View Full Version : Health anxiety and alcohol

15-10-18, 19:13
Evening all, so now I’m fretting because when my health anxiety is really bad I always turn to a few drinks in the evening, but then I start freaking out that I’m going to cause damage to myself, it’s such a vicious circle, can’t wait until medication properly kicks in, I’m scared of dying but aleast you don’t get all this anxiety when you are not here anymore, I’m actually sick of living in absolute fear, I really want to feel better by Christmas I have a beautiful baby grandson and it’s he’s first Christmas and I don’t want to ruin it, and I’m not even an old nan I’m 45, I really hope the meds start kicking in soon because everyday is such a struggle cx

15-10-18, 21:34
It's not the most recommended of things to be reliant on alcohol, but if you're not vastly exceeding your recommended units it's not worth worrying about. Do check if your meds and alcohol mix though - even if not dangerous you may be reducing your meds' efficacy.

15-10-18, 22:32
Define 'a few'.

There's plenty of growing evidence to suggest that even moderate regular drinking is quite bad for your health. Much more so than was previously thought. The main culprit being constant inflammation throughout the body.

16-10-18, 12:56
I often have drinks to help my anxiety, way more than 'a few' as the last poster said on some occasions
! Don't feel bad about it though, it's not ideal but I get it and I do the same. Just be careful not to spiral with it. But I don't agree with the previous poster scare-mongering, you're on a HA page!

Don't worry about it at this stage, just keep an eye on it. Xx

16-10-18, 13:06
I started having a few drinks on a regular basis in the eves -( never used to) NO!! its not recommended or ideal ( but what is?) ..I suffer with debilitating health anxiety on a daily basis ( associated with past events/circumstances) - I take meds, I just about get through the days- when the eve comes I feel that I need/want a drink to help me relax..I dont drink to get drunk and am not an alcoholic - so if it helps etc...Some people smoke all their lives and dont die/get ill from it - what will be will be

16-10-18, 14:28
But I don't agree with the previous poster scare-mongering, you're on a HA page!

Don't worry about it at this stage, just keep an eye on it. Xx

It's not scare mongering, it's fact. Drinking alcohol to cope with anxiety is a supremely bad idea for numerous reasons.

Enabling it by suggesting that it shouldn't be worried about at this stage, also not a good idea.

Most HA suffers worry about things that aren't happening, and we tell them not to worry. Suggesting that somebody not worry about something that IS happening and that IS bad for their short and long term health is an irony too far...in a HA forum.

16-10-18, 18:43
I'm not suggesting it's good for our health if abused, but it's realistic to suggest many people have a glass of wine here and there especially when feeling anxious. My point was that it's not something to worry about at this stage, everyone I know has a drink here and there, it's not the end of the world. If she said I'm drinking excessively to cope with anxiety, that's different. I just think demonising alcohol isn't the answer to that original post. Will just lead to more feelings of worry which isn't needed.

16-10-18, 22:23
The OP said 'I always turn to a few drinks'

The key words being 'always' and 'a few'.

I bet it's more than the odd glass of wine here or there.

If the OP had said she sometimes had the odd drink when things got really bad, I would probably have kept my big mouth shut.

16-10-18, 22:36
There are some, even those on meds, that can handle alcohol. If you're one of them, good for you. However, those posting about it obviously are having an issue with it or they wouldn't be posting.

Every med on the meds list here has warnings and cautions about alcohol. Even those not on meds can have adverse reactions to alcohol as documented here. I agree with AJoe about turning to a "few" drinks as that's self medicating and causing undue anxiety.

People gonna do what they wanna do regradless so I guess it's just more power to them and as always...

Positive thoughts

16-10-18, 22:40
It’s up to each to decide their tolerance for drinking. You have to decide if a) you can tolerate the “hangxiety” that comes with a morning after and b) you can accept the potential health risks associated with drinking.
If you can, great, enjoy. Otherwise it’s best to abstain.

17-10-18, 02:00
I'm not suggesting it's good for our health if abused, but it's realistic to suggest many people have a glass of wine here and there especially when feeling anxious. My point was that it's not something to worry about at this stage, everyone I know has a drink here and there, it's not the end of the world. If she said I'm drinking excessively to cope with anxiety, that's different. I just think demonising alcohol isn't the answer to that original post. Will just lead to more feelings of worry which isn't needed.

I agree, alcohol does often get demonised in anxiety circles (it used to on here, the threads got piled on with negative stories although other members would counter that with neutral stories too on some threads). Like meds it's a case of Confirmation Bias as all the threads people see are about how it has made them unwell and those who can drink will seldom raise a thread like "had a drink today, didn't make any difference". Caffeine is a no no in these circles too but I don't raise a thread every time I have a cup of tea.

I also think we shouldn't jump the gun on the consumption here as herbie does say it's only when the anxiety gets really bad. That may mean it's very sporadic use and hardly the same as the many millions across the UK who have for decades drank beyond NHS guidelines. Let herbie explain it first and judge from there. Alcohol & health is really a separate issue.

But I also agree it's not a good crutch either. I can understand the need for any relief but we have to be mindful of developing patterns that will only make us worse. There are many anxiety sufferers who rely on drink to get through and that certainly is a problem just as it is that so many are dependant on benzos (both issues being complex).

I think the issue with meds is often that manufacturers have to add disclaimers because when you view the warnings they are very general. The same warnings can be found on many every day meds GP's are knocking out yet people drink on those too. I have found the meds that are more of a problem have more detailed warnings BUT I would always say combining alcohol should be a doctors call (preferably a pharmacist as doctors are not the best at understanding meds & interactions). And many of these interactions are classed as Medium risk as opposed to a Major risk.

What I think is needed is the GP just to be aware of what drinking is going on and that's not just because of the anxiety and potential for dependence of any kind becoming a possibility but because the OP is waiting for meds to work and alcohol may unbalance that during the side effects window making the start up more rocky. But then without the few drinks it's hard to say which is the worst of the two evils.

17-10-18, 11:36
In reality everything and anything in excess is bad for us - whether it be drinking, smoking, eating, etc etc the list could be endless - even too much exercise can be bad .
I dont think anyone promotes/encourages/advises regular/heavy and on going drinking as a aide for anyone with anxiety, but I think there are times when maybe people find it helps to get through a phase and then either stop or/and reduce the intake ...