View Full Version : Red spot on face

05-10-18, 00:44
Hi everyone. I just developed a red spot on my face on the left side below the eye on the upper cheek. It is red, not tan, and it doesnt feel raised, doesnt hurt, doesnt itch. But definitely looks outta place. Everyone tells me it's nothing. I have not been to the doctor yet other than a month ago for my 6 month checkup with blood work and all, but it wasnt there on my face. I spend alot of time boating and mowing grass with no sunscreen on, I'm not super pale and I tan well. I dont burn much. But I know I should wear sunscreen. The spot is about the size of a dime and shiny. I have a good complexion and it is definitely outta place. I suffer from health anxiety, and what do I do, search the internet for help. Well here comes loss of appetite, panic, itchy arms, breathing heavy and focusing 100% on it and it's on my mind. So I guess I should call my doctor, but I got the almighty fear of skin cancer. I'm 34 years old and ppl tell me it's an age spot and I'm like, good grief your 50 and you dont have any? Lol. So I'm having a hard time justifying age spot. So has anyone had this happen to them? Health anxiety is a horrible thing and it's hard to break it. Hate the constant worry and all. But anyhow I'll shut up now, thanks to anyone that has taken the time to read, and I hope my mind can be put as ease a little bit. Thank you all.