View Full Version : Lots of colds

08-10-18, 17:06
I was just wondering does anyone else get lots of colds/viruses?

I started working in an infant school 4 years ago and the first 18 months seemed to get everything going. Then I seemed to hit a plateau where I got things but not often and most of the time they were just mild sniffles that didn't come to much.

At the start of this year I got a bad bout of food poisioning and since then I seem to catch every cold going. I also changed my job in June and instead of working in one school I now work in several so again coming into contact with lots of germs but I feel like I either get a cold or am getting a cold every few weeks.

The weird thing is my nose is so dry it never materialises into a full cold and only seems to affect one side.

I have an appt with ENT because I'm snoring really badly too and my mouth, nose, throat and eyes feel constantly dry but I'm wondering if I've got allergies which are making me more susceptible.

I know stress and anxiety weakens the immune system and it goes without saying that I'm stressed most of the time but just wondered if anyone else with HA feels they got lots of colds.

08-10-18, 20:54
I used to work in a further education college and every September we all used to catch "freshers flu" which could be anything from bad colds to gastroenteritis.

09-10-18, 18:44
Thanks for the reply Katie.

I know I'm in the worst place for germs I had a friend who worked in a Dr's surgery for years who said she never got anywhere near as ill working in the Dr's as she did the school so it makes sense.

The frustrating thing is this constant on off feeling of colds, I'm not sure if it's allergies but I also worry why my nose, eyes and mouth feel constantly dry, hopefully ENT will be able to give me some answers.

09-10-18, 22:39
I get that dry nose thing- sometimes I find it easier to breath through my mouth. I think it's an allergy as it goes away if I take a Benadryl