View Full Version : Health anxiety after having a baby

08-10-18, 21:31
Hi all,

I've noticed that I am worrying a lot about my health since I had my beautiful little boy earlier this year. I'm loving being a mother, I'd say I'm close to being the happiest I've even been in my life. However I think this is what triggered this worry/anxiety. I'm terrified of it all being taken away from me, being so physically ill that I can't take care of him or even worse, dying when he is young and will forget me. This isn't the first time I've had health anxiety, I've always had it deep down but I've always been quite good at controlling it and being quite rational if I felt it get out of hand. But now it's harder to convince myself that I'm going to be ok. I read something recently that said you can never be completely reassured about your health, anything can happen to us at any time which I actually found comfort in but now I've lost it again.

It just feels like one thing after another. I had a very small fall recently and did not think much of it. But about 4 days later, I was having pain in my hips, groin and legs and it just felt like nothing I've never felt better, not intense pain but kind of dull.

Since then ( a month ago) the pain comes and goes in all different areas of my body, it seems to stay in my feet and neck, especially when I wake up in the morning.
In that month I have worried about cancer (especially cervical cancer as I am waiting on my smear test results) ms, mnd is a new one now today which kind of made me realise I have to stop this as it will begin to really affect my life.

People say to me, you only had a baby a few months ago, It takes a
While for your body to get over it, I just don't think this can be all down to being pregnant and having a c section.

I might go to the doctors and get some blood work down to rule out low iron etc but as you all probably know, it's hard to pluck up the courage to go to the doctors sometimes. I guess I'm looking for some reassurance here, to not be self diagnosing and googling ever single symptom and thinking I'm doomed.

08-10-18, 21:37
Hiya Welpon and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: