View Full Version : In hospital with severe stomach pain

anx mum
15-10-18, 21:58
Really struggling been admitted to hospital with abdominal pains in right side had ultrasound and ct scan both come back ok which is good but really don’t know what’s going on nor do drs. Want to go home but in so much pain the only thing that’s helped is oramorph really want to know what’s causing this

15-10-18, 22:27
There's a bad stomach bug going around, main symptom is bad stomach cramps. Both my kids have had it and so have I.

17-10-18, 13:58
I'm sorry to hear this, I hope they find the cause and get you some treatment soon.
You're in the right place, they'll take care of you

17-10-18, 21:58
Hi anx mum,

I'm sorry to hear you're in hospital at the moment. It's very reassuring that the CT scan and ultrasound both came back clear - this means that the doctors are ruling out serious physical conditions. I'm sure you'll be given the answer soon, it's important to remain hopeful and positive as much as possible. There's no point in letting negativity over rule your life - it's easier said than done I know but you'll soon be out of hospital I'm sure.

get well soon :)

anx mum
21-10-18, 00:58
Thank u for all your replies. I’ve now been let out of hospital still in agonising pain and are taken a short course of oramorph I’m really confused and scared what’s going on. Today has been the worse day ever I found out my husband of 8 years has been cheating on me I am writing this in tears. For a long time now he’s not been affectionate or caring about my health. When I confronted him he says he plans to move out I have 3 children how will I cope in pain on my own. Really need a hug right now

21-10-18, 01:07
Oh I'm so sorry! For the health, I know it's scary but with clear tests and a stay in hospital I really doubt they would miss anything serious! I know that doesn't help with the fact you're still feeling such pain. I'm not trying to say your pain isn't real or anything! But my therapist once time talked about the body holding onto pain. Like physical the issue may be gone but our mind can't move on from it. So we feel it- sorry if that sounded like I'm trying to play down your pain!! I am in no way trying to do so! And I hope you find the answers soon to it!

As for your Husband...That's so awful. I'm sorry that I don't have better advice there but probably in the long run you'll be better off if he wasn't caring to issues that matter to you! Serious ones like health. Even if it doesn't seem like that now.

Sorry if this came across as nasty or rude! I really didn't mean it to come across that way. If you ever need anything feel free to PM me! If you like! Sending you positive thoughts x

21-10-18, 13:46
SarahNah I think your post was lovely and caring with some wise words.

AnxMum I'm so sorry to hear you're going through so an awful time. Sending you a massive virtual hug xxx

22-10-18, 19:07
I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to you, anx mum. Right now you need to have a good support network and reach out to the people you trust. It’s okay to let people know how you’re feeling, if things get really bad don’t be afraid to see your GP - they will be able to guide you in the right direction if you need help. I don’t have first hand experience of this but you will come out of this much stronger in the long run.

Sending you a big virtual hug x

anx mum
22-10-18, 19:34
Thank u all for your replies means so much to me. I’m struggling big time at mo this pain isn’t going and really don’t understand it’ it goes in my groin right side of stomach and round side. Seeing my gp tomorrow hospital wants me to go to pain management. As well as this me and my husband are going through separation he’s been cheating so much is going on so many emotions

22-10-18, 20:54
Hi Bev

Really sorry to hear you are having a bad time and now the separation thing on top of it all.

Sending you loads of love.

anx mum
30-10-18, 22:02
I’m really struggling right now still got right sided groin pain and stomach pain really don’t understand what it can be had ct of stomach in hospital and had ultrasound as I thought might of been ovarian cyst as I am prone to these. My gp thinks it may be nerve related because of this and personal problems at home I’m gonna lose my job. :weep:

01-11-18, 21:59
Sorry to hear about the pain anx mum, I honestly feel absolutely awful for you having all these symptoms with no definite answer. And your emotional pain right now. Have you got a good support network hun?xx

02-11-18, 17:14
I'm so sorry you're going through so much right now! Being cheated on is one of the most horrible things that can happen to you emotionally. Coupled with the terrible pain and anxiety, when it rains it pours as they say! Please try to focus on the fact that your CT came back fine while you were having pain. This rules out any serious problems which is great news. Pain management is a good idea as pain constantly puts you on edge and makes you depressed and irritated. Please take up your doctor's offer. And if you need painkillers, take them.

I have also had a tough October in terms of health anxiety, symptoms, and romantic strife. Feel free to send me a PM. Big hugs.