View Full Version : 1st exercise

22-08-07, 19:23
just been a run for the first time in months. my anxiety/panic attacks about my heart has led me to a state were i almost have an phobia of exercise.
after shirking it for months i finally went for a jog tonight with my mum of all ppl. we only went for about 15-20mins.
early on i started feeling so so anxious and started questioning the pains in my chest/upper back, however i finished our short route and even did a 100m sprint at the end. however now im in i cant help but worry and feel anxious.
has anyone else had this?!? i posted about it a while back but wanted to do it again now.
chest pain and upper back pain/slight dizzyness are completely normal for someone who's done little-no exercise in months right?!
sorry for the complete paranoia!

Keep going
22-08-07, 20:11
Yes, its quite normal. It took me a month to get in the swing of things( your muscles need to ajust to the exercise you are giving them). Then i felt the benefits of the exercise, by having a more relaxed heart rate thus i felt calm and more relax. Les anxious


23-08-07, 14:35
Hi nbs1,

I now how you feel - I am a very sporty person but had my frist attach while play a football match. After this i was so afraid to play and had stoped playing for over a month and only when back last night myself. I too felt a lilttle anxious at the start but was ok after awhile.

Yes it is is normally to feel dizzy esp after doing the sprint at the end but this is just your breathing and taking a few deep breaths should help.

23-08-07, 17:23
cheers guys. im going for an extended run tonight, just try and add to what i did last night so will just see how it goes. cheers again

23-08-07, 19:34
I haven't done any exercise for years but we have now moved house which is surrounded by beautiful countryside. I'm now walking for about 30 minutes (sometimes longer) each day and boy, do my hips ache, I'm sooo unfit!

We've also bought a treadmill, so might progress to jogging sometime in the future!


24-08-07, 12:46
I haven't done any exercise for years but we have now moved house which is surrounded by beautiful countryside. I'm now walking for about 30 minutes (sometimes longer) each day and boy, do my hips ache, I'm sooo unfit!

We've also bought a treadmill, so might progress to jogging sometime in the future!


good luck with it all kate. i managed to extend last nights run by another 5 mins or so. felt incredibly anxious/panicky after 5 mins and was all ready to give up but my dad kept me going and i got more and more into it as we went on. my confidence is growing, im headin to the gym tonight then run 2moro before giving myself sunday off!
im even now startin to plan on getting back to football which was unimaginable a few months ago.

24-08-07, 13:56
Well done nbs1 :D