View Full Version : Sick of worrying how do i stop 😢😭😢😭

04-10-18, 10:57
So after all my ailments ive visited the doctor on numerous occasions who tells me its all anxiety the problems go once i hear this but then now im sat here on my day off work looking for problems to worry about and making up pains that arnt there how do i stop this ive had enough its affecting my life because i cant be bothered to do anything i get cranky because i worry about everything been wrong 😭😢😭😢

04-10-18, 11:22
I am also in the same boat. Though my reports came back normal and my doctors told not to worry, I am still feeling pain and crying. I am unable to divert my mind. My mind is in guilty and constantly thinking about my innocent family...

04-10-18, 12:08
I'm a huge believer in when we help others we help ourselves.

Volunteer in an animal shelter.
Volunteer in a church.
Volunteer at a hospital.
Volunteer in a school.
Go to your town or city council, ask about community service.
Volunteer at a food pantry.

Get out of your own head by filling it with good works.. it's a win-win.

04-10-18, 20:41
Im the same. Had been examined by about 9 medical proffesionals the past 3 months for breast problems, everytime I have been given the clean bill of health. But Im stll so scared because what if they missed something and I havent had all the possible tests to make sure. Im tired of being so scared