View Full Version : My experience with health anxiety

11-10-18, 03:08
First let me get off started with saying that I was always scared of my health no matter the littlest things that happened. Nothing scared me more than of course was the neurological disease known as ALS. Now my reason for being scared was that I would have these muscle twitches and like any other person with internet access I would of course do the mistake of searching it up. When I searched it up the first thing that appeared and the first thing that I read was of course ALS. For months I was scared. Everyday i would search up my muscle twitching and as each day continued my twitches became more worse. They would happen everyday and everywhere to the point where me being so scared affected my life. My highschool gpa went from a 4.5 to a 3.3 which is still good but it shows how much that I was scared for no reason. Every time I stumbled on an uneven surface I would think oh no this is the limb onset. Every time I would mis-pronounce a word or stutter I would think oh no this is the bulbar onset. The more I worried the more my twitches became worse(when I say everywhere I mean everywhere). The more they became worse the more I would search things up on google and of course the more fuel added to my anxiety. Now I can confidently say all those "symptoms" are were all in my head. (except for the twitching I went to the doctor and they said that I had a vitamin deficiency) I wanted to share my experience to help other people to get over their fear of not just of getting this horrible disease but also of other diseases. I can now say that I am no longer scared anymore and that eventually you the person reading this will no longer be scared also. Here are some facts to prove it. No one just no one in the history of the internet has ever ever searched up their symptoms, went to the doctor, and has been diagnosed with their said disease. Googling your symptoms is the fastest way to convince yourself that you are dying when you are in fact healthy. So here is the first step to getting over your anxiety of whatever disease. This is what I want you to do. I want you to stop googling or searching your symptoms on the internet. The internet will not diagnose you that is a doctors job. Another step here is of course acceptance. Accept that you are a hypochondriac, accept the fact that no one ever in the history of the earth's existence has ever searched up their symptoms and ever been correct with their "diagnosis", and I also want you to know that you are healthy nothing is wrong with you :D I can positively say that. I hope this helps and always remember that never ever starting now to search up your symptoms on google. Here is what I did, I kept track of how long has it been since I searched up a symptom and I am with positive results. I am not scared anymore of my twitches and have accepted the fact that all the other symptoms were just in my head. I hope this helps :D