View Full Version : Alcohol Intolerance

13-10-18, 12:16
I’ve been kind of not myself health wise for the past few months. It’s nothing acute, i just feel a bit haunted by vague symptoms and a LOT of anxiety. I’ve been under financial stress for a while and it’s been on my mind and I’m always kind of keyed up over it.

Over the past year I have lost the ability to drink more than like 2 drinks at a time. I am a social drinker and I cut down in the last few months to only drinking when out socially and not at home just to be healthier. There’s no dependence issues. But I will say drinking is fun on occasion and of course it’s a huge social thing. My friends all drink so much (I think they drink too much but that’s another issue hah)

If i drink more than 2 drinks I get a lot of nausea, acid stomach, the poops, and I also get super emotional. I thought it was just beer but wine did it to me the other night. I’m actially up right now writing this bc the alcohol messed up my stomach and I was just in the bathroom going #2.

Of course I googled and now I’m worried this is a symptom of a greater issue such as liver cancer or pancreatic cancer.

I just went into the GP twice for a back pain on my left side that won’t go away but all my blood work was fine and I have no other symptoms.

Maybe I just have GERD? It seems to be messing with my digestive system, I don’t get headaches or anything else.

Anyway I’m just suffering so much general anxiety it’s wearing me to a frazzle :(

13-10-18, 14:22
It happens. As we get older, our ability to handle certain foods, drinks, activities, etc diminishes. I really wouldn’t look too hard into it, especially given your clear test results. The more you worry, the more it’s going to affect your stomach anyway.

13-10-18, 17:31
The less used your body is to you drinking, the quicker you'll get drunk and the worse your hangovers will be. It's no coincidence your tolerance has gone down after cutting back.

14-10-18, 20:48
Oddly enough this happened to me last year when I was suffering with a very bad period of acute anxiety. I have no idea whether anxiety was the cause or whether it was just because I was so exhausted from the stress or what but I really worried about it too. It lasted a month or so then it seemed to settle down and now my tolerance is the same as it always was.