View Full Version : Severe Allergic Reaction

13-10-18, 03:01
PLEASE PLEASE someone respond as I'm getting very anxious over this. I was diagnosed with strep throat last week. I was given amoxicillin. I was on day 8 of my 10 day course and I started breaking out in hives. I went to bed and the next day the hives were so bad. Head to toe and every time I touched my skin I would get more. Went to the emergency room Wednesday because my hands and lip swelled up a lot. They gave me a shot of epinephrine, a steroid and benadryl and sent me home. That was 2 days ago. I've been taking a steroid every morning. How much longer until these hives go away for good?? They are even in my mouth when I eat. I can't take this much longer. It's really triggering my anxiety. Like, what if these hives never go away??

13-10-18, 16:09
They will go away, keep taking the medication.

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