View Full Version : Cbd oil is amazing for anxiety

04-10-18, 22:10
So for the last 3 weeks I've suffered the worst anxiety in over 6 years. Convinced I have numerous illnesses and unable to leave the house for long. I received an order of cbt oil yesterday and am vaping it. I can't quite believe it's effect. I have researched the topic and decided....I can't be any worse off. This stuff is amazing.

Relaxed body, racing mind has stopped. Appetite returned. I also take 50mg of sertraline so no adverse effects. I am seriously astounded at how this had improved my condition. I've never felt such an improved mood in such a short spacer of time. Definitely worth trying if your anxiety is crippling as mine was.

Hope this helps.

05-10-18, 09:52
This sounds good to here i was advised by my doc because i was interesting in the cbd oil, he said it would get addictive. Myself have been suffering from exsreme anxiety this wk due to my ocd predictions. Myself is on 50mg of setraline

05-10-18, 18:40
What mg do you use?

05-10-18, 22:26
I have bought a 600mg dose in 10ml. I mix 0.5ml with 10ml of e liquid which gives me 30mg dose daily. Cant recommend people try cbd in any form. If you're close to breaking point was I was it was worth a try.

05-10-18, 22:30
What does it actually do to you i was going to try it today from a work mate but bottled it.

06-10-18, 00:26
I have bought a 600mg dose in 10ml. I mix 0.5ml with 10ml of e liquid which gives me 30mg dose daily. Cant recommend people try cbd in any form. If you're close to breaking point was I was it was worth a try.

Does it smell and taste like an umm....spliff? :wacko:

06-10-18, 00:38
Does it smell and taste like an umm....spliff? :wacko:

No, but i'm on my 3rd box of Jaffa cakes, 2nd tube of pringles and now starting on the cereal:whistles:

06-10-18, 00:47
No, but i'm on my 3rd box of Jaffa cakes, 2nd tube of pringles and now starting on the cereal:whistles:


06-10-18, 07:17
It had no thc in it so it won't get you high, for me it has just stopped those racing thoughts and calmed my body. Palm sweats have stopped, only slight butterflies now. It won't make you feel spaced out or out of control. I was very apprehensive initially but glad I tried it.

---------- Post added at 07:17 ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 ----------

O and no doesn't smell or taste like cannabis.

06-10-18, 15:14
Is it similar to maybe diazepam etc. I hate the constant anxiety when it’s severe racing thoughts. I,m at docs on Monday to discuss my meds. So will ask with the anxiety pills also with my setraline.

06-10-18, 21:14
I too am taking cbd,,it does help, but be very careful what company you buy from, seems to be a lot of dodgy companies popping up, also little amounts rather than large amounts works for me:)

06-10-18, 21:19
No it's not really a sedative, for me outs just stopped the racing thoughts and sweaty palms. It's very strange how it's worked. Gp may not be able to advise you fully as it all depends on their views. I would say try it with a low dose for a couple of days see how you go.

06-10-18, 23:25
The only concern for me would be the interaction with my other meds, and as you say, GPs are likely to be very tendentious on this issue :lac:

07-10-18, 01:47
GP's don't seem to understand the interaction between meds & meds let alone supplements. They also don't have to an opinion on much of this stuff as the NHS don't have one and they may be cautious due to the legal ramifications.

There are interaction checkers you can try, if they have been included. Many supplements just don't get added so you are left doing a fair bit of tedious research. And there is the enzyme interaction issue with antidepressants which can differ per med. Some antidepressants are very dependent on certain P enzymes, others use some more and others as spill overs.

But good luck finding a GP who understands the P450 system. That's more for the pharmacists, so they may be the best people to ask.

Now CBD has made it into medicines it's more likely the interaction checkers will have something at least recorded.

07-10-18, 05:15
It's no secret that I'm for legalization of cannabis and the derivatives like CBD. I used cannabis during my cancer treatment and I can say first hand that it helped more than the opioids. I use CBD products as they offer many of the same benefits without the buzz. In addition to the pain relief (which I use it for), it has a calming effect. I can definitely see how it would help with anxiety. Concerning interactions? I really don't think they know. I'm not on a psychotropic but I take a plethora of other meds and I've not had bad reaction.

Positive thoughts

07-10-18, 17:45
Was in a certain shop today that sells this Cbd oil, she couldn’t advise on the benefits but said customers have said good things about this product. From health to anxiety etc. From even 1 women coming off her her antidepressants. But we are all different i will ask my doctor again about everything the difference between maybe diazepam and this cbd oil.

08-10-18, 02:50
Was in a certain shop today that sells this Cbd oil, she couldn’t advise on the benefits but said customers have said good things about this product. From health to anxiety etc. From even 1 women coming off her her antidepressants. But we are all different i will ask my doctor again about everything the difference between maybe diazepam and this cbd oil.

I really would talk to a pharmacist about this. GP's won't know much about the ins & outs of how drugs work and CBD is well off their radar.

Given the differences between CBD and benzos I would be thinking there are differences between what you feel. CBD is supposed to calm the THC element down but that's a direct relationship and will likely involve the same receptors :shrug: whereas using it on it's own means looking at what the CBD actually achieves from those receptors themselves which will need to be more than just countering THC since there won't be hardly any.

I know it has a stimulating effect on a certain Serotonin neurotransmitter but it's a partial agonist which means is weak. Sertraline is actually a weak antagonist (attempts to block) of the same sub receptor but as to whether that translates into both of these fighting each other...is well beyond my understanding at this time.

A pharmacist will understand this stuff, a GP probably won't have the foggiest about it...

08-10-18, 07:53
Thanks terry i am on setraline on 50mg probably be talking about upping my dose don’t no how high i can i go with setraline. I did at one time on setraline 100mg but felt nothing. To be honest since i dropped my dose maybe that’s why my anxiety has rocketed?? But i do want something to calm my fight or flight response. I,m sick of it firing off constantly when i get in a state of panic. Especially when my harm ocd kicks in which is more or less everyday. Then like last wk it was fired up because of a certain thing. Then my what ifs kick in predictions of what’s goung to happen. I just want peace from feeling scared constantly.

08-10-18, 08:50
It did seem to fight my escitalopram 15mg. I was so disappointed. It made me fretful and unable to sleep. Escitalopram had been dealing well with these aspects of my anxiety, so I had to ditch the CBD.

08-10-18, 15:52
Perhaps it works best for pain - both physical and mental (ie depression)? Don't like idea of getting the munchies but only way to find out is to try it, so I will report back here in good time :shades:

08-10-18, 15:57
The pain aspect is interesting. Isn't that normally a norepinephrine and dopamine thing?

I've not looked at what the CB receptors do to be honest. There may be subsets within there that are also touched by other drugs meant for anxiety, pain, etc.

Given it's now licenced as a medicine in the US for certain types of epilepsy I'm wondering whether it's going to be along the lines of meds like Pregabalin? It's applications seem to imply that given the epilepsy connection which other antidepressants that work on pain don't seem to have? :shrug:

08-10-18, 18:13
I am in agreement with fishmanpa. Painkillers are not working for my arthritis, they just make me sleepy and constipated. I am so frustrated by pain.
I cannot take certain medicines for pain as I am on aspirin.
I would give cannabis a go.

08-10-18, 20:29
Did you get this prescribed to you? I'm wondering if Psychiatrists will start using this ???

08-10-18, 20:43
I wonder if it has a placebo effect for pain?

09-10-18, 08:54
When I was trying CBD oil out, my husband rubbed some of it onto a bent, arthritic finger. He was astonished that the pain immediately went away. It was only a temporary fix, but he always gets up in the night, and on the days he used the oil topically, he slept right through.

09-10-18, 10:46
I'm really sorry but I totally disagree. I'm on 50mg sertraline tapering off from 100mg and took 2 drops of cbd oil for the first time last night and it's been hell to say the least.

Pins and needles all over my arms and hands, intense anxiety attacks and Intrusive thoughts, sweating and hot flashes and the need to go to the loo. Basically my normal anxiety symptoms all kicked in at once within about an hour of taking it and I'm still awful now. Personally I don't think it works at all especially if you're taking an SSRI already but it might work for others. Just be warned.

09-10-18, 12:18
So probably a stupid question, but how do you take CBD oil? I know the op vapes it but what's the options?

09-10-18, 12:50
So probably a stupid question, but how do you take CBD oil? I know the op vapes it but what's the options?Under the tongue with drops, vape, edibles etc.

09-10-18, 14:32
I wonder if it has a placebo effect for pain?

I can honestly say that it works for me and it's not a placebo effect. I have a prescription salve for arthritis and the CBD works better. I have the oil and a salve. The salve works for arthritis pain in my wrist and helps calm the spasms in my neck from treatment as well as headache relief. The oil, taken orally, helps with overall pain and also has a calming effect without the buzz of THC.

As always, check with your doctor but I'm sold.

Positive thoughts

09-10-18, 16:35
So probably a stupid question, but how do you take CBD oil? I know the op vapes it but what's the options?

Suppository. Apparently it's good shit :yesyes:

09-10-18, 17:14
:D:D:D:wink: x

09-10-18, 18:50
Suppository. Apparently it's good shit :yesyes:

Far out dude! I'll probably Eyeball Paul it or stick it in my crack pipe!

Hope it's ok with my crystal meth:shrug:

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

Reading that back a crack pipes a good name for where suppository goes:yesyes:

10-10-18, 03:09

Far out dude! I'll probably Eyeball Paul it or stick it in my crack pipe!

Hope it's ok with my crystal meth:shrug:

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

Reading that back a crack pipes a good name for where suppository goes:yesyes:

That's amazing! I've known some people who can talk through theirs but I didn't know some people could breathe through that orifice too :D

Bit of a warning on side effects though. That method of taking it is known to make worms a lot more peckish :blush: There is the added bonus that with tapeworms they end up lolling their heads out due to being stoned giving you the chance to grab a hold of them and yank :scared15:

10-10-18, 15:39
I have tried this for a few weeks now, almost as a last resort (about six drops od the one with 5% CBD) from Holland and Barrett.
Asked several doctors about it, but they can't recommend it one way or the other (they're not allowed to).
For about three weeks I felt a lot better and cheerful - whether it's because of the oil, I don't know.
Have had a few days of anxiety and threats of depression and fatigue plus panic in last few days which could develop. Praying it won't. I often don't have the drops in the evening - maybe I should.
It's £20 for a small bottle, so not cheap, but if it works, I'm all for it.
It seems you can take it with SSRIs (paroxetine in my case).

The other good things for me are counselling, group therapy and exercise. If I miss the gym for a few days, I seem to go downhill.

This condition never seems to want to leave. It's the Black dog, I guess.

10-10-18, 16:43
I can honestly say that it works for me and it's not a placebo effect. I have a prescription salve for arthritis and the CBD works better. I have the oil and a salve. The salve works for arthritis pain in my wrist and helps calm the spasms in my neck from treatment as well as headache relief. The oil, taken orally, helps with overall pain and also has a calming effect without the buzz of THC.

As always, check with your doctor but I'm sold.

Positive thoughts

Hi Mark...

Does it interact with Anti depressants at all like an SSRI...

I'm totally looking at this to help with sleep and the calming effect.


10-10-18, 20:21
Hi Mark...

Does it interact with Anti depressants at all like an SSRI...

I'm totally looking at this to help with sleep and the calming effect.


I really don't know. I don't take them. I do take a plethora of other prescription meds for my heart and side effects from treatment and my docs aren't concerned. While there's been some, I don't know if there's been enough research into interactions as it's more widespread use and publicity is relatively new on the scene. I guess time will tell. I think of it like alcohol and SSRIs. If you can manage, fine, but if it's causing you more anxiety and issues, it's a no brainer to lay off.

It still comes down to consulting with your doctor.

Positive thoughts

08-04-19, 20:04
I’m glad its working for you. I’ve tried it (under the tongue method) and it didn’t really work for me. I DO vape but I haven’t tried vaping CBD oil. I had to take two syringe’s of the highest dose I could get just to get any kind of feeling. It came out to $24 USD just for those two. Does vaping it hit your system better? All I can rely on right now is alcohol. I have GAD and OCD and constantly have these worst-case-scenarios running in my head and I wish it would stop! I’m going through a certain situation right now and all I’ve done is research online about it even though I was told by my lawyer to stop going online LOL.

I honestly can’t help it. Just like with my doctors, my brain for some reason would rather believe what I read online.