View Full Version : Panic attack

12-10-18, 05:54
Hello I recently just had a panic attack from having HA it happened because the mole on my back I fear that I have melanoma and I obsessively look at the mole in my mirror measure it with a pencil eraser I even had a derm look at it but she looked at it for 2 seconds no scope or anything just with her regular eyes and said everything looks fine but we'll keep an eye on it and that was that I for some reason can't accept that she said it was fine and I don't know why anytime my back itches or hurts I immediately think yup this is it this conforms my fear it's melanoma I just wish this would stop and I could go back to normal I hate having HA and hate for growing this stupid mole.

13-10-18, 19:19
A few months ago I had a huge bump underneath my tongue and was convinced I had mouth cancer. Dentist said it was a blocked salivary gland it should be gone with a few weeks to a month and then it went away in a month. I wouldn't worry so much but if it gets worse go back to the dermatologist to get a closer look at it.

14-10-18, 05:55
I'd say within accepting it right now try to get a second derm opinion. Why I'm saying that? Because of your worry. I know I used to be "there". 15 years panic disorder. I have overcome it. The last panic attack I had was about 2 years ago.
Another thing. Think for a second the placebo effect. Think about that the mind is EVERYTHING. I strongly believe if I'd started to scratching a random place on my back let's say for one day, then the second day I would always feel the itching. A second opinion would help you to shorten the time until you're going to believe that what you feel is nothing else just a placebo-itching.
take care.

15-10-18, 05:14
I'd say within accepting it right now try to get a second derm opinion. Why I'm saying that? Because of your worry. I know I used to be "there". 15 years panic disorder. I have overcome it. The last panic attack I had was about 2 years ago.
Another thing. Think for a second the placebo effect. Think about that the mind is EVERYTHING. I strongly believe if I'd started to scratching a random place on my back let's say for one day, then the second day I would always feel the itching. A second opinion would help you to shorten the time until you're going to believe that what you feel is nothing else just a placebo-itching.
take care.
I don't know if a second opinion would really help me because My mind would just go back to worrying over everything again even after a second opinion from another certified doctor said it's fine and plus I doubt I could see another derm I live in a very small down and I didn't know we had a derm till this year idk why I can't accept that it might just be an average mole I know melanoma is rare only makes like 1% and I've done nothing that would really contribute to increasing my chance of getting it never been in a tan bed hardly never got sun burn not redheaded or that pale don't really have light eyes or family history plus I'm only 20 and come from a naturally moley family my little brother has a lot of moles I have maybe 10-teens not sure but I'm not worried about any of them I'm worried about the one on my back that I just discovered in line june maybe so I think it's new cause I've never really looked until i seen it in my mirror Idk maybe I'm so worried about it because I recently developed HA and read alot of stats for different things I thought I had this year and Melanoma popped read the stats never thought I had it before until I found the one on my back and the stats said if it's new it's more likely melanoma and the back is common in males so I think that even escalated my worries and read worse case stories (bad idea) If I grew this or found this like a year ago or before I would've been "ah a new mole alright" and forget about it but not I look at so much and try to tell myself it's just a mole but I can't tell but I obsess over it.