View Full Version : Anxiety over "frontal contusions" on Brain

10-10-18, 19:51
Hi guys,

I recently went to a neurologist over the results of my MRI on my head/spine because of worries about MS. It turns out that I thankfully don't have MS and the doctor didn't seem worried about the results but noted in the consultation and the letter to my GP that I had "frontal contusions consistent with a previous head injury."

A quick search shows that contusions can cause permanent brain function problems and there's virtually no results that don't come up with something bad, so safe to say I'm worrying quite a bit as to what it could mean. I know the frontal lobe has something to do with how we process information and I'm struggling to take information in the new job I have.

The doc himself seemed to just brush over it in the consultation we had though. Does anyone have any experience of this?

10-10-18, 20:07
A quick search...

I wonder what the actual percentage is of a Google search being a major reason for the anxiety and subsequent post?

Positive thoughts