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View Full Version : Is this Health Anxiety

11-10-18, 14:33

So, ever since I had a brutal 8 months or so dealing with going on and coming off some SSRI's, which gave me insomnia, massively increased anxiety, shakes and all the rest, I have found I can't seem to stop obsessively worrying and thinking about my mental health. I am on 15mg Mirtazapine at the moment, which recently stopped helping with sleep, so I have been struggling with insomnia etc.

i would say about 60/70% of my day is spent thinking about how I am feeling, worrying about whether I should change my meds, or about potential withdrawal if I have to come off, or long terms problems with it. Worrying about whether I should try another med, if so, what, and what if that doesn't help etc etc etc

I have imaginary conversations with my GP where I run through different scenarios of how best to explain what is going on, and imagine her response and then catastrophise the outcome..

This is very boring. And very annoying. I feel like I cant remember what I used to think about prior to this - how do I fill up the day with thoughts if not this?

I know this is very mild in comparison to what many of you are dealing with, but it is something that I am starting to realise has become my main problem. I don't really worry about work or anything like that any more - mainly because there is no time left over!

What do you guys think? And any suggestions as to how to help break out of this pattern? It has been about a year or so now, and I really need to do something to get out of this cycle...


11-10-18, 16:10
Have a read of this:


11-10-18, 17:56
Have you looked into any kind of therapy? I’ve just started cbt and the counsellor is really helping me to deal with exactly this situation. I spend my day thinking about how I feel and worrying about how I will feel later or tomorrow, it’s ridiculous! Maybe cbt could help you with this? I understand meds have their benefits but I don’t know if they can help you break your thought pattern as the way we think has become a habit that needs breaking xx

12-10-18, 11:18
Thanks - that is very helpful - I did some CBT and am in the NHS queue for therapy...I know that will help.

I just have to try and not let my brain run away with itself...