View Full Version : Nasal Septum - Cancer Worry.

08-10-18, 20:21
Hi all,

So last year I went through a ruthless spell of HA from Feb 17-Jan 18. My dad was diagnosed with cancer and then passed away. So my HA was pretty much down to that and just ruined my quality of life.

Jan 18 - May 18 my life was great. Then my little sister was killed and for a while I had no HA. However the last month it has me pretty badly and let me explain why.

The right septum cartliage of my nose has been swollen ans is blocking my nasal passage. Sometimes it is blocked totally and others I can have some air go through.

The swelling has got a little larger over time not massivley. It is quite soft and when I press it can be squashed down a little. I have been given 3 different nasal sprays and they have done nothing. My right ear is also full of pressure and does not seem to clear often. I have bruxism and that has caused TMJ on my right side. So I wonder if that causes the pressure.

In April & May and early June I had really bad hayfever. My nose I rubbed all the time and it was just a mess. At first I thought my allergy caused this, however it did not swell until around July.

So I am terrified it is cancer of my Septum. I guess I am posting here as it is a place I have found a great help to over come my last HA bout. So I am hoping you wonderful readers may be able to help our or some may have had experienced it also.

Thank you for reading :)

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08-10-18, 20:49
Firstly I'm full of admiration that you're actually functioning after what you've been through. You're so brave.
Your nose sounds like my friend's- she has nasal polyps which are completely harmless. Has anyone suggested this?

08-10-18, 22:00
Thank you Katie, very difficult my dad was only 55 and my sister just turned 19.

The doctor said he could see no polyps when he checked. So my concern kind of stems from that also.

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08-10-18, 22:12
Firstly I want to say, I'm so sorry for your loss. That's such terrible blows.

For the nose, I've had so many nose issues!!! I had sprays that did nothing for me either. I also get the sometimes blocked, sometimes not issue!! I think the thing that's worked best for me is using a nasal rise pot!! You can get then for cheap enough in the pharmacy.

I can realate to a lot of the same issues your having, I'm guessing that since it comes and goes (being able to breath and sometimes not) shows that it can be anything to serious? I know it's easier said then done to face this. I always find my HA once it's spiked and I get sometimes into my mind it's impossible to shake.

08-10-18, 22:18
Thank you Sarah.

Yes I have tried nettie pot and some other things. As the swelling is within the septum though it is just more concerning. I guess i'll have to wait it out and see the doctor again.

It is very difficult to shake the HA when it hits you. Thank you for posting though you make a good point when it comes to sometimes the blockage going a little so air can go in.

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10-10-18, 19:34
So I pressed the thing in my nose today and since then the right eye has been burning and watering.

So just freaked myself out more, posting just to vent I guess.

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10-10-18, 20:56
It could be some type of under skin spot/bold! I've had ones like that before in a few different areas. I had one that made my cheek swell for weeks! I also had ones that it causes a feeling like that! I know when it's happening it's a lot and overwhelming.

10-10-18, 21:01
Bloody horrible is what it is. The fact I can feel the swelling causing obstruction just makes it worse I guess. Especially now my eye is burning/irritated.

Thank you for posting to try and help me!

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15-10-18, 17:28
Just an update as I went the doctors.

He said can't see any blockage in the cavity. Also stated that my worry of a tumor in septum is needless. As it is so rare and i'd have more symptoms. Just to be sure and for peace of mind he has referred me to an ENT.

If ENT says anything different will post here just incase anyone is going through the same thing.

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17-10-18, 13:47
Let us know how you get on! ��