View Full Version : Blood clot in leg fears?!

03-10-18, 22:43
Hiiiiiii everyone.

I’ve been doing so well lately, like amazingly well but having a bit of a set back.

I have had pains in my groin, to my hip all the way down to my feet for a few days and the fear of a blood clot is real.

I’ve been to the doctors and the nurse practitioner said it was musclular but I’ve not really done anything to strain my muscles?

I’m too scared to sleep in case a blood clot kills me in the night :( this is the worst I’ve felt in ages.

Please help to calm me down a bit :( has anyone had this?

03-10-18, 22:55
You have been checked and they know what to look for.

We don't always have a reason for pains - we just get them.

You are not going to die from a blot clot.

04-10-18, 00:51
You have been checked and they know what to look for.

We don't always have a reason for pains - we just get them.

You are not going to die from a blot clot.

It concerns me that she didn’t feel my leg or anything?

Just made me push my foot up and it hurt my calf so she said it was muscular

04-10-18, 00:59
Even if you have not strained the muscles you could have tight muscles especially around hips, you should youtube some lower body stretches, give it a few days and see how you feel, it may take away the pain etc.

04-10-18, 01:16
Even if you have not strained the muscles you could have tight muscles especially around hips, you should youtube some lower body stretches, give it a few days and see how you feel, it may take away the pain etc.

I will do that in the morning, I’m just freaking out I don’t even want to sleep because I’m scared I’ll die in the night. So silly 😔

04-10-18, 01:52
It's not silly, majority of us on these boards have felt like you at some stage, but the doctor would of known if you had a blood clot and they were not worried. Maybe put the TV on in bed or watch some youtube videos (not about blood clots :whistles: ) and in the end you will just doze off and before you know it will be morning!

04-10-18, 07:47
It's not silly, majority of us on these boards have felt like you at some stage, but the doctor would of known if you had a blood clot and they were not worried. Maybe put the TV on in bed or watch some youtube videos (not about blood clots :whistles: ) and in the end you will just doze off and before you know it will be morning!

I know :( I’ve been in this position with multiple fears of things a thousand times, it just gets me so down every single time.

I managed to doze off eventually, and I’ve woken up still with my leg feeling uncomfortable. Just going to try and keep myself busy today and try to let the thoughts drift away a bit

05-10-18, 11:07
Me again! And still very much fixated on this, my chest now absolutely kills so I'm like what if the blood clot has traveled to my heart?!

And then I have a bruise on my opposite leg, so I'm a mess! :(