View Full Version : Cancerous Freckle?

06-10-18, 11:18
Hi, I have a not so new worry, I’m freaking out again over the freckles on my face. I have attached a picture. The are larger than the rest of my freckles, which I have many of, been worrying about them for two years now. Sometimes the area of skin gets itchy and I think looks different from the test of my face. The are on my cheek, people always tell me I have makeup on my face and I have to tell them no it’s freckles then they go oh, they are really dark. I’m panic a lot when this happens! Also, keep googling and it says cancer can look like freckles.

Has anyone got anything like this?

06-10-18, 11:22
Have you not asked a doctor?

06-10-18, 11:30
Hey, no but I asked a pharmacist two years ago and he said it just looked like freckles. I keep searching for old photos but I used to wear a lot of make up so can’t see any of my freckles but I know I have had it for years. Seen a photo of when my son was born and they where there, he is 7 now.

06-10-18, 11:58
So nothing to worry about then if you have had it that long.

06-10-18, 14:33
I know, I just panic about it every so often and I’m paranoid it has changed. Also, I don’t know if it’s because I’m thinking about it and worrying I think I can feel it on my face.

06-10-18, 19:52
If it's been so long, it's nothing to worry about. Can you do annual dermatologist appointments in the UK? I used to get worried about stuff on my skin a lot because I have moles all over my body. I started seeing a dermatologist once a year for a full body check. While I'll occasionally notice something that sparks my attention, knowing I'm checked on a regular basis gives me peace of mind that I'm fine.

07-10-18, 00:31
I know,but now there’s a tiny spot on one of my freckles! Having a bad day! I’m not sure, we probably can get referred to a dermatologist, but that mean going to my doctor which I am terrified of. I panic even when someone else tells me they are going to the doctors!

---------- Post added at 00:31 ---------- Previous post was at 00:06 ----------

I actually can’t stop googling and now I think I have lentigo maligna melanoma, says it’s slow growing and takes years!

07-10-18, 00:34
Stop googling!

If you are not prepared to see a doctor and get it checked then you are going to get nowhere googling to be honest.

What would you do without Dr Google?

07-10-18, 00:40
I don’t know why I do it, I’ve just been reading articles about people having melanoma. I feel really panicking. Why wouldn’t I have cancer!

07-10-18, 00:42
Why would you?