View Full Version : What to do? Brain Tumor?

11-10-18, 00:19
My DD has been complaining about stomach pains for a good two months now. Her doctor said constipation so we tried some Miralax and she had some good poops, we stopped Miralax, and her tummy pains continued. Yesterday I had to pick her up from school because her tummy hurt. I took her back to the doctor who did blood work and sent for an xray of her tummy. Her tummy hurt horribly last night and I had her take Miralax. This morning the doctor called and said it looks like some constipation (mild) and to continue with the Miralax. This morning she vomited and has complained of her tummy hurting all day. She has pooped today and it looks like constipation poop still, but I have read countless stories where kids had brain tumors that manifested as nausea and vomiting. I do not think her constipation is severe enough to have her vomiting and I feel like the stomach pain is getting worse, and the vomit today pushed me over the edge. How do I get them (doctors) to look at her for a brain tumor rather than gastro?

Her eyes are fine and she just had a vision appointment, but I do not think they can see all brain tumors with an exam, even if they look at the optic nerve. Her doctor contends that she would have pressure in her head, but I know that is not true either. I am dreading tomorrow morning, scared she will vomit again, and morning vomit being a brain tumor symptom. Help! What should I do? What should I push for?

11-10-18, 02:04
My DD has been complaining about stomach pains for a good two months now. Her doctor said constipation so we tried some Miralax and she had some good poops, we stopped Miralax, and her tummy pains continued. Yesterday I had to pick her up from school because her tummy hurt. I took her back to the doctor who did blood work and sent for an xray of her tummy. Her tummy hurt horribly last night and I had her take Miralax. This morning the doctor called and said it looks like some constipation (mild) and to continue with the Miralax. This morning she vomited and has complained of her tummy hurting all day. She has pooped today and it looks like constipation poop still, but I have read countless stories where kids had brain tumors that manifested as nausea and vomiting. I do not think her constipation is severe enough to have her vomiting and I feel like the stomach pain is getting worse, and the vomit today pushed me over the edge. How do I get them (doctors) to look at her for a brain tumor rather than gastro?

Her eyes are fine and she just had a vision appointment, but I do not think they can see all brain tumors with an exam, even if they look at the optic nerve. Her doctor contends that she would have pressure in her head, but I know that is not true either. I am dreading tomorrow morning, scared she will vomit again, and morning vomit being a brain tumor symptom. Help! What should I do? What should I push for?

You shouldn't push for anything. Sounds like run of the mill constipation with vomiting. The vomiting could just be a minor virus. If she had something serious she would have more serious symptoms.

11-10-18, 04:00
I work in the schools, and I've known a couple of kiddos who were regular morning vomiters and the culprit was acid reflux. There's lots of possible causes, including just picking up a tummy bug on top of her existing constipation. And for heaven's sake, stop reading those stories.

11-10-18, 04:12
My daughter is 11 and has had chronic constipation for at least 7 years. Miramax is well known to us. Get stomach pains have been terrible at times. I understand wanting to protect your child. It's the most important thing we as parents do! However, speaking from experience, please don't let her know how worried you are about this. She'll start to get health anxiety too. My daughter definitely gets anxious about health stuff and I know it's related to my HA, although I thought I had hidden it from her. Try some ginger lozenges for the tummy aches. It's not likely to be a brain tumor, as you already know. Stop all googling. Take her back to the doctor if it persisits. Doctors know what to look for when suspecting a brain issue with a child, and they don't mess around. Sounds like some probiotics might be helpful, as well as looking at her diet. My girl does best in a vegan diet, though I know that isn't sustainable in the long term, as she enjoys meat and dairy. You're just being a good mom, worried about your child. Try to relax. I know it will get better.