View Full Version : Optic nerve swelling

28-09-18, 10:11
I am 34y old and never noticed before these eye floaters that many people mention. However few days ago I noticed worm like line when I went out and now I notice it all the time when I am in well-lighted surrounding.

I am a hypochondriac so it is hard from me to believe that I just noticed something which now appears to be so obvious. My question is it most likely that I am noticing these floaters now because subconsciously I am expecting them?

I am not afraid of any particular disease fortunately as I have only seen that retinal detachment is connected to it and I certainly don't have that without any other symptoms.

Is there anything I should be concerned about, and should I expect to keep noticing them now when I "know" they are there?

Thank you

28-09-18, 10:54
I went through an eye panic earlier this year, and once you start looking and focusing you find all kinds of imperfections. Our eyes are weird balls of jelly which project an upside down image onto our retinas which our brains then flip the right way up, fills in the blind spot, and smooths out the imperfections. Our eyesight is far from perfect and the brain is good at filtering our noise, but once you notice it and train the brain it's something to make a note of it will, until you start ignoring it again.

Floaters can be a bit annoying, and you may just be seeing something that was always there, but they can happen more as you get older (and I'm a similar age to you and don't like to think I'm getting older!) and aren't anything to worry about. You'll start to ignore them once you stop looking for them. I have a few but I don't notice them unless I'm looking directly at a clear sky or a white wall.

01-10-18, 11:57
Been trying to consciously ignore these annoying floaters for the past couple of days but it just makes it worse. I see them all the time during the day.

Wasn't afraid at all of retinal detachment but it appears they are getting worse. Fortunately I don't have any flashes or curtain over my eyes so it makes my anxiety under control for now.

01-10-18, 12:41
consciously ignore

I don't think these two words go together!

To be honest if you're bothered you're talking a quick trip to a high street optician to put your mind at rest.

07-10-18, 10:22
I went to ophthalmologist due to floaters issue. She did complete eye examination.

Conclusion was that my eyes are fine, but I have slight optic nerve swelling. In her own words it is so slight that she wouldn't mention it if I didn't came with some eye symptoms and that is probable that my eyes are just that way since birth.

Googling optic nerve swelling is scary as hell, and since yesterday my floaters are getting worse, although, I can't find any connection between floaters and optic nerve swelling.

So, I basically went for one problem to doctor and left with a fear from completely different thing.

Only thing that is a bit comforting is that she said if she thought it was something important she would have immediately referred me to neurologist. As it is, we will follow if symptoms get worse or not.

So far, only floaters are getting worse, but my retina is completely fine so it doesn't have any sense.

I apologize for rambling...this thing messed up with my brain...

07-10-18, 11:52
I went to ophthalmologist due to floaters issue. She did complete eye examination.

Conclusion was that my eyes are fine, but I have slight optic nerve swelling. In her own words it is so slight that she wouldn't mention it if I didn't came with some eye symptoms and that is probable that my eyes are just that way since birth.

Googling optic nerve swelling is scary as hell, and since yesterday my floaters are getting worse, although, I can't find any connection between floaters and optic nerve swelling.

So, I basically went for one problem to doctor and left with a fear from completely different thing.

Only thing that is a bit comforting is that she said if she thought it was something important she would have immediately referred me to neurologist. As it is, we will follow if symptoms get worse or not.

So far, only floaters are getting worse, but my retina is completely fine so it doesn't have any sense.

I apologize for rambling...this thing messed up with my brain...

Reading your post brought back a few memories for me. About 7 years ago I went through a phase of being convinced I had a brain tumour because I had floaters. Of course I didn’t have brain cancer, it was just a normal eye development. Over the years mine have increased gradually, and when I’m anxious they become more noticeable

07-10-18, 12:06
I wasn't actually connecting it with brain tumor at first. I thought it might be retina issue or nothing, then retina came fine but doctor saw that optic nerve swelling. It is highly probable that I have it from birth, but if it is not from birth I am dead man walking which scares the shit out of me

07-10-18, 15:48
The problem with being health anxious types is when we get tests for reassurance we often get little benign, incidental blips and burbles noticed which panic us even more but we would have gone through our entire life in blissful ignorance of.

It sounds like the optician isn't in the slightest bit worried. If they were even 1% worried you'd whisked off for further in no time.

08-10-18, 23:43
Take it from me, an eye doctor: floaters have nothing to do with optic nerve swelling. Likely, you just have a full nerve and it’s not truly swollen. Lots of people I see daily have this.

09-10-18, 08:36
Thank you Tyler!

09-10-18, 10:42
I've always suffered from floaters. Don't worry too much about them unless they're coloured lights or blobs that really effect your vision. If you concentrate you'll see hundreds of them in bright light. They're not dangerous. Positive thoughts bud.

09-10-18, 11:31

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


09-10-18, 13:22
Yeah, I am seeing literally a rain of them now. What bugs me is that until 2 weeks ago I didn't notice even single one. They are so obvious now, and there are so many of them that it bugs me, how in the world I didn't notice them before if I had them.

09-10-18, 13:57
Yeah, I am seeing literally a rain of them now. What bugs me is that until 2 weeks ago I didn't notice even single one. They are so obvious now, and there are so many of them that it bugs me, how in the world I didn't notice them before if I had them.You'd have had them a long time before now but like most things with anxiety now you know it's there you look for it more which often makes it all worse. Gotta love it.

09-10-18, 16:11
Being hypochondriac it is hard for me to believe that I havent noticed smth so obvious for such a long time...anxiety sucks