View Full Version : Constant mind chatter/arguing in my head

12-10-18, 22:24
My thoughts are everywhere. It's literally like I can't stop thinking or arguing in my head. It's causing me so much distress. I just want a quiet mind. The more I try the worse it becomes. Any tips would be great. Thankyou x

12-10-18, 23:22
keep yourself physically/mentally busy with work/activities? i sit at a desk all day long. i have the internet at my finger tips and it makes my mind keep on thinking anxiety thoughts.

12-10-18, 23:36
Have a read of this:
https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Having_difficulty_concentrating_repetitiv e_thinking_or_incessant_8216mind_chatter8217

13-10-18, 10:46
Thankyou for that. It makes sense. Although I still feel frightened. I woken last night around 3am and my mind was racing none stop. Saying things that didn't need to be said so then the panic kicks in because the mind just won't stop. It's uncontrollable. I fear I'm losing my mind. I'm sat here now singing loads of random songs in my head and Iv just said in my head "Yes but it does though". Totally random and don't know why Iv said it. Am I going mad? I'm 8 weeks pregnant aswel x

13-10-18, 17:43
Meditation can be good for this. Try the free month trial of the Headspace app.

13-10-18, 17:48
This is something I dealt with during the depression after my illnesses. The negative self talk became something that was really bringing me down. To top it off, it was unwarranted. I had to convince myself that just because something bad happened to me, it didn't make me a bad person. My therapist showed me how I was blaming myself as well as how it manifested itself in my psyche.

What worked for me were the meds and one on one therapy. I took Zolft (100mg) for around 6 months during therapy. It really did help to quiet my mind and allowed me to focus on the therapy.

Positive thoughts

14-10-18, 10:16
Ive had this for over 20 years. I argue, talk and try and get rid of the negative thoughts but that ia the wrong way to deal qith them. You have to try and let the thoughts enter and leave with acknowledging them at all (for intrusive thoughts) or focus on something even if its when you outside lookk g at the trees and birds etc (its called distraction therapy). Still mine are due to HA now. I beat depression and OCD but cant shake this damn thing. Literally EVERYTHING i feel is now a symptom and its driving me way way downhill. Please dont let it get to you like its done to me.