View Full Version : Bad reflux, convinced its cancer.

15-10-18, 15:58
HI, I'm a 38yr male, never smoked, try to keep health and I'm not overweight. Over the last few days I have had bad reflux/heart burn, especially when I lie down or after I eat. It seems to be getting worse everyday. Along with that I have lump in my throat when i swallow and all this has be believing I have some sort of cancer and its driving my anxiety crazy. Don't really want to go to the doctor as I am worried on a negative outcome. I feel like a broken record, Help!

15-10-18, 16:10
Ok, you've got to ask yourself, why on earth would it be cancer? And not just, say, a regular spell of heartburn? Or post-nasal drip? Or something equally common and benign? And is a few days of having an annoying symptom really enough to get the panic stations out?

You're the same age as me and, sadly, as much as we don't like to think of it we start to get a few more little blips and burbles as we head towards 40...

15-10-18, 16:13
Hi there I know how you feel, I’m going through the same at the moment the difference is I’m obsessing over breast cancer, I really wouldn’t worry about your reflux it’s really common especially if you are stressed also the lump feeling is anxiety as well I think it called a glob is xxx

15-10-18, 16:34
What you describe are common reflux symptoms and globus. An OTC acid reducer/reliever can help with your symptoms as well as a review and revision of your dietary habits. If the diet modifications and OTC remedies doesn't help, see your doctor about a prescription PPI.

Positive thoughts

16-10-18, 01:21
Went and saw the doctor today, put me on ECG and no issues, blood pressure fine. Has given me some Esomeprazole for the reflux and sending me for a gaestrosomething..... tube down the throat to see whats going on. Don't know how I feel at the moment......

16-10-18, 01:29
Went and saw the doctor today, put me on ECG and no issues, blood pressure fine. Has given me some Esomeprazole for the reflux and sending me for a gaestrosomething..... tube down the throat to see whats going on. Don't know how I feel at the moment......

My wife went through it. Bloating, gas, burning etc. Same deal. A PPI and a couple of tests. Found nothing. We went on the FODMAP diet (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/), took our PPIs and we're good.

Positive thoughts

16-10-18, 01:36
Sorry for my ignorance, but what are PPI's? Have seen them mentioned in various posts.

16-10-18, 02:03
Sorry for my ignorance, but what are PPI's? Have seen them mentioned in various posts.

PPI = Proton pump inhibitor. Basically a heavy duty time released antacid.

Positive thoughts

16-10-18, 03:37
Thanks for the clarification, the Dr did mention the medication was a proton pump inhibitor, didn't make the connection.

16-10-18, 23:57
How long does it take for PPI's to work?

17-10-18, 01:24
How long does it take for PPI's to work?

Typically, along with diet changes, it can take at least a month+ before you really feel the results. We still have to be careful with what we eat and when. We found not eating after 6pm really helps as well as smaller FODMAP friendly portions.

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