View Full Version : That sinking feeling when there really is something wrong with you

10-10-18, 20:04
I've had two blood tests in the past week or two and there's been something wrong on both of them. The first one came back as catastrophically low in vit d - as in, not visible on the chart low - and my dr gave me a second blood test to test for thyroid/parathyroid problems which can be connected to or even directly caused by vit d deficiency, which obviously I have. the nurse told me they wouldn't contact me if all came back normal, but obviously there is a problem because they did contact me asking me to phone the surgery.

I'm REALLY pissed off that they only texted me about this at 7.30pm because it means I can't speak to anyone until 8.30am tomorrow, so I've got to wait all night panicking until I can ring the surgery.

trying to rationalise this: thyroid/paraythyroid problems are on the whole very treatable, and my mum says it's always better to find the problem because you can then TREAT the problem. which is obviously true! and if it stops me feeling so damn exhausted all the time then that will be fantastic. i've just (ofc) gone straight to thyroid cancer and am terrified.

10-10-18, 20:13
My wife has thyroid issues. They're actually far more common than you think. They found it during her last checkup. Like you, via blood work. Same deal... they repeated the test to confirm. She was put on a med and has to take Vit. D daily. Last check up was good. Really simple as that.

I have real physical issues. I take meds to manage them. Thank goodness we can ;)

They're not too concerned so take it as a positive.

Positive thoughts

10-10-18, 20:17
My wife has thyroid issues. They're actually far more common than you think. They found it during her last checkup. Like you, via blood work. Same deal... they repeated the test to confirm. She was put on a med and has to take Vit. D daily. Last check up was good. Really simple as that.

I have real physical issues. I take meds to manage them. Thank goodness we can ;)

They're not too concerned so take it as a positive.

Positive thoughts

Thanks for the personal anecdote! It does make me feel better that it's common.

I assume they're not too concerned too as they didn't tell me to go to A&E or anything. I've just always been very physically healthy (I'm only 26) so having anything genuinely wrong with me is just upsetting. My rotting and ageing physical form :weep:

10-10-18, 20:17
That's very frustrating when the doctors surgery does that, its happened to me before and turned out to be something quite straightforward, but of course doesn't stop you worrying all night!
I know its always tempting to start Googling symptoms but it does usually tell everyone they have some form of cancer! type in a headache, sore throat, all sorts of very typical symptoms and even those lead to worst case scenarios!
I think your mums right, its for sure a lot better to know and of course if It makes you feel better on a day to day basis then its worth the stress of the tests and waiting on results.
Hope you can speak to the surgery tomo!

10-10-18, 20:30
Thanks for the personal anecdote! It does make me feel better that it's common.

I assume they're not too concerned too as they didn't tell me to go to A&E or anything. I've just always been very physically healthy (I'm only 26) so having anything genuinely wrong with me is just upsetting. My rotting and ageing physical form :weep:

While you haven't been officially diagnosed it does sound like a minor thyroid issue based on my experience. I'll share one more... Believe it or not, my 1st wife had thyroid issues too. In fact, her thyroid was basically dead. She is on Synthroid and they took her off for a month so they could get an accurate reading of her thyroid levels. She was around your age at the time and had thyroid issues since she was a young teenager. Let me tell you.... She was miserable! Tired, cranky, gaining wait, irritable as hell! :wacko: They adjusted her meds and in around 2-3 weeks, she was feeling much better (thank God!). Hang in there, it's not even close to the end of the world.

Positive thoughts

11-10-18, 17:14
Just to update this: I DO have hyperparathyroidism, but there was a lack of calcium in the blood associated w/ primary disease soooo she thinks as long as I take the vitamin d supplements I should be fine in a few months. I have another blood test in 2 months just to confirm that the hyperparathyroidism is only vitamin d deficiency, but even if not it seems like a pretty easy fix. Soooo that's that.