View Full Version : Moles and melanoma

13-10-18, 16:23

I don't want to google anymore because every tiny mole is melanoma in google.

So, recently I've been obsessing about my moles. I have around 100 moles. The problem is that they all look so different and many of them have 1 or 2 symptoms of melanoma.

For example, one on my hand and other on my chest are totally asymmetrical moles but small and one color.
One on my knee appeared few years ago and now is 2mm(growing slowly) but looks perfect otherwise.
One looks too dark, other a little bit too big and asymmetrical.

I think at the moment my worries are irrational but when I really should be concerned? What signs are more important than others(size, color, asymmetry)?

13-10-18, 17:41
I had a mole checked (which is 1cm+ with an irregular border) and the GP wasn't concerned, saying that what they look out for is itching, bleeding, or the surface going crusty/scabby or rapid changes to its appearance. He told me to take pictures and if it changed in 4-6 weeks then go back, but it stayed exactly the same so I left it.

From your descriptions, yours sound perfectly normal! Even the growing one is very small and must be growing really slowly to be only 2mm after a few years. Scary moles tend to change much more quickly (hence being asked to check in 4-6 weeks).