View Full Version : Kidney stones on ultrasound - HA spiraling

12-10-18, 10:18
Hi, so it's been many years now and I'm sinking back into my old health anxiety habits :(

I have a low grade fever and pain in my stomach and lower back since last Saturday, worse today but not excruciating. I had an ultrasound and results this morning show a large kidney stone and urine strip tests turned dark green which on bottle states "large amt of blood", blood cannot be seen meaning it's from the kidneys. These were done at Doctors. Dr is sending me for a dye CT on Monday.

I'm sitting here freaking out cause I actually have a health issue and I'm thinking of the worse case scenarios. the large amt of blood thing is scaring me and I'm thinking severe blood loss, sepsis, you name it. Then what if I get a reaction from the dye?
And i REALLY believe these will happen cause it's an ACTUAL problem (see the spiral*)

I am spiraling* :( Can someone slap me?

12-10-18, 14:08
I have kidney stones and every urine test I have shows "blood +++". So that is the maximum you can get.

It doesn't mean you are bleeding internally or anything and you won't get sepsis from it.

I think you are overthinking this one.

22-10-18, 23:26
Hi I hope you got your CT scan back...did they show the stone?

Ok, so urine test with microscope can show if your blood comes from the kidneys, or bladder. I am sure they checked that.
I was also told that 10% of the population has blood in their urine, and if you are female under age 55, the risk is close to 0 for bladder or kidney cancer.

Just read about your "large kidney stone" part...yes, this causes low grade fever AND blood in urine. i know, I have been tested with all the tests on the planet...they found a tiny stone, nothing else.

PS. How much is you low grade fever?

22-10-18, 23:45
Kidney stones, while altogether unpleasant, are hardly the worst thing that can happen to you. I have known loads of people who have dealt with them, and I have never even heard of someone having a serious issue with them.

If you were in an emergency situation, they would not have let you wait to be treated or see someone.