View Full Version : Today I forgot the year when filling out a form. Convinced I had a mini stroke

12-10-18, 11:39
Can anyone reason with me here and convince me I'm being ridiculous?

I was signing up to a new bank and had to fill out the date and year on a form. Filled out the date and when it came to the year my mind went blank. I was wracking my brain for a good 5 seconds before I got it.

Could it have just been a brain fart? I mean it wasn't like I completely forgot it and had to ask the guy. It just escaped me for a few seconds

Now I had a headache which I don't know if I'm causing it by being anxious or something more severe

12-10-18, 11:47
You forgot the year for 5 seconds and think that's a mini stroke? What?

13-10-18, 11:57
This happens. I call them brain farts.

I forgot my own telephone number once. I was under a high, high amount of stress though

13-10-18, 16:06
It’s quite common! I forget passwords all the time. You’re overthinking x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-10-18, 17:03
Oh man.. if a stoke was the cause of every mind lapse I have had, I don't think I would have any brain left at this point. ;)

Really, this happens to every single person, every day. Commonly, people are thinking about other things (distracted), or just had something else on our minds. I know HA is a beast, and can blow the smallest things our of proportion, but really, don't sweat this at ALL. this is literally nothing at all to be worried about.

13-10-18, 17:09
Yeah, I have these constantly. I think it just comes with age haha. I'm early thirties right now, I'm not looking forward to how bad it gets later on

13-10-18, 17:36
Everyone has funny moments when they forget something obvious. Everyone's had a daft moment when they've forgotten the day, date, month or year. It's not a good thing to start overanalysing it every time it happens - it's just part of being human.

And anxiety causes these kind of things more often as your brain is busy "fighting" non-existent threats. You don't need to look for another answer.

13-10-18, 21:33
This is normal. As others have said, this type of thing happens to people often, it is part of being a busy, thinking human being living in a fast world where we are sometimes distracted and our memory doesn't quickly get to the right drawer in the brain.

Last week I honestly had a complete blank on my address, I kid you not.....someone asked me the first line and I stared for a few seconds. Then it came back of course! I've written the wrong year date loads of times during my life, who hasn't ? As for PIN codes, come on, who hasnt had one that they knew for years and then suddenly randomly couldn't recall it. (I sure hope its not just me :roflmao:) Don't sweat it, it happens all the time and is of absolutely no concern at all.

13-10-18, 21:59
Things like this happen alot! like for example. My friend was buying something the other day and they asked what age he was and with the most confidence said 18....when in fact his 22! People have slips of mind sometimes!

I know when I'm in work and I'm doing a stock take. I struggle to remeneber what date it is alot!

13-10-18, 22:03
Definitely a brain fart. I don't know how old you are but it definitely happens more as you get older. I have plenty of "Senior Moments - Brain Farts". (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv1tMioGgXI&list=PL188F750BA43F5F72&index=4&t=0s)

Positive thoughts

13-10-18, 23:25
Can anyone reason with me here and convince me I'm being ridiculous?

I was signing up to a new bank and had to fill out the date and year on a form. Filled out the date and when it came to the year my mind went blank. I was wracking my brain for a good 5 seconds before I got it.

Could it have just been a brain fart? I mean it wasn't like I completely forgot it and had to ask the guy. It just escaped me for a few seconds

Now I had a headache which I don't know if I'm causing it by being anxious or something more severe

But you could write perfect grammar on an Internet forum. Did you log in with pasword too?

You know; if you get a panic attack you can forget a lot of things. After suffering panic attacks for 20 years or so now I know this as a fact.

14-10-18, 07:43
Yup, this happens to me all the time. I used to think I was having mini strokes or absence seizures but now I've just chalked it up to having too much on my mind most days.

Oh, this is totally off subject, but is your screen name a reference the the zone of Drustvar in Kul Tiras on World of Warcraft? I just did some daily world quests there a bit ago.����

~ Christina

15-10-18, 01:19
I forget what year it is all the time. Once you reach a certain age, the years go by so fast that you barely get used to one before it's over. You mean it's not still 2002?

16-10-18, 05:35
Definitely normal. I've written really weird years like 2014 on my fair share of papers. I'm a healthy 19-year-old and I still sometimes forget things like the day of the week or simple words. Yesterday, I actually missed a student org meeting because I forgot that it was a Sunday. I think it's an anxiety thing, and a bit of an ADHD thing for me as well. Just your brain being all over the place and inconveniencing you, but absolutely nothing to worry about.

16-10-18, 12:55
Paranoid-viking has made a good point!!

I forget what day it is, forget where I have parked my car etc etc - the list goes on ..
If you are young, then be thankful you still have youth on your side - you will forget a whole lot more when older