View Full Version : Extremely worried about osteosarcoma

08-10-18, 19:44

I've posted here about a month ago concerning some other symptoms and people were very helpful and made me relax a bit until I did some proper checks.

I am once again extremely worried about something though, this time about the possibility of osteosarcoma on my shin.

As some background, I'm 26 yo male and I was having bowel problems since July which have fortunately been getting slightly better.

However, ever since the start of August I've also felt this near constant annoying sensation around the middle of my shin, kind of like a feeling of numbness. This can be both at the front of the shin but also at the back, like it's affecting the muscles. This happens a lot when I'm just sitting normally as well as just standing doing nothing, and it's only around that shin area. It's not constant however, sometimes it stops and sometimes I forget about it, but it's definitely every day. There's also very slight pain when I touch some places at the area.
I've also had some very rare occasions of pain in that area when I'm walking. Definitely not extreme pain, but annoying enough to that area in my leg to make me stop my walk and return home. Again, this is not all the time, most of the time when I walk I don't really feel it unless I go a long distance, and even then its a very slight annoyance. The very annoying pains only happened like 2-3 times in the past 2 months. Like today I went for a 15 min walk and didn't feel anything at all, just some numbness after I went home. That being said, the feeling of numbness is still there and very worrying.

My GP did a physical exam on it and saw some very small yellow spots near the area and told me I must have hit it/injured somehow, and that combined with my stress it's causing me to constantly feel it. I've also had 2 complete blood tests done in the past 3 months and they all came out of fine (besides cholesterol but that's a different issue).

Part of me is thinking that if it were osteosarcosma it wouldn't be on and off (it's every day but never all day) and I would be feeling it a lot more intensely, and my blood tests wouldn't be perfect. At the same time I am still extremely worried about the possibility, this has been going on for slightly more than 2 months at this point and it's very worrying. Planning to go to an orthopedic this week but I would very much appreciate your input on this. It doesn't help that I read a story about a misdiagnosed person with this on google.

---------- Post added at 18:44 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

Would really appreciate any input on this, if anyone has any.

08-10-18, 20:52
osteosarcosma ?? Really ???

Why on earth would you think that?

That's a tad extreme no?

08-10-18, 20:54
It's a sign of a health anxiety disorder when ordinary people even know words like "osteosarcoma".

Are you getting any help or advice for anxiety?

08-10-18, 21:19
It's a sign of a health anxiety disorder when ordinary people even know words like "osteosarcoma".

Are you getting any help or advice for anxiety?

I posted here a couple months back about bowel cancer, my worries about that are gone now but now I'm worried about this since my shin has been like that for the past couple of months. My GP did tell me I have health anxiety, and I do believe him, but I just couldn't help but be worried about this shin thing because of how long it's been going on.

It does help that you seem to find it ridiculous though. It's just hard not to check google for symptoms sometimes.

---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

osteosarcosma ?? Really ???

Why on earth would you think that?

That's a tad extreme no?

It's definitely extreme, my mind has always gone to the worst possibilities about these stuff unfortunately. It doesn't help that I happened upon stories of people getting misdiagnosed with it, which definitely elevated my fears. My doctor suggested some pills but I really don't want to go on them since my anxiety is based 100% on health and on nothing else outside of it.

08-10-18, 21:28
I would try and discuss your anxiety with a doctor. Jumping to googling rare cancers when you have leg aches isn't normal... And trust me I've literally been there.

08-10-18, 21:30
My doctor suggested some pills but I really don't want to go on them since my anxiety is based 100% on health and on nothing else outside of it.

That doesn't matter. Mental illness is multi-faceted and what affects one may not affect another but it's no reason not to treat it. That's like saying 'my anxiety is based 100% on leaving the house so I don't want to take any meds for it' :shrug:

Positive thoughts

08-10-18, 21:33
I would try and discuss your anxiety with a doctor. Jumping to googling rare cancers when you have leg aches isn't normal... And trust me I've literally been there.

Thanks for the advice, really helps a lot. I just see the misdiagnosis articles on google search and instantly think it could be me and that I'm ignoring it.

08-10-18, 23:32
. I just see the misdiagnosis articles on google search and instantly think it could be me