View Full Version : My symptoms - is it anxiety/panic or not

22-08-07, 16:10
I am going through a bit of a rough time at the moment and wanted a second opinion on the symptoms I get.

When I get up in the morning my left calf feels really stiff. I potter about getting sorted for work etc, and I kind of forget the pain for a bit.

On the way to work my throat feels like it has something stuck in it and my legs really really ache. I get sharp stabbing pains in my legs and the tops of my legs are really painful when I walk.

After a while at work, I get really bad headaches. It is like a tension headache and the muscles in my shoulders and neck become really tight and painful. I try my best to concentrate on my work - but find myself worrying and panicking about the symptoms. When I go to stand up at work I get really bad dizzy spells and feel not quite with it. Today, I also got a strange tingling sensation in my face and in my feet and a sharp pain in my head. This sent my anxiety through the roof. I was so scared that I was going to drop down dead on the spot (which doesnt help the symptoms). I just wanted to get out of the office. I had to sit it out until I had finished my shift and then drove home in a bit of a state.

Now I am home, I dont feel tooooo bad (well not as bad as I did).

I really dont know what to do. I am so worried that there is something seriously wrong with me. My body is constantly tense from all the worry, and I am now worried about going back to work tomorrow in case it all starts again.

Any advice?????:weep:

22-08-07, 19:18
To me it sounds like you are really really tired and under some stress. That can cause anxiety. I know you are anxious about your health, but is there anything else you might be anxious about?

23-08-07, 00:45
Hi there,

It totally sounds like anxiety. Your muscles tense up, even when you don't realize it. The numbness is from the tension, as well as the dizziness, because muscle tension reduces blood flow.

The throat thing - feeling like something is stuck in it - is also anxiety-related. I forget what it's called...globus-something...but my friend had that and her doctor said it was due to stress.

You're fine, sweetie. :)

23-08-07, 10:49
Wow, I could have written your post myself!

As others have said it sounds like anxiety through and through. You tense up even when you think you're relaxed, and tension causes so many weird feelings and aches. The dizziness is hideous, but if you can try really hard to accept it as your 'norm', it will lose its power and potency over time.

I do believe it's important not to give in, and to try and keep to your normal routine, but if you are under stress it might be worth taking some time off perhaps. I don't know if you work under a manager or boss, or if you have an occupational health department, but it might be worth talking to someone at work to let them know how you feel. Your employers have a duty of care and welfare for the people they employ. Obviously if you're self-employed that's a bit trickier!

Health-wise I'm sure you're fine :) Look after yourself sweetie.

Anna. x

23-08-07, 10:56
I have just experienced the very same as you not one hour ago lol, its only anxiety, i'm very tired and work is a chore but once you learn that its anxiety and something would have happened already then it tends to calm down, glad your feeling a little better


23-08-07, 19:37
Thanks everyone for the replies.

Today was a carbon copy of yesterday - felt dizzy/hot/panicky etc whilst at work etc - then I seem to calm down a bit when I get home.

I enjoy my job and I like being busy - so dont really know why I feel like this all the time.

I wont wish this on my worst enemy........

Take care everyone and thanks once again.:hugs: