View Full Version : Why me??

22-08-07, 19:58

Just need to get this out cos I haven't got anyone to shout at or to listen to me :(

I have Health Anxiety so any slightest thing wrong with me sets me off. I had a day off sick yesterday and arrived back to work today to a barrage of questions about me being pregnant (one of my causes of anxiety). I had a stomach ache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just shrugged it off but they did not know how much it upset me and brought up all my anxiety. I hate people talking about me at the best of times but to know they were gossiping is horrible.

I have been close to tears all day and just needed to let it out.

I also feel like a failure because my hubby would love kids but my head is all over the place at the moment and just keep apologising or shouting at him.


22-08-07, 20:53
Hi Claire,

((((hugs)))) I'm sure they meant no harm and were only ribbing you. Its a common thing for people to jump to conclusions over if a woman takes a day sick.
I've had health anxiety forever and have three kids, i was actually better though all my pgs because i had regular contact with my gp etc :)
Hope you are ok,

love anx xx

22-08-07, 21:06
:) Hi erialc :)

Sorry you had that experience at work; I'm sure they were just being curious rather than malicious (I'm now wondering how many people at work I might have devestated with flippant, off-hand remarks like that :ohmy: & I certainly don't mean it! I just say random things like that cos I'm lost for anything worthwhile to say :blush: So it says more about them than it does about you!)

Don't feel too bad about taking it out on your fella either; if he's a keeper, he'll understand so just concentrate on what you need to do to get yourself better/happier - Its the best apology you can give him & the best thing you can do for yourself right now.

Take care, CarpeDiem

22-08-07, 21:08
:hugs: Claire

Luv Kaz x x x

22-08-07, 21:11
People do gossip at work, and don't seem to realise the trouble or anxiety it can cause. Dont let them know it affects you if you can. Sometimes this can stop them, its just like kids in a playground.

22-08-07, 22:18
Thank you for your kind replies.

I know they didn't mean it and they don't know I have anxiety

take each day as it comes
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

22-08-07, 22:26
If you dare get cheeky

Something like...

No I am not pregnant so that is easily sorted but you are ugly and still will be tomorrow

You get the idea lol

Humour them back.

22-08-07, 22:29
Lol - I don't think I have the nerve to do that!

Maybe once I have a new job to go to I can start saying stuff like that

Thanks hun xxxxx

22-08-07, 22:34
Sorry lol - I was just trying to make you realise that people can be mean but sometimes a simple reply like that can put them in their place.

Just my humour lol

I really do hope things get better soon for you.

22-08-07, 23:23
Hi Claire :hugs:

Ain't it awful this old health aniety hun :hugs: The amount of times my head has been all over the place I've lost count. We are normal it's everyone else that is mad hun lol. Have a big hug from me to tide you over :hugs: xxx

23-08-07, 20:15
Thanks Mandy xxxxxxxxxxxxx