View Full Version : I want to leave my job due to anxiety

14-10-18, 14:41
Hi all. It's been 4 years since I've last logged into nomorepanic. I was able to maintain my anxiety or at least push it aside enough to get on with my life. Recently, I had to leave my job on bad terms. I was very comfortable in this job and it was quite a knock to my confidence when I left. It took me 2 months to find another job and now that I have one I'm really struggling. I've been out sick the past week due to anxiety. I'm supposed to go back tomorrow but I just can't face it. I feel like just quitting this new job and I've only been there for a month. My panic attacks and anxiety are causing so much stress on my stomach and my IBS I can't get through a day of work without severe stomach cramps. I decided I wanted to try counselling but I've tried a few places and there's a bit of a wait for appointments. I don't know what to do, I don't know how I'll face going to work tomorrow. The panic I'm having today in anticipation of it is unbearable. I would like to just quit and spend some time focusing on myself and feeling better but I know my family would be very disappointed with me. I live with my parents and I would be in for quite a lecture if I left this job. I just don't know what to do or how to cope.

14-10-18, 16:16
I know this can be difficult for you Agadch.. Can you talk to your doctor about what is happening with your anxiety. You say you live with your parents. They ought to be more sympathetic as regards your welfare.
If you need a break from work you have one. Put yourself first.
Good Luck x

14-10-18, 19:25
I've been to the doctor already and he wasn't much help just handed me a sick note for the week, which just left me worse off as it delayed the inevitable. And my parents think the best way for me to get over it is to just go into work and deal with it.

14-10-18, 19:48
Hey Agadch,
I have been in a similar situation myself in the past and took some time off work and I can understand the pressure from family to get back into it, but you must think of yourself first, If you feel you need some more time then speak to your doctor.
Would also give you the time to find a place for some counselling which might make going back to work a little easier to cope with.
I know also that a lot of employers can do a phased return to work after sick leave which means lighter duties, or perhaps shorter hours to help you gradually get back into the swing of things!
wishing you all the best!

15-10-18, 05:08
Perhaps I'd say unless you can afford it let your current job to be loose. It's a precious things I guess and you have already invested so much time and energy plus the suffering due to panic attacks.

I'd say there are different type of help available out there. Go for them. And I'm saying this because: yes you're first! And you want working, growing and a life without suffering of panic.
The counselling is maybe a good thing so I'd encourage you to try it first. Your doctor also could advice you different type of help available. There're online help too. For example the PanicFree program helped me to have my last panic attack (after 15 years of panic disorder) that I'l be grateful forever.

I know this might sound counterintuitive right now (because it's scary right now) but to see the big picture I believe this is the right thing to do.

Take care!

15-10-18, 08:19
So after being out sick for the last week I was due to go back this morning and I've just rang in sick again. I feel like such a failure because I've taken the easy way out instead of just sucking it up and going in. I can tell my family are disappointed with me too. They all thought going back to work would be the best thing for me. I'm so upset and disappointed with myself and I know I've probably just made things harder. I'll have to go back eventually and I'm just delaying the inevitable. Thats why I want to leave because I just can't face going back after this point, I've only been working there a month and I'm on 3 months probation which means they'll probably let me go anyway due to my absence.

16-10-18, 06:32
I've been to the doctor already and he wasn't much help just handed me a sick note for the week, which just left me worse off as it delayed the inevitable. And my parents think the best way for me to get over it is to just go into work and deal with it.

I have to agree with your parents.
Going back to work will give you something to think about other than your anxiety.
I know because it worked for me.