View Full Version : Positive At Last

22-08-07, 15:47
I feel in a really positive mood at the moment, I think I may be getting some help at last. When I had an assessment for my anxiety a couple of years ago at the local mental health centre they said the only thing that would help me was either counselling or CBT but the NHS offered neither so it’s got worse instead of better. I couldn’t afford the £40/£60 per hour that they wanted so just had to try and cope best I could .
Well, what with that and the problem of having to find work to suit my back I’ve got into a rut, can’t be motivated or anything oh I do all my house, I never leave that but as for going out I only go if I have too.
I have decided that I need a life at long last and asked for an appointment with the incapacity advisor at the job centre, I nearly never went, but I am so glad that I did.
They listened to all I had to say, read reports from my incapacity medical assessment and recommended I have counselling or CBT I was just on the verge of saying I couldn’t afford it when the lady said that they have a company that deals with people like me, it’s in the town and charges absolutely nothing!!!
It’s a 13 week course, you see an advisor weekly I think to work out what you can or can’t do coz of any disability or ongoing illness that affects you working like my back, I will also receive counselling or cbt every week and they also send you to gym if you want to go, it is also a confidence course to make you feel better about yourself. J and you can also if you wish do GCSE’s in any subject you like. AND you can find a job for 15 hours a week without losing benefit.
So at the moment I feel that there IS light somewhere at the end of the tunnel. J
I just hope it works for me…………. that’s the pessimist in me again
Lets hope I can change that.

22-08-07, 15:52
Thats Is Great News Nanny.....it Does Make You Feel Better Knowing People Are Willing To Be There For You And Know That It Is Possible To Get Better Just Stay Positive I Know This Is Gonna Do You Wonders....i Wish Ya The Best..........linda X

22-08-07, 15:55
Hi Linda

Thanks, i'm hoping all goes well.
I'm just waiting for my first appointment :yesyes:

22-08-07, 15:57
Fantastic news! Hey doesn't this just prove the power of positivity? Youve not even started the course and yet your feeling better. An inspiration to us all! Remember that feeling if ever you suffer a glitch in recovery as proof there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Well done my friend and heres to a speedy recovery.


22-08-07, 17:09
Hey nanny!
not just http://www.barnescomputer.net/Personal/images/Christian/goodnews.gif.........brilliant news!!

Well Done dear friend....you gone and dunnit girl !!!!


ps: great pics! will pm .



22-08-07, 17:24
Ooh that sounds good. :)

22-08-07, 17:51

Im so pleased to read your positive thread:) , thats another step forward for you hun !!

Thats great news!:yesyes: :yesyes:


22-08-07, 18:16
:) Hi Nanny :)

Thats great - Sounds like there are some great fasciltiesa available to you - I think it sounds like it will cover all the bases - Couselling, support, self esteem building, getting you out working again - Good luck with it.

Take care, CarpeDiem

23-08-07, 08:41
A Great big thank you everyone:)
I'll let you know how it goes.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Thanks for support

23-08-07, 12:24
Nanny :hugs: You are doing good girl and staying positive is the way to go hun. :hugs: xxx

24-08-07, 07:38
Great news Nanny, hope all goes well.


PS. think positive:winks:

10-09-07, 19:04
Just a quick update

I had the telephone call i was waiting for today to get my first appointment for the course i said about in my first post.

I have spoken to the man i will be seeing for the first assessment and he seems a lovely understanding man:)
I have to see him on the 19th of this month.
I am hoping that at long last after all these years i will get the help i need.

Still no luck on the job front, but not for the lack of trying:blush: but i won't give in :wacko: