View Full Version : Need someone to talk me down.

11-10-18, 21:35
My recent bout of extreme panic actually started last summer. My fingers always swell in the heat. Last summer I noticed my arm seemed to feel a bit swollen in the heat too. I chalked it up to the heat and the fact that my left shoulder gives me a lot of issues and hurts. Sometimes it would only feel swollen in my upper arm, sometimes my forearm and sometimes my fingers too. Sometimes it would last all day or just a while. I seemed to notice it more when I was doing my makeup and raising my arm for a lengthy time. Then it seemingly went away for the most part i never felt it unless I took a really hot shower and sometimes i would feel like that made my fingers swell. Fast forward to the end of this summer when it came on again. This time maybe a little worse or different and sometimes I’d feel like my skin was tight. I had two drs appts and asked bth drs about it and it was dismissed as it doesn’t “look” swollen. It was annoying the other day and my MIL is a nurse so I mentioned it to her and she said it sounded like Lymphedema. I had never even heard of that so like a true hypochondriac I googled it. Right in front of my face was almost identical to my symptoms with causes being cancer or cancer treatment and two really weird autoimmune diseases that didn’t fit what I was experiencing at all. I am in panic mode. I cried so much yesterday my eyes were almost swollen shut when I woke up. I tried to google more and more to find ANYTHING it could be and I can’t find ANYTHING. I’m terrified. My anxiety that was in remission somewhat is now in full swing and possibly worse than I’ve ever had. I’m making myself sick. Any suggestions? Other ideas of what it could be that’s not a death sentence. If I’ve had cancer for over a year with symptoms wouldn’t I be sick? Thank you in advance.

12-10-18, 00:56
I'm no expert, but looking at it logically, if it was something serious, it wouldn't go away and come back. It would be all the time and rapidly worsen. :shrug:
Don't Google. We've all done it and it will always point to cancer and numerous other frightening stuff.
If the Doc is not worried then that should reassure you. If you are still worried, go back again and tell him your concerns.

13-10-18, 01:58
Thank you for replying Carnation. I do feel like that’s logical as well. I’ve been trying to not overreact to every sensation and be realistic. I have ran to the dr for so many tests so many times and I’ve paid a ridiculous amount of medical bills. I hate social media because I feel like since it’s so readily available we hear the worst case scenario stories and the insanely rare happenings much easier so that makes our anxiety even worse.