View Full Version : health anxiety where do i start

13-10-18, 16:03
Hello I'm not sure if this is right place to post this or not. I'm new to all off this

Start of the year my wife left me and from then this has gone bad to worse. I started drinking slot more than I use to . And then my health started to go down hill and was in and out of hospital with what I thought was a heart attack. Turned out to be gas and panic attacks. After a few weeks I cut the drink down to once a week . And I didn't feel better, I was in and out of doctors thinking there was something serious wrong with me. Headaches,palpitations,shaky,leg pains, pains in back.stomach upset. Again doc didn't tests and nothing I couldn't help but think some it else was the provlem.
Recently I've stopped smoking and drinking and eating healthier. But I feel drained all the time. Seeing the doctor again he told me I have health anxiety fwamily try to support me and talk but i feel I can't as they just ask questions.

Doctors put me through to iapt but waiting list is huge doctors don't seem to give me help just keep offering me medicationfor depression/anxiety and which I won't take. I end up googling side effects.
I have literally zero energy most days and headaches aches pains etc.
Is there any tips people can offer never dealt with something like this and I hate way it makes me feel. I always was the happy go lucky guy and now I just die from things.e