View Full Version : Going on a trip want to cancel because of HA...

16-10-18, 15:04
My friend and i planned a trip in two weeks. MAN i was excited about it!we planned it all, from the places were going to to the outfits were wearing. but now it just all seems like a drain to me because of my flare up ive had for the past two weeks and a half or so. every night has gotten worse. i worry more. i freak out more. my reflux has been awful. i cant pass nearly as much gas as normaly would, my stomach contantly makes sounds but it cant full on grumble. these are my main two worries and make me think i have appendicitis (dumb, ik, but its all ive been worrying about sick recently and is keeping me up at night crying, esp right now since i read a thread about trapped gas and it actually coming down to the op having appendicitis).

main point is, how do i go on this trip? i dont wanna cancel. but idk if i should since im constantly prodding at my right side and bellybutton, not eating, just being an anxious wreck even when i do something to take my mind off. plus im even getting hives! how do i go and make sure my anxieties wont come my way? its only a three day trip, but itd be the first one i ever go on without my mom or dad, so thts kinda scary and another why i dont want anything bad to happen.

16-10-18, 15:50
I am right there with you. We are supposed to be going to disney next weekend and all I can think about is cancelling. I know I知 not going to have any fun because I知 too worried about myself. I知 trying to push forward because my daughter loves everything Disney and I know she値l have a great time. But I do not want to go.

I値l be following this thread. Good luck to you, hope we both get some great advice!

16-10-18, 16:29
If you had appendicitis for this long you'd have been in hospital ready to be operated on. I've had friends who have had it and they couldn't walk by the end of the it.

Not eating and constantly prodding your stomach isn't going to help you. If you're not eating then no wonder you're not passing as much gas.

Go on the holiday and enjoy yourself, safe in the knowledge you don't have appendicitis.

16-10-18, 16:35
Don't cancel - you'll regret it. I also found that pushing myself to go on vacations even when I was incredibly anxious made me a lot stronger. I found I could survive it and even enjoy myself.

First off, you don't have appendicitis. You would know as the pain is excruciating and you wouldn't have it for days like that without being very aware something is very wrong. Do you have some Pepto or Tums you can take/bring with you?

Second, develop a contingency plan. So, you are anxious. What do you do? Obviously not google, but do you call your parents (are they supportive)? Do you talk to your friend? Take a walk? Listen to quiet music for a bit?

Familiarize yourself with doctors clinics and hospitals where you are going. You're not going to go to them - you're not going to need to - but sometimes just knowing they are there like they are when you are home is comforting.

Most importantly - have fun!!!

16-10-18, 16:36
I hope I can give you some words of encouragement! I too suffer with reflux awfully and most days feel like I’m dying (logically I know I’m not) but the pain is so real I can’t think logically most of the time! I recently went on holiday, I was dreading it, so scared I’d be ill away from home, need a hospital, ruin everyone’s holiday etc. I plucked up the courage and went and I can honestly tell you I had the best time. I relaxed for the first time in months, I was comfortable for the first time in months. The break away could do you the world of good, try and relax and enjoy it and you’ll find your symptoms may ease and you’ll have a fantastic time xx