View Full Version : Armpit bigger than the other

16-10-18, 15:41
Is anyone else's armpit on their dominant arm bigger than the other? Like the muscle maybe? I can't tell if it is that or if that armpit is swollen. There is no actual lump, just feels bigger. Of course this is on the side where I had an ultrasound to check breast lumps a month ago, so my mind immediately jumps to breast cancer.

16-10-18, 15:52
I freaked out about that once. My doctor said it’s totally normal. Everything is not symmetrical. Mine is still the same maybe 10-12 years later and I’m fine (well unless I have a brain tumor, but that’s another topic!). : )

16-10-18, 15:58
This really is one of those things we all have, but on HA sufferers latch on to. Despite what the photoshopped magazines want you think, we are not perfectly symmetrical, with flawless features. One of the worst ways out body does this is in fat and muscle; no side is even, with each side different depending on your lifestyle and genetics. Just like breasts can be naturally a different size and shape from each other, so can distribution of other fat and tissue around the body; i can see my right side wears its fat different than the left side (may be due to my posture, or any number of other things).

Anyway, what you describe is totally common, and if an ultrasound ruled out worries a month ago, i promise, you are still good.

16-10-18, 17:17
My HA mind jumps to that they missed something on the ultrasound and now it's spread. I never paid attention enough to know if this is my normal. Blah.

16-10-18, 17:24
Honestly? If they missed something that was there, and it has grown so large as you can now see it like that (though we rationally know its not, because you acknowledge that its not a lump), you would be having a significant amount of other cancer symptoms, which you aren't.

It you can, try to look back at older photographs of yourself, and see if you can notice it; you might just be surprised..

16-10-18, 18:55
There's going to be no pictures unless I had some with my arms above my head which I know doesn't exist lol. It's where you would shave not the armpit fat area. And I can't see it really looking different just feels different.

16-10-18, 19:52
Hi there I went to the Drs with this because I felt one of my armpits was much more prominent, dr said it was just muscle that was about 3 years ago, I went through a stage about everything being symmetrical and would freak out if they didn’t match, but bodies don’t match, it’s hard to accept it but it’s true you are fine xxx

16-10-18, 19:56
We're asymmetrical by nature. You're anxiety is making your hyper aware and focused on normal bodily structures. It really is as simple as that :shrug:

Positive thoughts