View Full Version : 99% sure I have ALS....

10-10-18, 18:33
Yes, it’s the dreaded ALS fear....
I’ve seen a lot of posts about it, and in my opinion it’s the worst fear for someone with health anxiety like myself cause it’s a very devistating disease.
But before you call me crazy hear me out..

For the past 2-3 months I’ve felt.. weird. I feel weird when I walk, like I don’t walk normal anymore. When I pay attention to how I walk I feel like it gets worse as well. Then recently I’ve become a clumsy. I’ve always been a tiny bit clumsy, but recently I feel like I’m dropping everything I hold. I drop my phone a few times a day, my hair brush, etc. it freaks the hell out of me. Then my legs and arms feel sore a lot of the time. I have bad right ankle pain as well. Like after walking for so long my ankle starts to have a sharp pain bad and it’s like I have to sit down. I’ve basically convinced myself I have als.

I’m also a 20 year old male. Does anyone have any suggestions or can offer some peace of mind?

I appreciate anyone who comments!

10-10-18, 18:46

Have you read our sticky post on ALS?

10-10-18, 18:46
Have you read the sticky about ALS? If you haven't please do - it gives all the information about ALS you need to know. But basically - clumsiness is not weakness and for ALS there needs to be a clinical weakness.

From a perspective of the person who has gone through the ALS fear myself think about this - ALS is super, super, super rare. At the age where you at - you have better odds winning a lottery, twice in a row.

10-10-18, 18:54
Have you read the sticky about ALS? If you haven't please do - it gives all the information about ALS you need to know. But basically - clumsiness is not weakness and for ALS there needs to be a clinical weakness.

From a perspective of the person who has gone through the ALS fear myself think about this - ALS is super, super, super rare. At the age where you at - you have better odds winning a lottery, twice in a row.

Yes I’ve read the sticky post multiple times... I just can’t get it out of my head. It’s a hard diseases to get over. But on the bright side I think I’ll go buy my some lottery tickets haha! Thank you for your response

10-10-18, 21:18
I’ll tell you this.

It has never been heard of ALS hitting multiple areas of the body at the same time. Never

So not only is ALS ridiculously rare, it has never been heard of striking multiple areas of the body at the same time. So I can tell you a place where to stick that 99% :ohmy:

I was down the ALS rabbit hole. I know what you’re going through. You categorically do not have ALS

10-10-18, 22:57
I’m also a 20 year old male. Does anyone have any suggestions or can offer some peace of mind?

I appreciate anyone who comments!

Are you doing anything to treat the anxiety? There is almost certainly the root of your problem, and you are 100% sure you have that.

14-10-18, 15:07
I’ve been down this hole as like many others. Try to stop as it’s probably one of the worst ones to go down. It’s easy for us to say but you most likely 100% don’t have ALS.

14-10-18, 15:50
Plz stop