eyes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes - vibration sound!

TMJ: no....what is that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: sometimes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - mainly left

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes -mostly little finger
Hands trembling: sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - feeling like i need to breathe deeply but cant

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -all except sharp pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - but no blood

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yes-weekness in arms and legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes at times

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes - really bad

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: yes sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: Mentally 18 physically 80

Comments:fed up with all of this :(

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=249602)

Cell block H fan
01-01-10, 18:00
Headaches/migraines: yes

Vision disturbances: no

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion, snotty nose in the morning

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: no

Adult acne: no, the odd spot once in blue moon

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: no

TMJ: no....what is that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: sometimes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: only when I have arm bent

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes ridges

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): occasional muscle pains

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: rarely

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): underarm discomfort some years ago

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -all except sharp pain

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - but no blood

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: rarely, dizziness

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: see above

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: only when i tried Cytlorapram (sp)

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): no

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes - really bad

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 39 (almost)

How old do you feel?: About 40 I guess

Comments:fed up with all of this :(

01-01-10, 19:23
Headaches/migraines: no

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion

Toothaches: no

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

Facial numbness: kinda ( weird sensations)

Adult acne: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

TMJ: no....what is that?

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

Hands trembling: yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): pressure, sharp pains

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: heart racing can go 140bpm over half hour

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): right

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): yes

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no
Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -all except sharp pain and nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): tightness rubber band sensation in upper area

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - no diarrhea or blood

Frequent urination: yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: pins an needles

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: n/a

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: unclear head/confusement

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yeeees

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes not nice to experience

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

Insomnia: no

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: 50

Comments:i hate this!!!!!!!! want normal body functions

02-01-10, 03:03
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches from medication though

Vision disturbances: Occassionally - once again from medication!!

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): I have sinus problems Yes.

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes - from hyperventilation!

Adult acne: Nope.

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: No

TMJ: I don't know what TMJ is.

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes, but have always had this!

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - but doesn't bother me

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes sometimes pain

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes :( All of the above.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - Random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - :(

Frequent urination: No

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - I can't sit still and twitch my legs

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Burning sensation

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Pain

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes Feet and overall body

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": No

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: No

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Occasionally clingy but id rather be alone most of the time.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes agoraphobia and many other phobias.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

Insomnia: Yes

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 40. Physically, 30.


I hate anxiety.

04-01-10, 13:39
Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches/ sometimes sharp pains on either side of head or behind head.

Vision disturbances: Yes. Blurry or light sensitivity

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Not really

Toothaches: Yes -- I have bruxism and TMJ

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes -- seems on right side by my cheek and eye.

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: Yes

Ringing in ears/pain: Occasionally.

TMJ: Yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Definitley

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes -- more so my right hand side.

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over.

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - seeing lines in nails.

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - have had pain, aches, pressure, but most of the time it is hard to breathe.

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above; even sometimes feel like I am going to black out, but don't.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower and upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes. I think mostly on left side.

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Not really

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Not really

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas; aches

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes -- diarrhea/sonstipation

Frequent urination: Yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness; pain on top of left foot

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Maybe -- not as noticeable

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes.

Irritable / impatient: Both

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes!

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Only out in public "in case something happens," but at home I prefer to be alone.

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Agoraphobia, definitley

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes -- I have primary O of the OCD and mental compulsions.

Insomnia: Sometimes

Finally, how old are you? 37

How old do you feel?: Today -- at least 60 or 70; but normally when I am not anxious I feel my age or a little younger.

I have hit another horrible wave of anxiety. I was on hiatus for a little while, but it is back and it is a raging storm. I can't get back in control. I want my life back again -- I felt so free.

04-01-10, 19:33
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

Vision disturbances: yes - lots of blurry

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - sinus

Toothaches: Yes

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - sometimes

Facial numbness: Yes

Adult acne: No

Difficulty swallowing: yes sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes a lot of the time

TMJ: i think so

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both. left arm more tho

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - all of them

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper and middle

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - sharp pain, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

Frequent urination: no

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yes, twitching and jelly legs. sometimes muscular weakness

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes - numbness

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes -pain and stiffness

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes -

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: no

Irritable / impatient: sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: dont like the idea of being alone

Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): kind of

Insomnia: yes

Finally, how old are you? 20

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 15. Physically, 28

04-01-10, 22:19
Physical Symptoms

Headaches/migraines: Yes

Vision disturbances: Yes, blurred vision.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion

Toothaches: No

Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

Facial numbness: Yes at very anxious times.

Adult acne: No,

Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, ringing

TMJ: I'm not sure but I think so

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes sometimes, left arm

Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

Hands trembling: Yes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes to all above

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Sometimes upper but not too severe

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Sensitivity

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Rarely

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

Frequent urination: At very anxious times

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

Psychological Symptoms

Chronic worrying: Yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes - very severe

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: Yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

Irritable / impatient: Yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes. Can't stay on my own at all lately :blush:

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Fear of death I suppose, sudden premature death to be exact.

OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

Insomnia: At times

Finally, how old are you? 21

How old do you feel?: Sometimes like a child and sometimes 85!