View Full Version : Hollow feeling/pulse checking

06-10-18, 19:39
I keep having this strange feeling where I just feel hollow/empty and that everything has just stopped working in my body! It’s followed by an adrenaline rush and an urge to check my pulse. I feel really panicky/weak/anxious when it happens! Believe it or not I’ve had 15 ECGs in the last 3 month and all have come back fine, just can’t shake this feeling that something is wrong. Does anyone else have this?

07-10-18, 06:23
Your pulse is still throbbing away so everything is working as it should! Is there any reason you had that many ECG's? If you've had appropriate tests done and nothing's come up dodgy there's not much more to do unless you have specific cause for concern. Can never be sure you'll avoid getting something but you'd have to be hooked up and getting tested every hour if you really want to reassure or prepare yourself and then you have no life to live at all. It pays to pay attention to your body and the possible downfalls but we really do not have enough time to spend on waiting for something bad to happen. Anxiety itself is a very severe illness that has an insidious nature, so you may in fact be looking for something that you already have the answer to.

07-10-18, 16:19
Yah i posted this a while ago. I just dont feel nothing wrong but too calm? Like im going to drop dead from my heart stopping.

07-10-18, 16:33
15 ECGs?!!!!

What we health anxious folk forget is that because we end up having more tests due to our fears, we actually know much better than the average person on the street that we have absolutely nothing wrong with us.

07-10-18, 19:21
Yah i posted this a while ago. I just dont feel nothing wrong but too calm? Like im going to drop dead from my heart stopping.

Exactly!! This is exactly what happens to me!! I can be really calm and all of a sudden just feel hollow and like my hearts going to stop. The panic then sets in with adrenaline rushes and impending doom/drop dead feeling. I then have feel like I need to check my oils just to make sure everything is okay!

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

Your pulse is still throbbing away so everything is working as it should! Is there any reason you had that many ECG's? If you've had appropriate tests done and nothing's come up dodgy there's not much more to do unless you have specific cause for concern. Can never be sure you'll avoid getting something but you'd have to be hooked up and getting tested every hour if you really want to reassure or prepare yourself and then you have no life to live at all. It pays to pay attention to your body and the possible downfalls but we really do not have enough time to spend on waiting for something bad to happen. Anxiety itself is a very severe illness that has an insidious nature, so you may in fact be looking for something that you already have the answer to.

Thanks for the reply! I had no idea what was happening to me 5 months ago and definitely no idea that anxiety could cause all of this. I was in and out of hospital/doctors convicted something sinister was going on, only to have numerous scans/blood tests and the only thing they found was a B12 deficiency. I’m only just starting to come to terms with this illness through CBT but everyday just seems to be an uphill struggle with all this symptoms that come with the anxiety.

07-10-18, 20:33
Just wondering how it all started?
For me it was sudden pain in the chest and back area that was insane. Thought im having a heart attack , panicked so hard that im still recovering 10months later.
My pulse became bounding (very strong and easy to see/feel) it became a norm to feel my heartbeat and feel it all the time however scary it may be. Now its going away and i feel empty as you say, like my pulse is weak and it will stop. Maybe your story is similar?

07-10-18, 21:32
Just wondering how it all started?
For me it was sudden pain in the chest and back area that was insane. Thought im having a heart attack , panicked so hard that im still recovering 10months later.
My pulse became bounding (very strong and easy to see/feel) it became a norm to feel my heartbeat and feel it all the time however scary it may be. Now its going away and i feel empty as you say, like my pulse is weak and it will stop. Maybe your story is similar?

For me it started with chest pains and a fast beating heart at work one day. My heart rate went to 140BPM and like you felt very strong and easy to feel. This became the norm to feel my heartbeat, very uncomfortable when trying to get to sleep! Obviously had ECGs to rule out anything sinister and bloods. The doctor ruled that because of low b12 it was causing palpitations so put me on b12 injections and beta blockers. The combination of both has significantly lowered my heart rate so my chest kinda feels empty and pulse is weak. It’s just a horrible feeling that comes over me; anxious, weak and hollow feeling.

07-10-18, 21:42
I feel you. It sucks the most before sleeping. But hey werent we the same way before anxiety? All calm and not feeling our hearts? Atleast i calm myself this way :D