View Full Version : womens problems, arrghhhhh

22-08-07, 20:59

Sorry, I am just so sick and tired of my womens health problems (I suffer with irregular bleeding) I am just so sick of it. If I go out anywhere I have to plan ahead, like got to know where the nearest toilets are (it is just such a pain), I have to carry plenty of bits and bats incase I have accident.

I am just so fed up, it makes me feel a lot worse than I do already, if you see what I mean, makes me ratty, angry etc etc.

Sorry for ranting I am just so :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::weep::weep::weep:


22-08-07, 21:01
Have you mentioned this to the GP because things can be done to help you?

23-08-07, 10:40

I no how u feel. I suffer from this to. Please pm if u would like to talk about it

love mandie x

23-08-07, 10:41
Bless you Shygirl,

I have recently been suffering with bleeding problems and it is really hard to deal with - my heart goes out to you. I understand only too well the need to be near toilets and the cost of sanitary protection!

I have seen my GP about my problems and am going for a scan next week to see if it's due to an anatomical problem. Often, though, it's due to a hormonal imbalance. I would recommend seeing your GP if you haven't because you don't need to suffer with bleeding problems - there is help for you. Even if you have seen someone, if you're not satisfied with the result you are entitled to a second opinion.

Best wishes to you :)

Anna. x

23-08-07, 10:52
i don't know if you've tried but isn't the pill supposed to be good for irregular bleeding?? just a thought??


23-08-07, 22:32
Hi there Shygirlajb

Although I've never suffered from irregular bleeding, I had very heavy periods which were rectified about 20 yrs ago (I'm 52) by a very simple procedure called a Trans-Cervical Endometrial Resection.

It was described to me by the consultant as not just 'mowing the lawn' but removing the top layer of turf without removing the lawn lol !! Best thing I ever did.:):blush:

Also, I took a hormone called Noresthisterone which either lessens or suspends your periods for however long you take them for. Then, when you stop taking them your periods return - hopefully regulated. I usually take this if I know I'm going to have a period when I'm on holiday!!

BUT......you really should go and see your GP as Nic and Anna advised.

sending big hugs to you cos I know this must make you feel a right bummer!


:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

23-08-07, 22:54
Hi Everyone

Many Thanks for your kind words, hugs etc, I really need them at the moment.

I have been to my Gp regarding this problem, and I had various tests done, seen specialists , but my tests seem to back normal. I have recently been on Norethisterone, to stop bleeding, because before then I was bleeding from spotting to horrible clots(sorry if TMI) for a long time.That seem to work until I stopped taking them for a break, so I would have a bleed for about 5 days, well I started taking them again, and it didn't seem to stop the bleeding this time:weep::weep::weep::weep:.

I can't really take the pill, because I am very overweight, and the risks are too high, as I already suffer with high cholesterol etc. Also I got told that if I lost weight that might help. Yeah but, I have always had problems with my periods, even when I was slimmer?.

I am just annoyed, I got told that I would have to just wait and see now and see what my system works out with no hormone pills or whatever in my body.

Sorry for all of that.


24-08-07, 00:19
I have to carry plenty of bits and bats incase I have accident.

I have to ask... What are bits and bats? Tampons & pads?

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. Sounds so miserable!! :( I hope you find something that works for you!!

25-08-07, 16:53
Hi Everyone

Itzomi - Bits and Bats, yes I do mean sani towels, and spare knickers, if I have accident.

Well evenutally the bleeding did slow down to just a spotting, and I have been off the norethisterone for a 2 days or so, as my Gp thinks that I should try to give my body a rest of pills etc and see what it does. Well I am starting with heavier spotting now, bad tummy and back pains, well at least I have menfanic acid now to help with the pain. Unfortuately I will be having another period, because I stopped taking the norethisterone(oh jolly :weep: :weep: ).

Last time was absolutely terrible, even hot water bottles didn't help, I get really snappy, ratty and people just upset me more than normal, I feel sick, so I can't eat dinner, get too hot and doubled up in pain, pain in back, tummy and thighs.

I just hope it will not be as bad as last time, fingers crossed.
