View Full Version : how do you deal with your health anxiety

14-10-18, 15:54
hello all
I have suffered with health anxiety for years now and the main symptoms i get are breathlessness and chest aches and pains. My upper back muscles always hurt and are very weak and i think that has weakened my chest muscles but as you know with anxiety we always think and feel the worst, so this has made me not want to workout because of the fear of my health and thats caused me to be more out of shape. I have had ecgs in the past along with blood tests numerous blood pressure tests and oxygen levels etc and all is fine but its never that easy
How do you deal with health anxiety and what works best for you?
Just looking for some ideas that may help me

14-10-18, 15:58
You could give THIS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) a read.

Positive thoughts

14-10-18, 16:06
Have a read of this:
