View Full Version : Constantly panicking, can't take it much longer!

16-10-18, 02:37
Hi everyone.
Just need to have a vent.
I have been struggling so much with panic attacks recently, and health worries. I have had panic disorder for about 2 and a half years now, and it's honestly driving me so crazy.
It's to the point where I can't go and get a haircut as I hate sitting somewhere where I can't leave if I need to. On the plus side I have actually quit smoking due to my health anxiety(silver linings lol).
I'm messing up my whole life, I keep missing university as being in a classroom makes me so anxious in case if I have a panic attack. On top of that I've been ill the last couple of weeks so have been worrying about that also.
I used to be so full of life and had an amazing outlook on what career I would be able to do etc but now I just feel like my whole life is failing as I can't seem to shake off this anxiety. I hate it so so much.
Does anyone else get to this point sometimes where they get so fed up?
Feel free to share your stories guys x

16-10-18, 08:42

I can definitely relate to this. It's the same with me, things like sitting in a hair salon or in a meeting I feel trapped and it gives me panic attacks. I always feel better when I can move about or leave easily!

When I was in Sixth Form I had to skip a lot of classes as well because I couldn't bear to be in a room like that full of people. Spent a lot of time at home moping! Ended up with agoraphobia, basically couldn't leave the house much at all.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though and you will come out of this. Just got to find the best treatment that works for you and take good care of yourself.

16-10-18, 13:51
Hi Aet1999. Just want to start off by saying well done for quitting smoking. It can t have been easy for you. I also suffer PA. What u have to tell yourself that any situation your in you can always walk away. Having that mind set really helps me Hope this helps.. T.c x

16-10-18, 17:18
Thanks so much for everyone's responses, makes me feel so much better to know I'm not alone!

Whilst it is true you cannot have a panic attack forever as your body will physically not allow you to, you can still have more than 1 panic attack. What I learnt from cbt which has always helped me is that you shouldn't try to escape and should try your best to wait it out, however it can be really difficult to do so.
I hope you start to feel better soon x

17-10-18, 14:47
I have to disagree with that. By staying in the situation I learn that whatever I'm worried about eg dying, doesn't happen and then the next time I panic, I can remind myself of that. It doesn't work like that for everyone, but please don't discourage it as its not a myth and it has really helped me!
Another thing is that a panic attack is not dangerous, a lot of people with health anxiety worry about having a medical condition, and what you're saying can make some people anxious. This can also be incredibly worrying to people with health anxiety if you tell them they are in danger by having a panic attack.
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but I know if someone had told me this when I was less informed about anxiety it would seriously worry me.
I hope you feel better soon x

05-11-18, 02:22
A person can have a panic attack to the point it will cause physical harm to the body. For some sufferers neither cause nor effect of panic is harmless. There are a number of medical conditions which predispose people to not only the onset of panic attacks but also the worst of deleterious effects those panic attacks can bring. That said, most folks who have panic attacks won’t have any underlying predisposing serious illness.

Another myth, perhaps, is that you shouldn’t try to escape from a panic attack situation. I’ve gone through the torture of panic attacks countless times (sometimes even deliberately to test the results of various therapies). Now, the after-effects of following that ‘sit it out and you’ll be stronger next time’ advice just knock me about too much. So if I can avoid or escape a provoking situation, I do.

If you’re young (and everyone who contributes to this forum is apparently younger than me), do everything you can to get your anxiety and panic sorted out. Make it your absolutely top priority. Try to ignore it and there’s the likelihood it’ll bite you so hard your life will be blighted.

I’m never more alone than when in the midst of a full panic attack – it’s the loneliest place I can ever be.

That right there... I ...too have never felt so lonely as when I am having a panic attack. Its the most solitary and lonely experience.

05-11-18, 12:39
I think really the best thing you can do is get to a point where you can think "So what if I have a panic attack? Literally, SO WHAT?!" And really believe it. How you get there is individual to everyone & I find it easier to practice sometimes than others. Sometimes it's not so easy to think that way because my mind will answer "you'll feel like you're going to die & everyone will think you're mental & it's awful" but realistically that probably is the worst case scenario, so so what?!
I'm still working on this, but I've had panic attacks for years and I've never died and nobody thinks I'm mental. If I'm with people and I feel it happening then I'll say "I need to leave. I'm having a panic attack" and they'll say 'Ok' and go about their day. It's not a big deal to anyone else, it's all in my head.
How are you dealing with your panic attacks when you get one?