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07-10-18, 18:27
Dear all I posted a few days ago about my latest worry. About 6 weeks ago my ears were blocked with wax and so had them microsuctied. My left ear had bad impacted wax which took about 20 mins to remove. My right ear went well. About a week later I noticed my tinnitus ( I’ve had it for 40 years) was much more noticeable and that I was feeling slightly off kilter like the floor was moving . A bit like when you step off a boat. I’ve also been suffering from headaches on the front of my head. I had my blood pressure checked and because it’s high I have to record it 2 tines a day for 2 weeks. I have another appointment in 2 weeks. Im very worried because I read recently about a lady who had tinnitus and it turned out it was a brain tumour. I know dizziness is a sign of bt. My G.P. suggested I had my eyes tested which I did. I really hate this dizziness it feels like my head is full. I keep testing myself to see if I fall over but I don’t. A friend has vertigo where she says it comes in episodes but during that time the room moves and she can’t walk. Mine is not like that. Any ideas anyone before I lose myself down the rabbit hole? How do Drs tell the difference between someone with a ‘real’ problem or be that is caused by a benign reason. Any help would be fantastic thanks

07-10-18, 18:56
hi l totally understand your fears l am the same dizziness for years and felling off balance its debilitating,l was like you thinking the worst all the time its hard to believe anxiety can make you feel like you are dying or have something awful but it can and it does when l focus on my symptoms they are worse try relaxing keep your mind positive l know its hard also try some music mindfulness good luck xx

07-10-18, 19:06
Hi Mrs Stress Ed. Thank you for getting back to me. I’m really bad at the moment. I’ve tried reading Clare Weekes books however part of me is thinking it’s always the case of . This time what if....it really is it...worst case scenario. I even reread my old posts and wish if only I just had that ailment to worry about, which is stupid I know. It’s so difficult once your brain latches onto the symptoms it won’t let go. A couple of months ago I was worried about pancreatic and ovarian cancer symptoms but now I’m not giving them any thought the symptoms have gone. I wish I didn’t have this anxiety.

07-10-18, 19:49
The optometrist would have been able to see into the back of your eyes which can often flag up potential serious issues.

You have had problems with impacted wax in both ears which can markedly affect balance

You have high blood pressure which can cause headaches

You have been "researching" tinnitus and acoustic neuroma?

Looking at your thread title are you a "cereal" worrier about your health?:)

I know it's no laughing matter when you are in the thick of HA though.

07-10-18, 20:02
Thanks Pulisa for replying . This health anxiety sucks. This year in particular has been terrible with only a few months in the Summer when I was fine. Yes you’re right I’ve had HA since being a teenager. I’ve wasted many years of good health thinking I was dying. However the older I get the more the chance of something terrible happening. My body is n constant alert for symptoms and I can’t tell if I am actually dizzy or if it’s the tinnitus. I would love to not have it x

07-10-18, 20:31
With true vertigo you are in no doubt as to whether you are dizzy or not.

Problems with your ears can make you feel very off balance and anxiety can certainly magnify this. The more you concentrate on tinnitus, the louder it seems. It's a vicious circle.

Is there ever a "safe " age to be when you have HA? A lot of cancers are far more aggressive when they affect younger people.

07-10-18, 20:41
Thank you Pulisa! It’s kind of you x

07-10-18, 21:21
Hi Mrs Stress Ed. Thank you for getting back to me. I’m really bad at the moment. I’ve tried reading Clare Weekes books however part of me is thinking it’s always the case of . This time what if....it really is it...worst case scenario. I even reread my old posts and wish if only I just had that ailment to worry about, which is stupid I know. It’s so difficult once your brain latches onto the symptoms it won’t let go. A couple of months ago I was worried about pancreatic and ovarian cancer symptoms but now I’m not giving them any thought the symptoms have gone. I wish I didn’t have this anxiety.

your very welcome

just hope you can find some peace with your anxiety we are all in this together so we all help each other

Best wishes xx

01-11-18, 17:33
Dear all

I’ve just had my brain scan for the dizziness and headaches. The last 2 weeks have been so stressful worrying. I know the radiographers are not allowed to tell you anything and was told it will be a 2 weeks wait for results. But it’s that awful fear that they now ‘know’ what’s in my brain and am imagining all sorts...please can you lovely lot send me some positive vibes xx

01-11-18, 19:40
A 2 week wait for results sounds a bit lengthy if anything concerning was found?

02-11-18, 14:40
Dear all I know it’s only been 24 hours since my MRI but does anyone have any experience of results being rushed through if something sinister is found? The 2 weeks wait will be agony for me. I’m working on principle that if no one has phoned yet it will be ok. Thanks Lisa

02-11-18, 17:54
It would be highly irregular if there were something serious and they waited two weeks to tell you. I don't know if 24 hours is quite enough time but the "no news is good news" policy is certainly true.

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