View Full Version : Mouth worry

11-10-18, 13:41
Oral C was what originally started my HA. And it seems even though I'm quite good with HA now, oral c still gets me.
I have this little pin prick sized spot thing that appears on the roof of my mouth, usually after eating. I pick it off and it comes back. It is tiny. I'm scared its serious.

Any advice please :(

11-10-18, 15:07
It doesn't sound serious but of course the best person to see would be a dentist.

I had a spot on the roof of my mouth and it was a small wart and had to be removed.

I wouldn't keep picking it off though - leave it and see what happens.

11-10-18, 21:16
Thanks Nicola. I can still feel it even though I thought I'd picked it off. Now I've made the area all red so can't see if there's anything there. How big was yours if you don't mind me asking?
