View Full Version : Throat and stomach problems, very worried and down.

05-10-18, 17:38
Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone has ever had similar symptoms to me. I am struggling not to go into massive anxiety mode and am awaiting GI apt on 13th November because of ongoing ad worstening acid reflux. I had an endoscopy 7 years ago for similar issues which was normal. Recently I had bad anxiety and of course inevitably my stomach flared and for a year I have had non stop symptoms of acid reflux and other wird symptoms. I am awake at night often with throat burning even on meds and usually during the day its well controlled. However I have constant burping gurgling bloating and all tose horrid dyspepsia feelings. But the last few days a feeling of a lump on my oesophagus....not a lump exactly but like stomach contents are sitting in my oesophagus and ready to bllow upwards whenever I bed forward! I have emetophobia... fear of vomiting....so anything like this terrifies me literally. It doesn't feel acidic but just feels like I don't have control to keep suff in my stomach. So far nothing has come back into my mouth! It then just feels like something in the back of my throat and its really upsetting me. I cannot ignre it and I am scared. It would be great to hear if anyone has had this feeling and gotten better from it. I'm scare my acid reflux is not treatable and that I have to live this way forever. Thanks everyone.