View Full Version : Vertigo or a brain tumor or something else?

10-10-18, 23:08
A month ago tomorrow, I was completely fine and then suddenly became extremely dizzy and had the feeling that something was seriously wrong. My husband took me to the emergency room (something I’ve never done in 15 years of health anxiety). They did an EKG and a non-contrast CT scan of my brain and pronounced that I had vertigo. The doctor said it would go away in a day or two and the nurse said more like several weeks. They told me to follow up with my regular doctor. He also said vertigo and said I can see an ENT if it doesn’t get better in a month.

Other than the EKG and the CT scan, no one has really even examined me. I made an appointment on my own with an ENT for next week.

I’m having the worst anxiety of my entire life with this. I’m trying to remain calm and tell myself it’s vertigo and that it will go away at some point. But a month is a long time and it is a very disconcerting condition. I’m terrified I have a brain tumor or maybe I had a stroke or that there has to be something serious causing these horrible symptoms. I also feel very foggy and like I’m not thinking clearly the way I usually do. I’m in my early 50s if that matters.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts about this. Thank you!

15-10-18, 20:31
Hi! I’m going through this now and I think mine is due to me having a bit of a cold and blocked sinuses and ears! I’m sure yours will just turn out to be a virus and pass quickly. Someone I used to know had labyrinthitis and that was as a result of a bug but she was ok after a few days. How are you feeling now?

15-10-18, 21:17
They did an EKG and a non-contrast CT scan of my brain and pronounced that I had vertigo.

They told me to follow up with my regular doctor. He also said vertigo

I'm afraid that the opinion of medical professionals after a raft of expensive tests is worth 10,000 comments from randoms on an anxiety forum. If that's what they said it is, that's what it is.

15-10-18, 23:19
Update. I saw an ENT today. He is not so sure that it’s vertigo. It definitely is not BPV. He ordered an MRI. I asked if it could be something serious like a brain tumor and he said probably not, but that we are gathering data at this point. Not the greatest answer for a person with HA. No way am I going to know anything for at least two more weeks.

16-10-18, 03:31
Well, I've learned from my experience (4 diagnoses from about 10 different doctors until I think we finally got it with Vestibular Migraine) that in the case of vertigo/dizziness it's actually one area that regular doctors (GP, ER docs, etc) really aren't too knowledgeable about. Even many ENTs don't get it.

There are just so many possible causes. Anxiety is one of them. Some of the causes themselves cause anxiety.

Did the ENT do any testing at all? Hearing test perhaps? Do you have any hearing loss or tinnitus (now, since the dizziness)?

You're on the right path. For what it's worth I had the exact same ER experience this year. It's frustrating, but it's also very likely to be nothing life-threatening even though it feels like your world is all over the place. Hang in there.

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16-10-18, 03:53
Thank you so much jray! I’m glad that you seem to have figured yours out.

I had hearing testing done at the ENT today. No hearing loss, but some tinnitus and some ear pain and also a little popping.

He told me to get an eye exam, which I’m doing tomorrow. Next week will be testing of the balance part of my inner ear. And the MRI at some point. I’m nervous about that because I’m scared of the results and I’m also very claustrophobic. I’m determined to just deal with it though. I need to get this figured out. The ENT was astonished that my regular doctor thought I should wait so long to see him.

17-10-18, 03:37
Hope it went well today! I did brain, ear, and neck MRIs too and I actually kind of enjoyed them. When you're off balance all the time being able to just lay there isn't too bad! I am not claustrophobic though. I understand that there are some kind of open MRI machines that aren't so enclosing, maybe that will be an option for you.

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20-01-19, 23:28
Im suffering at the moment. Out of the blue on boxing day i experienced what i can only describe as being floored my dizziness. I was scared something was seriosly wrong and my partner called an ambulance. All my vitals were perfect bit i couldnt lift my head or open my eyes without being sick. This feeling lasted a couple of hours followed by extreme tiredness. I am sure i had a panic attack too which didnt help. As i lay and opened my eyes i had huge round zig zags in my vision i was also sweating profusely. I had an ecg at home and one at the hospital which they said were fine and they have put this down to my ears or a secondary cause as i had completely lost my voice around 10 days before this happened. I am at the ENT doc in the morning but have got myself convinced that theres something wrong with my heart or brain :( xxxd

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21-01-19, 01:28
It's scary but honestly highly unlikely to be anything to panic about. Especially considering you've had some sort of sickness recently, inner ear would be a likely explanation.

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21-01-19, 18:03
I had this last week, dizziness started in little spells on the Tuesday then I woke up on Wednesday morning and felt like I was on a boat! Everything was spinning and I ended up seeing the GP. He diagnosed labyrinthitis as a result of a cold (the next day I was very congested and had blocked sinuses).
I saw someone I know today and was discussing this with her and she has had the same thing: blocked ear, ear popping, vertigo, congestion and sinus pain. I think it’s safe to say it’s probably a bug going around so try not to worry!

21-01-19, 19:04
Hi guys. Its an awful feeling. I have been to ENT doc today and she has carried out a hearing test which was great. She is certain that what happened was due to the throat infection id had a fortnite before and has discharged me. She did say if I had it again I could get referred back through my GP. So I am going to try and relax about it now. Ty so much for your replies xx

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21-01-19, 20:05
My mom has a brain tumor her first symptoms wasa severe headache which made her throw up and get pale and feel like she was going to pass out.

21-01-19, 21:14
Im sorry to hear about your mum :( xx

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22-01-19, 12:54
Thank you she also has Alzhimers