View Full Version : Need advice

08-10-18, 17:17
Hi I haven't been on for a while but struggling today and just want to ask if anyone else has the same fear as I can't seem to let it go. My fear is every time I hear or read or even see the word suicide it scares the life out of me and all day today I've been constantly been worrying all day as to why I get so scared of hearing or seeing the word for some reason and its making me feel so anxious and can't stop worrying and keep asking myself why does it make me feel so scared and when I do hear or read about it I start to get automatic thoughts come in my head for instance like kill urself and I don't know weather they are just automatic intrusive thought or actual suical thoughts or not as I don't want do anything like that at all but when I get them they frighten the life out of me and I start to worrie why am I getting them does it mean that even tho I say I don't want to do that at all does it mean deep down I do, so sorry for long post but just wish some one could maybe put my mind to rest that it doesn't mean I'm suicidal they are just intrusive thoughts and that I fear the word because it reminds me of death which I'm scared of if that makes sense.

28-10-18, 11:53
If any one can give me advice x

28-10-18, 14:10
Hi Tricia. When I'm feeling very anxious & get intrusive thoughts, reading about suicide really gets to me too. It makes me question "What if this person felt the same way I do before they killed themselves?" And then this leads to another thought & another one until they spiral out of control and leave me feeling very panicked. It's very common and I just want you to know that you're not alone. I think you'll find that when your mind settles and you're thinking clearly, the thoughts of suicide seem absurd and you know that you'd never actually even consider it. It seems there are stories of suicide everywhere lately and it's very unsettling for people like us who are struggling with mental health. But it's just intrusive thoughts - nothing more. The thoughts will come and they WILL go, just try not to give them all of your attention x