View Full Version : 11 yr old groin/testicles pain slight incontinence

16-10-18, 17:19
Hi, my son has been having some discomfort during the last week in his private area. Yesterday gp sent us to hospital for him to get an ultrasound. All came clear and 2 doctors, including a urologist, checked him out. They found nothing and no uti's. Today, he said that his discomfort increased and when he thinks he has to go to the bathroom he needs to go fast or looses it. He is his normal self eating, no fever, etc, but complains of discomfort.

Please someone advise as I am freaking out. Havent eaten for 2 days and I am in full panic mode.

16-10-18, 19:13
I can't offer advice only an empathetic ear. My current anxiety is solely based around my 10 year old daughter and it is all consuming. If the doctor found no internal problem I would try not to be too concerned. Has he banged or knocked himself recently. Could it be bruising that is causing the discomfort. Has he done any sport that would cause a strain.

16-10-18, 19:35
Thanks for replying. No banging that he remembers. Taking him to gp again tomorrow.

17-10-18, 01:48
Yes, take him back. If it's still happening, or getting worse, it's not acceptable for doctors to simply say tests show nothing, they need to work out why & treat it.

I'm not sure what it could be but in a young boy growing there may be developmental reasons for this and I would have thought the GP would examine his testicles to check for any swellings before moving to any tests.

What I can say is that when I was younger than your son I had a problem where one of my testicles wouldn't drop as far as it should. I had to have a minor operation to have it corrected. I can't remember the symptoms now as I was quite young but it was really a very minor thing and easily corrected without any issues ever again and I wonder whether it could be something like a developmental issue like I had or maybe he has sat down to quicker and caused some strain/inflammation.

Did the GP give any reasoning for the tests or what he/she thought it may be? It could be that they only used the tests to rule things out.

17-10-18, 07:18
That's what I think. Tests were probably carried out to rule out torsion and lumps. Today he is better. It's not really pain what he is feeling, it is more discomfort, he still eats and is his normal self.