View Full Version : Sick from Oyster

09-10-18, 08:24
Had some oysters and a beer this afternoon then went for a walk with my dog. Started feeling sick like an hour after eating them.

Of course i googled and now I’m worried I’m going to die of shellfish poisoning. It’s been 6 hours and no fever or puking just diarrhea. Freaking out and anxiety is out of control.

I’ve had some problems with beer lately so I was wondering if the beer could have done it, I didn’t know food poisoning could come on so fast.

Why did I google??????

09-10-18, 13:19
Why did I google??????

Million dollar question.

Hope you're feeling better. :-)

09-10-18, 16:39
Sometimes things just don't sit well and there could be many reasons. See how it goes and if you aren't glued to the toilet things must be fine.

I just thought they made you horny? It could be the sight of some of us men coupled with those feelings making you feel nauseous :winks:

09-10-18, 16:54
Hey Love, just wanted to put your mind at ease with this as I went through the same thing a few months back. I had a bad Oyster and within an hour or two had the most horrendous stomach pain (to the point that I genuinely contemplated calling an ambulance), I'd never felt such intense pain from food poisoning in my life. I also had severe diarrhoea (sorry for TMI but wanted to let you know everything so you can know all is normal) and felt very very nauseas (i didn't throw up though for some reason, wish I had!). My boyfriend thought it was because I had eaten too much as he said food poisoning can't come on that quickly - but believe me it did and it was very real! I was sat in the bathroom for what felt like hours and the pain was only getting stronger. I too googled it and freaked myself out and was convinced I was going to die from shell fish poisoning. In the end it finally subsided enough that I could sleep, felt dodgy for the next 24 hours but it all subsided completely afterwards. I'm still here to tell the tale!

Food poisoning from Shellfish is awful and makes you feel grim, BUT the likelihood of getting actuall shellfish poisoning is rare, the diarrhoea is your body emptying the badness from your body, let it be and don't worry, you will be fine. It's just going to feel pretty intense for a while and every body takes its own unique time to rid the body from food poisoning. XXx

09-10-18, 21:55
Thanks for the replies everyone. Of course I read about horrible deadly stuff on google. But today I’m a bit better, stomach still not 100% but I can eat and drink.

Thankfully no vomiting or fever. So that makes me feel a bit better that it’s not going to kill me.

I’ll probably report it to the county health dept today. Don’t want anyone else getting sick