View Full Version : I would be so grateful for help please

welsh girl
08-10-18, 10:08
I would be so grateful to someone who is suffering from anxiety if they could spare the time to explain fully how they feel,and their symptoms,
It is a funny thing to ask but I am incapable of describing my anxiety to my husband, and I need to do it as I feel so dreadful at times ,
thank you so much if you would do this for me.

08-10-18, 16:18
It's hard because everyone's different, and my anxiety may not feel like your anxiety.

But anxiety for me is being trapped inside your own head, not living in the world yourself but looking at the world as if you're constantly standing behind your own eyes looking out. It's being panicked by small things, or sometimes nothing. It's constantly feeling like something bad's going to happen.

It's your body reacting to non-existing danger and pumping chemicals round to help you run or fight, but as you do neither it builds up in your system, your heart races, it skips a beat, you hyperventilate, you feel lightheaded, you feel like you're going to choke, your skin feels tingly, you ache, you're sore, you get headache, you have digestive problems.

welsh girl
08-10-18, 19:35
very similar, as you say everybody feels differently, is's 'hell , you feel so alone, in my case I can't talk about it, There is something on mind and I can't discuss it, does that sound right,?
Thank you so much for replying

08-10-18, 19:49
Show him this link, these are the things it causes but anxiety is so different for everybody. I get shortness of breath, manual breathing, feeling like I'm freaking out, constant health worries....the list goes on...


welsh girl
09-10-18, 08:20
Goodness me, what a list, I've got all of them!!!!
Seriously th'o I do relate to what you have,
Like every one else how I would love to return to normal, I wish I was not so tongue tied and say what is on my mind/
Thank you so much for responding and the info.