View Full Version : Mouth issues and anxiety

10-10-18, 16:50
I’m back again. It seems like every month I have a new mouth issue and panicking over it. Currently I see a round white area that look like a sore on the floor of my mouth. It has no red border but the area around it look reddish and buffy like it’s inflamed. What bothers me is that it doesn’t hurt. Sores shall hurt right. I remember 2 days ago I might have accidentally grazed/scratch that area but the teeth marks area gone. If it’s from that it shall hurt. I’m supposed to wait for 2 weeks and use salt water to see whether it heals or not but I’m such a mess that I made a dentist appointment again to see her on Friday. I just saw her last month for another mouth issue. What worry me is that I’m 5month pregnant do they won’t do anything. I just hope it’s a sore and nothing else serious. Panicking is not good for my baby but I can’t help it :(

Thanks for reading

12-10-18, 22:02
just want to update:
i went to GP yesterday and she took a look. she said it looks like a normal sore. she took a pic and sent to dermatologist for confirmation.

i even asked her i feel like that area is like lumpy like there a lump there underneath the sore. she didn't see it. she said of course the area is inflamed.

i left and canceled the dentist appointment because i felt better at that time. now a day later, i feel regretted for cancelling the dentist appointment. i don't know but my anxiety flares back up and i can't trust the GP. would they spot anything like a lump when checking?

13-10-18, 12:00
Sounds like a canker sore.

I get canker sores a lot for some strange reason. Sometimes my lymph nodes in my neck or chin will become inflamed in response. It’s normal. Don’t worry if this happens to you.

16-10-18, 18:31
it's almost 2 weeks. the white sore is almost gone but 2 small area. the area around it is still red though. can canker sore last more than 2 weeks? thanks